Sept. 6, 2024

The Laundromat & Thunderbirds Are Go!

The Laundromat & Thunderbirds Are Go!

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Welcome back to Bad Dads Film Review! Today, we're diving into the flashy and often thrilling world of cinematic money scenes as we count down our Top 5 Cash Scenes in movies. We'll also discuss the complexities of financial manipulation in The Laundromat (2019) and switch gears to the animated high stakes of Thunderbirds Are Go.

Top 5 Cash Scenes in Movies:

  1. The Dark Knight (2008) - The Joker’s notorious scene where he burns a mountain of cash is not only visually striking but also serves as a profound statement on his anarchistic views towards money and power.
  2. No Country for Old Men (2007) - The suspenseful scene where Llewelyn Moss discovers a case full of cash amidst a drug deal gone wrong is pivotal. It sets the tone for the cat-and-mouse chase that underpins the movie's tension.
  3. Scarface (1983) - Tony Montana’s famous “money laundering” montage showcases his rise to power. The visual of cash flowing through counting machines as he builds his empire is iconic in cinema history.
  4. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) - Jordan Belfort’s indulgent lifestyle fueled by ill-gotten gains is epitomized in the scene where he and his cohorts toss cash around their office, highlighting the excess and moral decay of his financial practices.
  5. It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963) - The chaotic scramble for cash buried under the "big W" provides not only comedic gold but also a critical look at greed and desperation as every character vies for the hidden treasure.

The Laundromat, directed by Steven Soderbergh and starring Meryl Streep, delves into the shadowy world of financial fraud and the repercussions of the Panama Papers. The film intertwines multiple narratives to explore how money laundering affects people from different walks of life. While it aims to shed light on complex financial deceptions, the film’s sprawling approach to storytelling sometimes dilutes its impact, leaving us wishing for a tighter narrative focus.

 Shifting to a more family-friendly portrayal of high-tech adventures, Thunderbirds Are Go revisits the beloved world of the Tracy family and their life-saving missions. Although not focused on cash per se, the show’s funding by the secretive and wealthy Tracy family and their high-stakes rescues offer a lighter way to discuss the power and responsibilities that come with great wealth. We hated it.

Whether you're drawn to the dramatic flair of cash flying around in films or intrigued by the intricate depictions of financial malfeasance in modern cinema, today’s episode promises a rich exploration of money’s cinematic allure and its real-world implications. Join us as we unravel the tales of treasure and treachery that make these cash scenes so compelling. 🎬💸👨‍👧‍👦🍿

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Until next time, we remain...

Bad Dads


The Laundromat

Reegs: Oh, these jokes were probably all funnier the first time round, I would have thought.

Sidey: there we go

Dan: I

Sidey: there

Dan: Thunderbugs.

Reegs: I can't, yeah, that can't come back again, I'm afraid. But there are a lot of long sentences, so we'll see what happens.

Welcome to Bad Dad's Film Review, the podcast that will have you laughing harder than a hedge fund manager at a charity auction, as this week we chat about the root of all evil money. That's right, we're securing the coin, coin, coin as we go all in on DOSH, starting with a chat about the top five cash money scenes.

Now is probably as good a time as any to tell you that the views expressed in this podcast are my own and not those of my employer, because like about 20 percent of Jersey's workforce, 7. 5 percent of the UK workforce, and half of the bad dads here tonight, I work in the finance industry. in the IT bit, so it's slightly less soul crushing, but still.

That'll bring me very neatly to our main feature, Steven Soderbergh's The Laundromat. An unfocused rant about money from people who benefit directly or indirectly from the systems depicted within it as being immoral and exploitative. So a bit like this week's episode, then. And then after that, we finish things off with Thunderbirds are go.

Dan: Thunderbirds!


Reegs: Thunderbirds! The 2015 reboot of the beloved Gerry Anderson TV series. Let's meet the sorry collection of dads who are here with me tonight. First up, Ancient Relic Dan, so old he remembers that at one point it was actually worth paying to see Oasis. There's also alluring non dad Chris.

He's a huge fan of the money shot. There's Sidey and let me tell you he's eager to get started and even eager er er to get finished. And then there's me, Reegs. Hello.

Dan: G'day.

Reegs: right.

Sidey: Periodically we talk about getting a checklist of things to do before we start doing the pod. Yeah. Which we haven't done, and once again, have fallen foul of not pressing the right buttons.

Reegs: pressing the right buttons.

We were talking about the record button, of course. It's

Dan: or something. We're talking about the


Sidey: one to press before you start, before you get through it. It's not stop.

Dan: did not

Sidey: did not get all the way through the episode before we realised that's a plus.

But it's still

Cris: is good, yeah.

Sidey: So to recap, for the people in the room, you can hear it again tried to get Oasis tickets, didn't, got really frustrated. Fuck, all that system is bullshit.

Reegs: That was a story for a lot of people, I think. I don't know if anybody else listening managed to

Sidey: I do know people who have had success, but But only through the pre sale one, not through the actual Ticketmaster bullshit.

Fuck them,

Reegs: And have they paid an absolutely

Sidey: No, they were like a hundred quid, you know, ticket, which I still think is You know, more than it should be, but anyway. Yeah. I think they're gonna make, this is something like 50 million each. Probably from this bit of it. The UK bit.

Reegs: Gallaghers.

Sidey: yeah.

Dan: they'll probably do a world tour, and you'll be able to catch

Sidey: know that they are them, they really are Oasis, but it's, it's gonna be high flying birds with Liam Gallagher.

It's not even like bonehead and it's not bonehead was the deal? Well, apparently not. Sy was he dead?

I don't know. Anyway, fuck it. I'm not going to say fuck them. I've been watching Umbrella Academy, which season four is really disorienting. But we'll finish it off. I've got one episode to go.

Not great. Finished Batman homework and other stuff, you know, good. I've been a whole day just locally, but I've been watching that much stuff. I'd have been watching a YouTube thing called beard meets food, which is a Like fairly grotesque eating challenge thing which I quite enjoy.

