Now that you've willingly subjugated yourself to a tyrannical dictatorship which has you imprisoned in your own home for the rest of your life, you've finally got the chance to watch all those really long movies you never qui...
We love money at Bad Dads, almost as much as we love a good old-fashioned armed robbery so we were very excited to discuss this weeks Top 5 Memorable Movie Bank Jobs. With elaborate heists and capers firmly off the table for ...
Have you guys heard about this thing called the internet? Well now we have too and having decided to take up residence there , you can experience more of our mediocre content at - check it out! Whether it’...
No plastic dolls or giant mutant super pigs were harmed in the making of this episode! This week sees the Bad Dads in contemplative mood as we take on some heavier material with subjects such as corporate responsibility, vega...