Now that you've willingly subjugated yourself to a tyrannical dictatorship which has you imprisoned in your own home for the rest of your life, you've finally got the chance to watch all those really long movies you never qui...
With our finger firmly on the pulse we take a trip back to 2002 for The Bourne Identity. The movie is great. We love it so much that we veer off topic and discuss watches. Tune in to find out which brand of watch our noted ho...
What are some good movies not set on planet Earth? That was the starting point for this weeks Top 5 as we discuss those films that didn't take place on the third planet from the sun. Predictably science fiction and fantasy mo...
“The lack of women directors in the industry is no joke. The top 100 films of 2019 were helmed by a total of 113 directors, 89.4 percent of whom were male and 10.6 percent of whom were female.” So said Women and Hollywood’s M...
Despite the near-constant stream of adaptations of books made into movies, “the book was better” seems to be a popular conclusion. But is that always the case? Some of the most successful and beloved films of all times are ba...
We don't just watch the big blockbuster fare round at the Man Cave. Sometimes we like to delve into the cinematic history books and revisit the films of bygone days... We took an explosive trip back to 1953 to discuss the mer...
As an audience we are predisposed to expect our lead character will survive in the end, no matter how trying their circumstances may be so it's shocking when we witness the death of the main character in a movie. Our Top 5 di...
No one asked us for additional material, but we did it anyway! We've started looking back at some films that have fallen though the cracks. Maybe you missed them the first time round. Perhaps they have improved with age. Or p...
The stench of fear is palpable since it's Howie's turn to nominate. It's fair to say his track record is patchy at best so will this week be more Mid-90's than Brighton Rock? For the sake of all our sanity let's hope so. He s...
This week the Dad's take on a challenge from legendary producer and Bad Dads Film Review music creator, Kraymon (@Kraymon) to name their top 5 movie samples used in songs. Combining two of our passions, music and film, this p...
The sweltering heat of the man cave has the Bad Dads sweating in places we'd rather not mention as we start this weeks session with a Top 5 about Smashed Windows. Was this everything it's cracked up to be? Was it a pane for u...
We have a very special guest this week: Peter Andre! Okay it's not the muscle-bound late 90's antipodean crooner but it is our very own Peter Andre who joins us to help compile this weeks Top 5, about elevators. Will it be an...
Do you have anything you need to get off your chest. So do we. It's movies that make us angry! And there's quite a few... Once we'd calmed down from all that rage, things took on a much more positive vibe as we watched the 20...
Everyone needs to eat and the Bad Dads are no exception, so join us in this mostly food themed episode. Howie returns this week and serves up an amuse bouche as he regales us with tales of his anniversary night. But what does...
We're all about the super sleuth this week... We were very fortunate to be asked to review this week's kids entertainment by TriCoast Entertainment. So we're pros at this game now! We watched Next Door Spy. All you have to do...