Reegs: Which you might enjoy. Yeah, yeah. So, daughter is going, starting

Sidey: Yeah. Yeah. So daughter is going starting secondary school in two days time, and we. Decided that we didn't want her to go to second school still believing in father christmas because she clearly like is still locked into that fantasy so we sat down and I said listen, that's all bollocks We've been lying to you your whole life and she sort of took a while to process it and then It was like but but but we saw him in lapland and we're like no it's just some dude some dude in a costume very convincing costume admittedly, but


Dan: very convincing


Sidey: now you have the power to lie to your younger relatives. We

Dan: you have the power to


Sidey: And sort of, I think the implication to me is that there's no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy either, but she's,

Reegs: It should be the end of magical beings sneaking into your house and depositing goods.

Sidey: I think you're right that, because the presence, the presence won't stop.

because I said we said all those presents because she had said like why they got labels on them You know that sort of stuff. So it was starting to think but it's like no we want the credit now for the presence But the two thread that the money for that sort of like that's gone So I think I would be probably more upset about that Because that's not going to happen anymore.

You're not getting money for like bits of you falling off

Reegs: No, agreed. Agreed. Unless it's like a leg.

Cris: Well yeah, but she's not, she's not got that many teeth left to fall down, no?

Oh right, okay.

Dan: that


I watch a thing called King of Stonks.

Which is on

Netflix. right one now.

Reegs: name now. Have you

Dan: It's a, it's a,

difference. A a second take we'll do. And it's about Cable Cash, which was like a PayPal type company in Germany. So it's a true story. It's just started out. It seems really interesting in the characters. You've got this kind of self proclaimed Elon Musk type entrepreneur figure.

Sidey: And

Dan: And then somebody else who's doing all the work below him and taking all the risks and when it started out like that, but it seems quite interesting. I watched a thing on the making of Spotify. I don't know if you saw that one, the

Sidey: playlist

He's a cunt enough, isn't it? Yeah.

Dan: Yeah. And that was really good.

And this is in a similar mold.

Sidey: He said something like why should we pay them any more music costs fuck all to make Fuck you

Dan: indeed.

Sidey: swedish

Dan: Yeah. But he's given us everyone Spotify though, isn't he?

Sidey: isn't it brilliant?

Dan: Yeah. Which

is cool.

Reegs: isn't it? Again, like most things, isn't it? Chris,

Dan: were you up to anything this week

Cris: I didn't watch anything. I was working every day and I was working late. So, no,

Dan: nothing.

Sidey: watch all the homework though.

Cris: Yes, I did. Yeah. I mean, it was my norms. So, I, I can't really, yeah, unlike everyone else here, yeah who watched the stonks, but didn't really have time for,

Dan: it.


Cris: to be fair, no, I didn't, I didn't really have time and I was working the weekend, but I only had yesterday and yeah, yesterday as a day off and today.

So yesterday it was watching football and today and the, the, the homework and that was it. And today the same. And that was it. I didn't really do anything else outside of work, really.

Sidey: What about you riggs?

Reegs: Catchphrase. I watched quite a lot of catchphrase. With the family,

Sidey: the thingy one

Reegs: What's the

Sidey: I was going to say Stephen Merchant, but yeah,

Dan: Stephen

Murchison. Yeah, Stephen

Sidey: Do you scream the answers out before your kids?

Reegs: say Stephen Merchant.

Dan: Is Mr. Chips still in it?

Yeah, yeah. And it was Roy

Sidey: I'm a Roy Walker traditionalist, I'm afraid. Yeah. Is

Dan: he as good this new

Reegs: he as good as

Dan: audiences. Daytime tv. Yeah.

Reegs: Yeah, he's good, I think. He knows exactly, EXACTLY when to look into the camera and say stuff.

Dan: all the skill you need,

Sidey: important.


Reegs: but he does it good. It's not, yeah,

Sidey: just No, it'd be, I

Reegs: I think what would happen is you'd go to pieces

Sidey: is you'd go to pieces.

heard somebody

Dan: tell me that they were on Kevin.

Reegs: Yeah. It's on Pointless. Yeah. Yeah. It's an episode. Is it tomorrow?

Dan: It's on tomorrow,

Reegs: Oh, right. Yeah. Cool.

Dan: So check that out. B.

Reegs: Yeah, Kevin B and Sarah b They sometimes listen to the show, I think as well,

Dan: Well, in, in, well, let's, let's tune in to

Sidey: used to massively hate Richard Osmond. Now I quite like him.

Dan: Right.

Sidey: Quite a big fan.

Reegs: Yeah, he is quite funny and writes a bit. I've never really read any of

Sidey: think I'd read those books, but anyhow.

Dan: Did well on light bulbs as well, didn't

Reegs: Well, there was a top five last week. Can you believe it? We did a top five. I know

Sidey: I don't

Reegs: do these things,

Sidey: we had I think we're getting a little bit niche.

Reegs: Well, it was like, I can't even remember what the topic was.

Oh, it's

Sidey: a bad dad's episode and

Reegs: probably nobody nominated one. That's amazing. Nobody likes one enough to

Sidey: baby did. He says Sicario his favorite episode, I think because it's his favorite film and also hateful a close second. I think he's doing that based on the films that

Cris: that he likes.


Sidey: rather than what we're actually on about.

Yeah, enough.

Cris: Which is, makes sense, I mean, we're not really

Sidey: any any good. Yeah, exactly. And this week we're doing cash money. Let's get right into it.

Cris: This is not too niche. This is not very niche. Coin,

Dan: coin,

Coin, coin,

Sidey: This is

not it. You know that

That, everyone I'm sure

Dan: sure. Yeah.

Sidey: Genis. I hadn't seen it until he got the sack.

Cris: though, isn't it? Him just in the,

Sidey: is really something though, isn't it? Him just in a, it's like a beer garden. Just talking absolute fucking mince. Ha ha, coin,

Reegs: absolute fucking miss. Sipping

Dan: IPA. When you, when you really deserve something. Oh yeah. Coin, coin, coin.

Sidey: It's facial expressions like he's

Dan: And then gonna go and put that out online but there you

Sidey: Yeah, well done but we're talking about this is chris your nomination of cash money have we reinterpreting that I I initially went just for cash.

It had to be cash

Cris: I mean, I, I didn't say any currency, but then it kind of turns into

Reegs: Oh, bli me. That would've been hard. It is. Gotta do dust. Just Danish kroner.

Cris: no, as in gold or

Sidey: So

I didn't do like precious metals and stuff.

