Prime Episodes

Sept. 22, 2021

Midweek Mention... Identity

Identity is a film that we watched.

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Sept. 17, 2021

Gold & Q-Force

This week’s show is brought to you from the mind of everyone's favourite sea defecator, Howie. There's been a notable rise in diversity on screen over the last few years as evidenced by the increasing number of LGBTQ+ charact...

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Sept. 10, 2021

Tangerine & M.A.S.K

Just like most of the world’s population I'm hopelessly addicted to my smartphone, whether it be used to avoid talking to my family by playing a pointless grindy mobile game or to earn a small fortune by selling my exclusive ...

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July 9, 2021

mother! & Charli's Crafty Kitchen

75% of the Bad Dads wear glasses which it turns out is a decent representation of the general public according to The Vision Council who I've never heard of. That seems like an awful lot if you compare that to the number of c...

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June 23, 2021

Midweek Mention... Human Traffic

Justin Kerrigan's HUMAN TRAFFIC is an exploration of a particular late 90's youth culture: the living for the weekend chemical generation whose hedonism was centred around drug taking and pounding basslines in the super clubs...

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June 2, 2021

Midweek Mention... The Slammin' Salmon

A few of the Dads found something to like in this listener nominated movie. Sidey on the other hand.... Well he wasn't a fan. Not by a long shot! We watched The Slammin' Salmon, and you probably shouldn't!

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May 21, 2021

The Founder & The Tick

Did you know that the origins of frozen desserts are considered obscure? That there are several accounts of their history: some sources even describe ice cream-like foods as originating in Persia as far back as 550 BCE! No? W...

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May 5, 2021

Midweek Mention... Only Fools and Horses

Peter Andre felt like choosing something a little different for our first entry in our Best Of British week. It's still a feature length creations, it is in fact the Only Fools and Horses December 1985 Christmas Special - To...

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April 30, 2021

Page 8 & Malibu Rescue

To be a great dancer you need grace, athleticism and style as well as the emotional intelligence to convey symbolism through rhythmic human movement. Naturally this is fertile ground for us dads, well renowned aesthetes and a...

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April 23, 2021

Palm Springs & Adventure Time

You can't handle the truth! And the truth is that was probably the laziest possible way to introduce this weeks Top 5, which is all about Courtroom scenes. From high stakes and huge drama to reindeer hit-and-runs and everythi...

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April 2, 2021

Midnight In Paris & Find Me In Paris

The British drink tea, eat crumpets and are emotionally distant, class-obsessed xenophobes. The French wear berets, wouldn't be seen dead without a baguette under one arm and have questionable hygiene standards. The Italians ...

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March 31, 2021

Midweek Mention... Muriel's Wedding

I've avoided this movie like the goddam plague. But, Dan has asked us to talk about it for your listening pleasure so I stuck it on one evening. Turns out you can be wrong about a movie from time to time, because we found a m...

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March 17, 2021

Midweek Mention... Howard the Duck

Our Midweek Mention begins our week long delve into the world of Marvel movies. Egged on by Sidey's unrelenting claims that Howard the Duck is the best Marvel movie, Reegs picked this classic tale of girl meets duck. There ar...

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March 5, 2021

Little Big Man & The Unlisted

Sidey's relentless bullying campaign finally pays off as Howie dramatically quits the show! Is just one of the ways the mainstream media would have wilfully misreported the fact that our favourite shouty ginger paddle boarder...

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March 3, 2021

Midweek Mention... Mortal Kombat

If you're not familiar with the rules of Mortal Kombat, allow me to explain it to you. It's a form of kombat (or martial arts kompetition) between fighters from different realms. For some reason our realm - including Earth wh...

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