Now that you've willingly subjugated yourself to a tyrannical dictatorship which has you imprisoned in your own home for the rest of your life, you've finally got the chance to watch all those really long movies you never qui...
With our finger firmly on the pulse we take a trip back to 2002 for The Bourne Identity. The movie is great. We love it so much that we veer off topic and discuss watches. Tune in to find out which brand of watch our noted ho...
We love money at Bad Dads, almost as much as we love a good old-fashioned armed robbery so we were very excited to discuss this weeks Top 5 Memorable Movie Bank Jobs. With elaborate heists and capers firmly off the table for ...
Time to squeeze in one final episode for 2020. This midweek mention is all about Sidey waxing lyrical about one of his favourite movies, Grosse Pointe Blank. This movie was released just after Sidey finished school. He often ...
Have you guys heard about this thing called the internet? Well now we have too and having decided to take up residence there , you can experience more of our mediocre content at - check it out! Whether it’...
Well we loved the first Gremlins movie, so we thought why not?! Three quarters of us revisited this one just recently. Dan couldn't be bothered, instead he was moonlighting on another podcast! We took him on a trip down memor...
Across the world, families have traditional rituals to celebrate the relentless and depressing march towards the dead of winter and this year, with the added bonus of a global pandemic thrown into the equation and the near co...
Nobody loves a Christmas movie more than the Bad Dads. In fact we've gone Christmas crazy this week. First up for your listening pleasure we have our belated review of the Bill Murray Xmas classic, Scrooged. Roger Ebert said ...
As I get older I tend to re-watch movies less than I used to; perhaps it's because as I have matured I understand the art form better and have more life experience to draw on to deconstruct cinema. Or maybe it's because as I ...
Time to go over an 80's classic, The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! We loved this years ago, but have the years been kind to it? Is the humour dated or does it still make us laugh? I know what you're thinking? Are...
No plastic dolls or giant mutant super pigs were harmed in the making of this episode! This week sees the Bad Dads in contemplative mood as we take on some heavier material with subjects such as corporate responsibility, vega...
We sat down one evening to discuss the 2018 masterpiece, Replicas. We followed that up with a jaw dropping dissection of Spirit, Riding Free. And, if you love lists we have one about the Austrian Oak.... Join us on our maiden...