Cris: no, no, I, I just, if in my head is just cash, I didn't really consider it if it's euros or dollars or I don't know. Yeah.

Yeah, as long as it's, it's the, the, the form of currency in its solid form.

Reegs: so not things like stocks and shares and,

Cris: No, cash money. Okay,

Reegs: cash money. Cash money.

Sidey: Cool. I was

Dan: None of the ATMs are working. Everyone I went to said insufficient funds.

Cris: Really?

Dan: Yeah. They haven't got any money in them. It's crazy.

Sidey: Crazy. you

Dan: filling up.

Cris: you want cash, let me know. That goes on

Sidey: As it's your week, Chris, do you want to set the ball rolling?

Cris: okay. The first film that came to mind when I said it, although to be fair it was more of a money or a scam related, my first thought of this week was The Laundromat as a the first thing to nominate and then everything kind of revolved around it.

And then I thought after I said scams, we did kind of scams and other bits similar in, in previous episodes. So I thought, right, cash because it's to do with money. And although in the handmaiden, there wasn't that much currency, but there was some currency being exchanged and there is a money scene

Sidey: got a big holdover for that.

Cris: gets the bag full of money.

I, the first movie I thought when I thought cash money is the money train. Willie Harrelson, Wesley Snipes, Jennifer Lopez. I'm pretty sure it's her. She's, she's kind of having sex with both of them at one point. So

Sidey: horny.

Cris: that's quite good. Or, or she used to

Sidey: she's not getting it from Batfleck anymore.

know. No, he's

off the scene. He's

Cris: prozies now.

Sidey: Um, What the internet says, okay. Twitter told me that he's into prozies now, so I'm not, it's not, I'm not making a statement here, but yeah, the money train as everyone's seeing it, I would imagine.

haven't no

Cris: It's quite good. Obviously, it's not a new film. It's quite good. And especially for its time.

I thought it was quite good Probably now if we rewatch it, it's not great. It's got a really good scene where

Wesley Snipes is acting drunk in the tube in New York and she, J Lo comes to his rescue and these really big girls are trying to get him to have sex with them. Like, to basically, Pick him up from the bench in, in the tube and take him home and have sex with him.

It's quite funny, but the movie itself has quite a few scenes with the cash. And there is a train that takes all the used money from the last month or the last few months that are going to be burned or transformed into something else. And they're going to rob that train. So that's the plot of the movie, I

Sidey: Like like a bit like the grain great train robbery But more modern.

Cris: Yes.

Dan: I think I have seen it I think a bit of a while back

Cris: Yes, yeah, it's not, it's not a new film, but, yeah.

Dan: What have you got for us?

Reegs: I'll take the ringer. I'll drive . It was the first movie I thought of was The Big Lebowski. And we have the setup of the Nihilists,

Sidey: isn't it? Yeah. Auto Barn. Autobar.

Reegs: Yeah. And yeah, Walter Ek has to do the handoff, his dirty undies

Sidey: well, no, it's, the dude has to do it and Walter just comes on for the ride and fucks it all up.

Reegs: He

does indeed. Well, he says it he says to later, Simi, he says it went all right.

Dude's car got dinged a bit, but

it's the Big Lebowski. There's still the movie that we will not

Sidey: touch. No. Yeah.

Reegs: So that was my first

Sidey: First one I thought of was the Dark Knight. And then, but then I was thinking, god, there's actually a few in Batman.

So, the first bit. of the Dark Knight is where he's got irradiated bills and they're the ones that are being left behind in all the bank vaults.

Reegs: bank vault,

Sidey: so the bank vault is cleared out of cash apart from, and that's how they know they've got informants in on the, on the inside. But the one I was thinking of specifically is when the Joker has basically ripped off all the other mob bosses and he's got a pyramid of cash and he's just covering it in petrol.

I would say it was more of like a Mayan. Inca style pyramid than a

Reegs: a traditional,

Sidey: And

he says this, this city needs a better class of criminal and I'm going to fucking give it to him and then he just lights it on fire and you can tell he's just a complete lunatic

Reegs: It's not

Sidey: absolute anarchist.

It's just about chaos. The, the, the, the robbery is irrelevant. It's just about creating chaos. He's an agent of chaos. That's it. Yeah. And

Reegs: And a's sort of similar-ish scene in John Wick, I think you reviewed that for the pod, right? Doesn't wick

Cris: Yeah, Viggo Stash in the church, yeah. I had that written down, yeah.


Sidey: Yeah. So, Dark Knight.

Dan: Well, I had that one as well.

It's a great scene, great film. And another basement cash counting scene came in Scarface. He's down. Counting through the money. He's got some other guys one guy's telling another guy how he was. He was in a film with marlon brando and he was the taxi driver if he'd have seen this film and everything and he's just there counting this money with this other accountant who's got a cash counting machine here and And as they get to the end he goes I got.

I got two hundred and forty eight six hundred and seventy five or whatever and he goes I got 247, you know, so he goes 1, 500 off it. Let's count it again. And they're like, Oh, this is a huge pile of money. Like, you know, and he goes, Oh, I'm not fucking going. He goes, fuck it. You, you have it.

Like, you know, 1, 500, you can have it. I'm not going to count it again. So, they do it, but then they do start counting it again. And the police bust in his oil and they go. They've got him and he's just so cheeky to him. Yeah, he's just like, what are you for? I'm just changing some dollars here. You think you got me ain't a fucking nothing He goes you'll be working in alaska at the end of the week Scene cuts, but just cash cash cash everywhere coin coin coin

Reegs: Mm-Hmm. . Yeah.

Cris: Yeah. Speaking of coin, coin, coin a movie that has quite a few scenes with cash is blow with Johnny Depp and the famous scene where we're going to need a bigger boat, where there's cash, cash, cash everywhere because they stack.

They have two flats where they stacked all these, kept all this cash and then they put it on this boat. It's in the walls. It's in the cupboards. It's he opens up to put more money in different places. And there's everywhere, even where you have the ironing board, he opens it and there's, there's stacks of cash.

And then he turns around. He's like, Oh, they're talking business. Why are we going to get moved? Another plane, blah, blah, blah. And then he's like, we're going to need a bigger boat. This is not enough to keep all this cash. Which is a movie where I have to say, I really, really enjoyed at the time. I know it's a drama, but it's a fairly accurate depiction of Carl Young's actual life.

