"We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there. I'm east bound, just watch ol' "Bandit" run." You must remember this one, surely? The whole movie is essentially a car chase from start to finish. It's 1977 and The B...
Sidey's relentless bullying campaign finally pays off as Howie dramatically quits the show! Is just one of the ways the mainstream media would have wilfully misreported the fact that our favourite shouty ginger paddle boarder...
A lot has been written about the Second Amendment to the United States constitution over the years, much of it in dispute over what the right to keep and bear arms means for individual Americans. What I'm sure we can all agre...
Who is the bravest movie character of all time? It could be anyone from Rocky to Ripley to Rambo to John McClane, and that will probably make for an excellent discussion some week but right now none of these people will featu...
When I was 7 years old I had a recurring nightmare for a while in which a Tyrannosaurus-Rex would grow from a single pixel on my old CRT television, slowly at first and then emerging far beyond the edge of the screen until it...
Just as the vastness of space has inspired creators for as long as our species has been able to cast it's gaze upwards so have the depths of the world's oceans similarly stimulated tales of aquatic mystery. Whether seeking to...
My father ran a successful construction company for many years and he was able to apply his fondness for maths, keen eye for engineering and practical skills on a daily basis to build anything from an individuals kitchen exte...
For my wife's birthday I bought her a beautiful fridge freezer. I know it isn't much, but you should have seen her face light up when she opened it.* In the real world, the humble fridge is a purely functional home appliance ...
Sidey's former life as a data analyst is probably one of the reasons why he loves this movie about baseball. Is there any other reason? On paper a film about a sport he doesn't understand, based on granular baseball data anal...
We love money at Bad Dads, almost as much as we love a good old-fashioned armed robbery so we were very excited to discuss this weeks Top 5 Memorable Movie Bank Jobs. With elaborate heists and capers firmly off the table for ...
Across the world, families have traditional rituals to celebrate the relentless and depressing march towards the dead of winter and this year, with the added bonus of a global pandemic thrown into the equation and the near co...
Nobody loves a Christmas movie more than the Bad Dads. In fact we've gone Christmas crazy this week. First up for your listening pleasure we have our belated review of the Bill Murray Xmas classic, Scrooged. Roger Ebert said ...
As I get older I tend to re-watch movies less than I used to; perhaps it's because as I have matured I understand the art form better and have more life experience to draw on to deconstruct cinema. Or maybe it's because as I ...
Despite the near-constant stream of adaptations of books made into movies, “the book was better” seems to be a popular conclusion. But is that always the case? Some of the most successful and beloved films of all times are ba...
It was a tumultuous week in politics; forget Joe Biden's dramatic victory over some guy whose name I can't recall and cast your vote for the Bad Dads Top 5 Memorable Movie Politicians. There's nothing rigged about this electi...