It may not be obvious to our listeners but we do usually put quite a lot of thought into our choices for each weeks podcast, whether it's to link the main feature and kids tv programme thematically or to ensure we have an eve...
To be a great dancer you need grace, athleticism and style as well as the emotional intelligence to convey symbolism through rhythmic human movement. Naturally this is fertile ground for us dads, well renowned aesthetes and a...
You can't handle the truth! And the truth is that was probably the laziest possible way to introduce this weeks Top 5, which is all about Courtroom scenes. From high stakes and huge drama to reindeer hit-and-runs and everythi...
Just about my favourite thing in all of cinema is the long take or 'oner', whether it's to establish character or geography, to infuse a scene with intensity or drama or to present incredible skill and scale from impossible s...
Two Harry Potter movie fans sit down to discuss the third instalment in the franchise with a self-confessed Potter hater and someone who didn’t even bother to watch the film. J.K. Rowling's fantasy novel series for younger re...
The British drink tea, eat crumpets and are emotionally distant, class-obsessed xenophobes. The French wear berets, wouldn't be seen dead without a baguette under one arm and have questionable hygiene standards. The Italians ...
The Casino can be an intoxicating place in more way than one, especially if you like gambling which I don't. The unquestionable pathway to happiness that gambling guarantees, the glamour, the risk, the reward, the shared soci...
Imagine a world without music. No jazz, soul, punk, funk or gospel, no rock, no roll, no hip, no hop. You can't do it can you, and not only because your brain has been reduced to little more than a paperweight by endlessly sc...
Sidey's relentless bullying campaign finally pays off as Howie dramatically quits the show! Is just one of the ways the mainstream media would have wilfully misreported the fact that our favourite shouty ginger paddle boarder...
Who is the bravest movie character of all time? It could be anyone from Rocky to Ripley to Rambo to John McClane, and that will probably make for an excellent discussion some week but right now none of these people will featu...
Imagine you've been asked to think of the most appropriate film for a group of 40 something dads. Did you think of Mean Girls? Probably not, and yet here we are. Reegs was very keen that we all watched this one, so grab some ...
Just as the vastness of space has inspired creators for as long as our species has been able to cast it's gaze upwards so have the depths of the world's oceans similarly stimulated tales of aquatic mystery. Whether seeking to...
Join the Dads as they take a trip back to 1989. Its yet another seminal 80s "classic" comedy that Sidey never bothered to see. What's his take on, not only the movie, but the work of its star, Mr John Candy? Join the debate o...
For my wife's birthday I bought her a beautiful fridge freezer. I know it isn't much, but you should have seen her face light up when she opened it.* In the real world, the humble fridge is a purely functional home appliance ...
From the stunningly detailed rendering of Avatar's Pandora through to the digital erasure of Arnie Hammer's testicles in Call Me By Your Name, the special and visual effects people have been bringing movie magic into the film...