And he's also got a really good quote in it where he's initially in court. And the judge says to him like, Oh, you don't seem to be very remorseful. And he's like. Your Honor, I just obviously Johnny Depp being Johnny Depp, I just crossed an imaginary line with, in, in the, with a load of herbal, because he was initially a weed dealer from Mexico.

I was like, I just crossed an imaginary line with some herbs. I don't think you can prosecute me for that. He's like, well, young man, you know, The line is very much real and those herbs are against are illegal. So there you go. Five years in prison, mate.

Sidey: Is it Penelope Cruise in that

Cris: Yes. Yeah. And she's

Sidey: smokes. Yeah.

Cris: yeah, really, really

Sidey: good.

Cris: rigs.

Reegs: Briefcases full of cash. They're a big thing. I've got, and then usually for when you're exchanging a ransom or whatever there's a couple that are a bit different in kill bill. There's a suitcase full of cash of a million dollars, but also a a black Mamba in

Sidey: Oh yes, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Reegs: and assassinate L driver is the character's name.

I think maybe back to the future part two has a scene with Doc's emergency cash in his briefcase from different time periods. So, and dumb and dumber had it was as good as cash.

Dan: IOUs.


Reegs: that counts, right? I mean, it's as good as cash is

Sidey: Our word is our bond.

Reegs: Exactly. So it's as good as cash.

Dan: will pay every dollar

Sidey: You also Sometimes

Reegs: you get those ones where they like. They're actually accurate with like what a million dollars looks like in a suitcase and you open it

  1. Yeah, Dodger. It's

Sidey: literally does it.

It's just like a tiny little, it's a hundred grand. It's like just a pathetic little wad of cash. Yeah

it's good. He also had a simple plan. I think with Billy Bob Thornton is a suitcase of

Reegs: man, we should do that again for

Sidey: No country for old men is a suitcase of cash as well. Yeah.

Reegs: yeah That's how it

Sidey: Good subset.

Dan: Nice suitcasing.

Cris: It's got the tracker in it as well.

So that's how Yeah. He knows

Sidey: where What, an air tag?

Cris: Pardon?

Sidey: An

Apple AirTag,

Reegs: There are other brands

Sidey: it? I was thinking about, you know, we did the laundromat and we some of us in here work in the finance industry and we're always getting at this point hammered home about money laundering. So I was thinking about, you know, proceeds of crime immediately thought of.

Breaking Bad. I think the point where Skylar realizes the scale

Reegs: scale of the

Sidey: The garage. Yeah. Okay, well

we'll leave that one out.

Reegs: That one out.

Sidey: Well, it's the one where,

you know,

he's got a lock up. Yeah. And he, you know, whips the door back and there's this enormous pallet load of fucking cash that it can't, you know, it's like how when when the you're so successful that you're


Reegs: Yeah.

Sidey: are you going to be able to launder that amount of cash through a system?

It's, it's challenging. And when she sees it, she's like, Holy shit. I thought it was just like a few dollars here or there, but it's actually

Reegs: It's like more money than you could ever spend ever in your life.

It just fills up this room and you couldn't launder it.

Sidey: It's ridiculous. And,

Reegs: And at that point we finally realized he's gonna have to give up cooking meth. Really? Because it's just like, at what point is enough?

Sidey: then the success, the, the amount of money is actually a problem. Yeah. You just can't do anything with it.

Reegs: Yeah.

Dan: Sonny's been insisting that I haven't seen Breaking Bad because I watched the Two hour movie on it on fast forward and and that's kind of ticked the box for me but he thinks there's more to it than that

Cris: that What, is there a movie on

Sidey: it? El Camino? Shit?

Dan: not el cabino they did a two hour breaking bad movie where they just condensed the whole series down into a two hour movie

Reegs: No,


Dan: They

Sidey: on YouTube might've done, they


Dan: on like Prime or netflix.

So yeah, it was it was

Cris: What, is it on Fast Forward or

Dan: I watched it on fast forward because it was quite boring. But

Sidey: the series is

Dan: got I got the I got the gist of it So i've never seen that

Cris: it either, but Everybody says it's really good and I believe it, but

Dan: I, I think, I think if I've seen that two hour film, I've probably ticked it off. That's what I think. I, I've got Ewan McGregor involved in a couple of cash money scenes. One in Shallow Grave where he, where we did that for the pod. Obviously, he's counting the monies found with a guy who's dead.

He's just moved into his, his house and train spotting. Of course, he's sneaking out the door. Another sort of duffel bag or suitcase of cash. So that's you and McGregor.

Reegs: Another Danny Boyle one, was it

Dan: millions? Yeah. And, and some and millions. You've got this 9-year-old kid who finds a, a suitcase or a duffle bag of money and it's, it's been thrown off a train.

He thinks it's come out the sky, and he's been brought up kind of religious, so he thinks it's God that's given him this money, this young boy, and he takes it home and doesn't tell anyone. Eventually he tells his dad and it's mainly a. Like a

Reegs: before like the euros like the

Dan: Yeah, something like that, I mean it's mainly a movie about money in the wrong hands, you know things can go wrong but It was yeah another kind of danny boyle one

Cris: I don't have a Danny Boyle one, but I've seen this movie, I think it was on Netflix. Probably last year or a movie called Triple Frontier. It's kind of action y, with Isaacs, the, I don't know what

Dan: Isaac

Sidey: Jason Isaacs?

Cris: Isaacs with Charlie Hunnam and Ben Affleck, who's in love with prozies, apparently, allegedly.

And they are retired kind of special forces.

Agents and they have this information. I think Ben Affleck is the leader and he has this information that there's a place in the jungle.

Reegs: Is this triple frontier? Did you say? Yeah.

Cris: that's what I

Reegs: Yeah.

Cris: Yeah. Okay.

Reegs: Yeah. Yeah. I've seen this. It's good.

Cris: And well, anyway, they go in the, in the jungle, somewhere in Central America, I think I'm pretty sure it looks like Central America or maybe South America.

And they go into this house, they kind of kill everyone or shoot everyone. And then they're like, there's no vault. Where's the money. And then I think the guy punches the wall in anger.

And then when he, I'm pretty sure.

