In a single decade between 1984 and 1994 Arnold Schwarzenegger had a run of box office success that is hard to compete with. Starring in, amongst others, The Terminator (1984), Commando (1985), Predator (1987), The Running Ma...
Sidey's former life as a data analyst is probably one of the reasons why he loves this movie about baseball. Is there any other reason? On paper a film about a sport he doesn't understand, based on granular baseball data anal...
With our finger firmly on the pulse we take a trip back to 2002 for The Bourne Identity. The movie is great. We love it so much that we veer off topic and discuss watches. Tune in to find out which brand of watch our noted ho...
Time to squeeze in one final episode for 2020. This midweek mention is all about Sidey waxing lyrical about one of his favourite movies, Grosse Pointe Blank. This movie was released just after Sidey finished school. He often ...
Well we loved the first Gremlins movie, so we thought why not?! Three quarters of us revisited this one just recently. Dan couldn't be bothered, instead he was moonlighting on another podcast! We took him on a trip down memor...
Nobody loves a Christmas movie more than the Bad Dads. In fact we've gone Christmas crazy this week. First up for your listening pleasure we have our belated review of the Bill Murray Xmas classic, Scrooged. Roger Ebert said ...
Time to go over an 80's classic, The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! We loved this years ago, but have the years been kind to it? Is the humour dated or does it still make us laugh? I know what you're thinking? Are...
The Bad Dads are not universally sold on the horror genre. That is to say 75% of us won't watch them! This week Reegs makes the case for the highly rated His House. What are the chances of him actually managing to make the ot...
Have you ever wondered which is the superior version of the movie Total Recall? Perhaps you find Arnold Schwarzenegger's performance in the 1990 version too understated. Maybe you felt that taking all the mutants and Mars set...
Never let it be said that we exist solely to review high brow cinematic offerings! This midweek mention is all about 2017's Baywatch. Now there's a masterpiece if ever we've seen one. Turns out Dan hasn't seen this one. Reegs...
We don't just watch the big blockbuster fare round at the Man Cave. Sometimes we like to delve into the cinematic history books and revisit the films of bygone days... We took an explosive trip back to 1953 to discuss the mer...
Following the sad news of the passing of Sir Sean Connery we thought it would be apt to revisit an old classic. We got together to discuss the 1964 classic, and possibly never bettered, Goldfinger. Not all the Dads are entire...
We had so much fun recording last week's extra episode, we went and did it again. We watched, well some of us anyway, Bloodshot. The results were surprising! Did anyone like it? Who could not enjoy the acting prowess of Vin D...
No one asked us for additional material, but we did it anyway! We've started looking back at some films that have fallen though the cracks. Maybe you missed them the first time round. Perhaps they have improved with age. Or p...