Reegs: the money's in the,

Cris: all the money. And then the guy's like, the house is the vault because there's money in all the walls.

everywhere in the walls, which this is not in a movie, but this is a real fact. And I used to work in Ibiza for a couple of years for a couple of summers. And two years ago, when I went back to see one of my mates there, he said to me that just before COVID or after, I can't really remember.

There was a big story in the Spanish press that when they Apparently it was no tip for the police, but they raided Pacha, which is one of the biggest clubs in Ibiza. And apparently there was over four and a half million euros in the walls at Pacha. Yeah. Cash.

Reegs: That's a good one. Triple frontier though. Cause the whole movie is basically about them trying to get out whilst they're wounded with the whole, like, they've been abandoned by their superiors, the military coming after them.

They got all these fucking massive duffel bags full of cash and they have to make loads of choices about like

Cris: Who stays behind while we're going to bury it.

Reegs: Cash or this guy or whatever. Yeah, it's a really good one.

Cris: Yeah, I did. I did enjoy that. And I remember, especially with the, with the fact that it's in the walls and I yeah, so that. Reese.

Reegs: Well I'm getting kind of close to the end.

We had the killing, not that long ago, Stanley

Cris: Yeah, I had that on my list as

Reegs: scene where the fucking Pomeranian or whatever it was, causes the issue with the Yeah fucks the guy's dreams with the money that he's stolen from the track and the Sopranos has seen, there's a, there's an episode where Chrissy Moltisanti, who's the up and coming, the young, the youngest of the made guys, I'm not even sure if he's made at this point, but he's the up and comer, and he's constantly stuck paying the tab for dinner, and it just, you know, Escalates to like an absolutely ridiculous level to like when they go into Atlantic City and it's like five figure

you know

bill just for breakfast and all this stuff like and he ends up murdering some guy in a car park because of it all

Sidey: it

Reegs: and then i've got one more which is going to be the new pick not that breaking bad one

Sidey: a couple of safes or vaults.

Ocean's Eleven. The Clooney one. They they point out the reason that they're targeting that particular vault in the Bellagio is because it's fight night. It's on a weekend. It's a holiday, blah, blah, blah and the Nevada gaming laws said that you have to have X amount of cash in the vault to cover the That

Cris: Potential losses,

Sidey: level of gambling.

And so they do that and they fucking rob the whole lot. And In heat which we watched they robbed the bank vault and we see them with these big fucking hole doors Just getting enormous blocks of cash tipping it in and struggling to carry them out and then in the wire Avon Barksdale's time is up and the net is closing in and the police basically have them banged to rights and they're about to break the door down and arrest him.

He's talking to Stringer Bell and they've got a safe in the room and he's like, how much is in the safe? And Stringer's like, oh, it's only about a quarter of a million. He's like, we'll just open it. No point, no point breaking a perfectly good safe for that little amount. And this again is like just got so much money from the drug trade that I don't want them to break a safe just, just for a quarter of a million.

And he's had some other fucking cool lines in the film and in the series, but

money, money, money. My last one will be my norm.

Dan: my normal. Okay, well I'll run, through what I've got left.

Casino. Yeah. Obviously, it's a classic Mafia film and it could have been a whole load of Mafia films that we could have thrown in cash money scenes

Reegs: Logan Lucky had that

Dan: Obviously the classic let it ride with Richard Dreyfuss and and Robbie Coltrane. We love for the pod so much, duck tales, but

Reegs: Oh, that's my knob.

Dan: Oh, was it?

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I wasn't sure we were garlic. I I should

Reegs: into piles of cash. Well, how

Dan: well

Reegs: dive in and everybody else, like, he can

Sidey: die.

He would die. Is

Dan: Because he knows, because he knows how to swim through money, because he's

Reegs: not possible, I don't think.

Dan: Slumdog Millionaire was another Danny Boyle one, and the bath scene where the old friend who became a gangster is, he kind of drowns in all his money as he goes down protecting the life of You remember that scene?

Reegs: I do, yeah, a bit,

Dan: and there's kind of a load of cash money in the bath with him and it just shows his life and you know, and things. But I've got my choice left and it's, it's a good question actually, my choice. How much would it cost for a night with your wife?

Reegs: Oh, Indecent Proposal. And I think it's all strewn across the bed, isn't it?


Dan: That's right, yeah. I mean, how much would it cost you for a night with your wife? A million? Would a million cut it?

Cris: What?

Dan: A million pounds? Did you ever see the film Indecent

Cris: Yeah, it's Would

Reegs: you let a, would you let a millionaire barf your wife for a million quid?


Cris: can fuck off.

Reegs: Yeah, well, there you go.

Dan: And that's from a man who's not even married.

What about us? Million?


Sidey: listen

Reegs: No, that's not,

Cris: No, that's not, I mean, if that's a real question, then we're not together anymore.

And it's done. So, no.

Dan: she would sell you you know that

Reegs: would you, Would

you let her wank him off for like 50 grand or whatever, or is that, no, is

Sidey: I'd surprised to be that high. Yeah

Reegs: yeah.

Dan: a million. Oh, when you see the money, right? Well, that's my

Reegs: Indecent proposal.

Dan: decent proposal.

Cris: I've only got a, a couple of them both well, two with Jason Statham, the Wrath of Man, where he drives this armored car and there's loads of money in, in it.

There's Safe from 2012 where he's a homeless guy and he, well, he's a former of Special Forces whatever of Homeless saves this 12-year-old Chinese girl. And at the end. They go, I think, into the nightclub and they, him and the police, the head of police, they come out with like, duffel bags full of cash.

Reegs: It's another one actually, the bank job. Did you ever see that?

Cris: yes, yeah, the, in, in England where they talk to, through walkie talkies and, and that's how he gets recognized by his daughters. Oh, there's daddy on the radio and he's,

Reegs: yeah. Yeah.

Cris: Which I, I remember that. Yeah. Yeah. And.


my norm will be inside man Spike Lee joint. And it's also a vault scene where they rob.

Yes, but there's also when they, they show the scene of the vault, they open everything out. And there's the, the kid that plays that violent game. He sits on a, on a brick that's made out of cash. in the middle of the vault and eats a pizza and he speaks to the the head criminal with Clive Owen and he's like oh what are you playing oh this game and yeah die die die and he's like we need to speak to your dad about this this is shocking but that's the vault scene where okay they take the diamonds and the ring and whatever this guy's thing but there's there's a really cool scene and i really like that movie

Sidey: Doesn't christopher plumber called jodie foster a cunt in that film.


Cris: you're a magnificent

Sidey: Yeah, yeah, well that's okay

Reegs: Well, show me the money.

Jerry Maguire,

Sidey: I had that one down.

Reegs: gonna, I forgot to mention that, but I know I'm going for DuckTales. It's so much money that you can swim in it. I don't think we've had Scrooge McDuck on here

Sidey: don't think so. I was thinking about only falls and horses, you know, this time next year we'll be millionaires and then eventually it does happen and they should have ended it there, but they carried it on beyond that.

And there's a blackout episode where like an alchemy themed one where George is trying to create gold and he invents purest green. People like that one. But I'm going for arrested Development. Don't think we've had that

Reegs: Oh, the money in the

Sidey: There's always money in the banana stands like what you're talking about there and so old man bluth is telling them because they're strapped for cash like there's always money and they've got this It's stand shaped like a banana.

It's frozen bananas that they dip in chocolate and then put nuts on it and they're like, okay Yeah, so they burn it down. It's like no there's fucking

Reegs: money in there.

But they've all fucking like

Sidey: But they've all fucking like set fire to it as an insurance job, yeah, so the rest of development that's never been in before

Reegs: before. Okay, so,

Sidey: so,

Dan: so, yeah mine's just the moral maze that that indecent proposal

Sidey: you've already done one, haven't you? You're

Dan: That's it yeah i've just i thought we were going around because We're not

Sidey: I thought you put in, I thought

Dan: so good.

It's twice. There you go

Sidey: that's fine. So we just need another nom online.

Dan: one more

Cris: Yeah.

Sidey: The Laundromat.

Reegs: Yes

Sidey: It's a deceptive title, isn't it?

Cris: It is. Well, yeah, it is.

Sidey: Because it, like, almost Yeah, no clothes

Reegs: done. No. No, this was

Sidey: could see.

Dan: this was all about cleaning coin coin coin, wasn't it?

Reegs: it? That's

Sidey: Steven Soderbergh.

Dan: who remind me

Reegs: him. Who,

Sidey: 11. Yeah, he won

Reegs: Austin's the

logo. Sex, Lies and Video

Sidey: I think so. I think this year. Yeah. Yeah, the Ocean's films and stuff really like highly regarded auteur

Dan: And he did this. Yes.

Reegs: And we've reviewed a number of his movies, hang on. We did Behind the Candelabra, that was one of

Dan: right. Yeah. I enjoyed that.

Reegs: Logan Lucky was one of his, Magic Mike was one of his. So, and we have from time to time

Dan: he's got lots of ones.

Sidey: Yeah.

Possibly then our most reviewed director.

Reegs: He's gotta be up there actually. Yeah.

Sidey: This kind of sets the scene with Banderas, an old man. Yeah. As Mossack and Fonseca. Yeah. I don't know if I got that the right way around. And they do a kind of documentary. Through history thing to get us to

Cris: about money.

Reegs: Yeah.

Sidey: you know, the financial thing has come about

Reegs: how bartering was replaced

Sidey: but they're very quickly getting to modern day and bar

Reegs: and in the background that, you know, the metaphor is stretched pretty harsh as they like, they start setting fire and then it sets fire to the tree and gets rapidly out of control very

Dan: Yeah, they're saying that if, If a guy has a load of bananas, then he would swap them with somebody else. But then it became a problem because he wanted a cow and the guy who had a cow didn't like bananas. So they had to invent something else. And yeah, they take us through this kind of history. And they bookend lots of the chapters in this film with Images of different currency.

And this is the first kind of little bit, isn't

Reegs: it? Yeah, well they tell you five secrets. The Gary Oldman's doing a weird thing, isn't he? Where he's kind of pretending to be Werner Herzog, I guess?

I don't know. He's doing this

Cris: to be German?

Dan: Yeah

Reegs: It's not working for me, I don't know. But Banderas is quite smooth and they're doing this Breaking the fourth wall, talking to you, type, Wolf of Wall Street,

Sidey: Yeah, they're narrating the kind of,

Reegs: big short vibe thing.

Sidey: landscape.

Reegs: Yeah.

Dan: And we start following a

Sidey: Oh, we meet my favourite,

Reegs: to be about five secrets that they tell you. The first is that the meet will be screwed.

And that's when we meet Meryl.

Sidey: Yeah. And her husband, they're on a boat tour.

Reegs: It's ' cause it's got an incredible

Cris: he's got loads of great actors.


Sidey: James Cromwell, Oliver's great grandson. And

Dan: and they're, they're going they're a lovely couple, old ageing

Sidey: we don't know that, we don't know anything about their backstory.

Dan: they look

Sidey: They could be child molesters for all we know. very

Reegs: more evidence that they're lovely than that. She, there's a scene where he can't put his shoes on, I

Sidey: There you go.

Reegs: She puts it on for

him. and we see they're still in love and blah, blah.


Dan: And they're sort of making their way down to a pleasure boat on a lake. And there's

Sidey: It's the Hudson, isn't it?

Cris: No, Lake George. Ah. Lake George,

Sidey: Where the supermarket's

Reegs: Yes.

Dan: that's it. And yeah, and for some reason there's, there's a small yet firm big wave that topples the boat that they're

on in

Sidey: capsized, don't they? Yeah. Capsize.

Dan: and, and unfortunately he dies 21 people die and the insurance are then going into it after all the funeral and the sadness of all that.

Sidey: Yeah, it's Ross, it's Ross from Friends, he's really upset about it because he's negotiated a cheaper insurance deal.

Dan: deal on behalf of the boat guy. Who is was

Sidey: his father. But he's also got a sideline in terminating.

Reegs: He He's

bought basically, yeah, he's, He's insured the boat and the house through this, the restaurant. At the restaurant, sorry. Through this company, which has then sold that insurance to another company that it's kind of turtles all the way down to others

Dan: it's, it's this ski is this scam, this scheme where one insurance company will buy another insurance company by now. And they're all kind of underwriting and overwriting each other. And they're hiding up their own ass. Yeah, they don't exist. But they don't know this at the moment.

Reegs: own minded. They begin

Dan: going finding out and seeing people

Cris: There's also a call from us trying to get

Sidey: There's also a call from, I think David Schwimmer is trying to get ahold of people to, cause they're panicking. They'll shit. We're now personally liable for all these people who have died.

That's going to be, you know, substantial in America. And so he's done and we, we get a a look into, is it a Kitson Nevis where their, their office is and it's Jeffrey Wright. And the secretary comes through and it's just some shitty like sham office, you know, it's like, well, you've got a phone call, you know, you need to take this call, it's from someone asking, and he's like completely flummoxed because It clearly doesn't deal with insurance.

Yeah, there's there's just like a dead end, you know, and he's the guy who's got to, you know, deal with it. And honestly, it's like me when the phone rings. He's like, I don't know what that

know. I don't look at work. Yeah, I

Reegs: I don't know what

Sidey: know about that!

Reegs: But she has tracked him down via this paper trail and she has actually gone over to see him in. There's a great sequence when she's on the plane where she goes postal with a shotgun. Meryl Streep gunning everybody down. If the rest of the movie had been as good as that I'd have loved it. But it's a great Anyway so she does get there and she's looking around for it's just a p.

o box in the middle of like a tin pot island town and she even sees Jeffrey Wright go past her.

Cris: Well, she asked for directions from him.

yeah. I'm looking for this guy, Bonser or whatever, and he's like, never heard of him. And he just looks like

Dan: he's

Reegs: leaving. His life here to go and live with his second family that we

discover out In Miami,

Sidey: It's a shock to his first wife as well when she finds out.

Dan: the lady that arrests him has also been talking to David Schwimmer and saying that it's a fraud. We know this is a fraud. We're closing in on these people, but you know, it's what can you do? They're moving around.

Reegs: Oh, yeah, because in the background, we've seen Mos it's irrelevant because Mossack and Fonseca have been talking The way they've done it is that they've just created this paper trail, he's talked about time as an illusion, they say, and he's gone back and changed the names of different secretaries and put them in I think he puts one in the name of a woman who then ends up getting killed, and they have to transfer 25, 000 corporate ownerships to something else,

Dan: that's right and he just asked the next secretary in line who's clearly not Understanding what she's signing.

She's just been given a promotion. She

Reegs: No. Who clearly looks fucking weird.

Like, like


There's something weird going on with that person. This Latina secretary.

Dan: Yeah, yeah, she was an unusual looking lady and then and we find out why later of course, but


she's been given the job and Then Is in charge of 25, 30, 000 these shell companies. So basically they're just companies that don't have a business office location. They're just email addresses and telephone numbers in a safe, in a trust hidden a wave under privacy laws.

Reegs: 240 000

they had of these shell companies set

Dan: and

eventually the Panama Papers come out and this shakes them right to the bone. They're having to close businesses in, in Monaco, in Wyoming, in Jersey. That gave us a shout

Reegs: Yeah, that's that's kind of towards the end of the movie though, isn't

Sidey: the end of the movie there, isn't it? They also tell

Dan: stuff. People

Cris: I think it was exclusively about the Panama Papers and the league, but not reality and stuff. It's basically made for, if you're rich, there's so many billionaires and there's so many millionaires. And if you have money, that's where you want to, you don't want to pay tax, inheritance tax, you know,

Sidey: It's fairly sensationalized, and lazy, I would say.

Reegs: I, I mean, well, it's just more like everybody in it as well talks openly, like, what is it really about this movie?

Because everybody in it talks about how they personally benefit from it. There's a scene in it where the director's, like, there's, I own five of these companies and the writers, like, I own one as well. So I mean, Well,

Dan: I mean, What

Reegs: What they were

doing was a fucking scandal. But over here, right, it's quite a highly regulated,

Sidey: can get into that at the end, right? So, part one is Meryl's story and the insurance thing and how that, to me, it's a completely separate story to what


don't know we

will we will come out of it from a Jersey bias, right?

Certainly you and I work in it. This is this is separate. This is fucking shoddy. This is fraud. This is down

Reegs: Well, because it's about so many different things though, right? Because they talk about tax avoidance, right? Which

Sidey: that's

not what they're doing in this story in the mail, it's it's just it's just fraud Yeah, it's got nothing to do with tax planning or

Reegs: Yeah,

Dan: there's And one second

Reegs: they were, they were knowingly to them, really, letting these unscrupulous people, they weren't doing any of their due diligence or anything, they didn't give a shit, they were setting up money and making it all happen, and doing the administration for loads of this stuff, and skimming shit off the top,

Dan: And and they eventually and they eventually get caught. Yeah, And there's

Reegs: there's a load of intersecting stories. There's one about a really rich South African guy who with, he, he's, has to pay some kind of hush money, twenty million dollars to this owner. He'll give it to his daughter to get her to shut the fuck up when she sees him.

Sidey: banging hit her

Reegs: mate in the pool. He tells her this is her introduction to adult life as she's going to graduate.

it's disappointments and negotiations, bearer shares. You can, if you, whoever holds physically these bearer shares is the owner of 20 million worth of whatever is invested in this company to be used at your discretion, and then it eventually turns out to be bullshit.

Sidey: They're worthless.

Dan: Because they're, they're owned by

Reegs: it somewhere else.

Dan: Yeah and they, they go to prison, but they also come out quickly and say, you know, there's, there's another, 000 of us are ready to go to step in to to do this. So the John Doe that had given them away, can't be everywhere to give all these firms away.


Reegs: Oh, are we gonna skip past the third one and we and go straight into the end of the movie or

Dan: of the movie?

Reegs: it looks like you want to, yeah.

Dan: well, not

Sidey: Heywood?

Reegs: Yeah. The this was baffling, really. You had to kind of, really, like, read afterwards, okay, that's exactly what this was all about. Because it was just shady fucking British guy

Sidey: and Yeah.

Reegs: bribery and, you know. A whole load of unscrupulous corruption.

Sidey: I felt like the movie and in and tying it back to the Panama Papers leaks was trying to say that offshore finance is wrong. But there's a distinction between whether you think something is morally questionable or everything that we've been shown in this is just criminal activities. It's got nothing to do with. Offshore

Dan: Well, they, no, they, they've, they've mixed

Cris: to do with Fonsek or Krevuk,

Sidey: Yes, so they were

Reegs: it's to do with them. But then in the last bit of the movie that Dan is so desperate to get to, they do suddenly have a whole rush of ideas that they do talk about.

They talk about Delaware, which you mentioned. Yeah, Obama's already said on tv, well, this isn't illegal. It's it's kind of a gray area. And they've got these, so the United States is

Sidey: because he will have stuff there and every fucker in government

Dan: I think what

Reegs: So Yes, the

financial system is rigged to, is jury rigged to protect those who have the most amount of money and to give them advantages over everybody else. But I don't need a fucking patronizing movie. And to tell me that

Sidey: And I don't, well, I don't like when I see someone like Antonio Banderas, now I don't know what their financial arrangements are, guaranteed they

Reegs: they're millionaires,

Sidey: will, they will have, they will have, they will Arrangements in place that works to their benefit and to them be on the screen going.

Ooh, trust. Ooh

I'm like you can fuck off because I bet you've got loads of them and then like you say everyone's telling you in the film that they have it

Reegs: Yeah. And then in the most baffling moment, really in the entire movie, all the fourth wall stuff, just. totally shatters and Meryl Streep unveils herself as John Doe, the, the, the person who she speaks some actual lines that John

Dan: looking lady in the

Reegs: looking lady, and so she's been brown facing it the whole time, takes off all this shit and stands as the Statue of Liberty and talks about campaign reform!

Which is the first time that's been mentioned in the movie. And that's how it ends. So she stands as the chapter, the statue of liberty. It's like, just so unfocused.

Dan: ends with the palm trees and I see your point and they do confuse and mix the absolute fraud of Fonseca and what's his face?

Mossack in, in their building of shell companies that are just going up their own ass to, to nowhere. And then they mix that in with

Sidey: I didn't really banking

I didn't really follow What their interpretation of shell companies because

Reegs: Yeah,

Sidey: we will have you know, you'll there'll be loads of companies that exist and jersey has a you know has very well out of their at least recent money Val investigation into how well Jersey does in terms of stopping proceeds of crime, you know, money laundering and all that stuff.

And they did, you know, they came out really well at that.

Reegs: oh man, they're endlessly banging on about it in my

Sidey: It's just a really, it's just a really easy political drum to bash to say, Oh, well, those people over there are like money laundering and everything that goes on over there is really bad, but everything's fine here. And this is bullshit. But shell companies.

The way that Jersey does it, to put a context of how it works for us, is that the There are people who will have arrangements in Jersey, but there has to be there has to be inadvertent copies of substance to it So meetings everything like physically has to happen here. There has to be people on the ground.

It's not like the old nameplate above the door in registered office where you know, it's completely shaded. No one knows what the fuck's going on. Like it's proper. Everything's done Properly now whether you agree or disagree with people earning money somewhere else and using a system to funnel that money through other that's not if that's probably not even true of what judges

Reegs: of the targets though, in this movie, to be fair,

Sidey: but that's the one that people will that's the one that you because you can say to the whole population in the uk or isn't it outrageous the way rich people put their money and don't get taxed and that's that that's to me was where the it

Reegs: it probably, right, it probably is, but how, the system, how do you destroy the

Dan: probably, is, but how does this, how do you

destroy the system?

Reegs: It's

It's fucking outrageous because running it does get you outraged. 'cause one of the things it talks about is the lack of corporate tax paid on $69 billion worth of pre income tax in America on these massive corporates.

Nothing paid at all on this. And then it does give you some of the statistics because it talks about like the real. High net worth stuff. There's 2000 billionaires on the planet and what was it? 15

Cris: million millionaires?


Reegs: So we are talking about a very tiny amount of people that this

Dan: I used to

Sidey: I used to have a client that wasn't my client.

I used to work on on a client at home. Place that I used to work. So not quite now. I'm not a place that I used to work with but they were a big electricity provider basically in this town in Switzerland and they said, oh, you know, we just set the tax rate for the town. Like, like, we're so big. They couldn't do anything about it because If we pull out that place is fucked like completely fucked the whole town would just employ there'd be no way We employ everyone in that town.

So yeah, literally like and you know, how do you change the system like that?

Reegs: I know I know exactly

Cris: When

you are too far ahead to go back and you can't put the, the, how do you say it in English, where you can't put the rabbit back in the hat or whatever it's

Sidey: Tax tax was originally only ever a temporary arrangement

Reegs: I mean, you know, I know everybody hates Bill Gates and all that stuff, but he is giving away his fortune, which is a vast, vast amount of money. He's

Dan: money.

Reegs: away.

Sidey: away. He's controlling us now. Yeah.

Dan: Yeah. Well he is listening. He's a very big

Sidey: We're nanobots and stuff.

Reegs: So the movie, right, it's got his heart in the right place, kind of, sometimes in some of the issues that it

Sidey: talks about.

I really don't know

Reegs: approach. But yeah, it's really, I did not like some of the acting choices and it's kind of bizarre, but in an uninteresting way.

Sidey: really surprised when I I'm sure I must have known at first When it first came out because it was one of those where when I went to watch it.

It's on netflix I had started it and turned it off. And when I was writing my notes I was like fucking steven soderbergh. You're better than this. Like this is just not your best work at all


Reegs: And it feels really long, even though it was only like an hour and 36 or

Sidey: Yeah,

Cris: something. For me,

Dan: it was only like

Cris: was I

Dan: and 36 or something. Yeah, it's just an hour and a half, yeah. Gary Oldman's.

Reegs: quite

Dan: Yeah, he was really good. And I'd forgotten Gary Oldman was in it, actually, as, as

Cris: there were, Sharon Stone,

Sidey: Sharon Stone, yeah.

Reegs: Yeah. Like the car will font,

Dan: but I, I really liked it, and, and the fact that it puts this important issue, they're talking about it, it might not be accurately depicting everything it says and


does it

Sidey: the problem I had

Dan: out of its way to muddy the waters

Sidey: the stuff that it's talking about is just out and out.

Criminal activity, you know, fraud and stuff. That's

Dan: not only I think it mixes it. I think it's kind of it does that, but it doesn't really differentiate it between it. So it's like it's all one big criminal activity.

I enjoyed the film and I enjoyed the subject matter. I enjoyed the way that they tried to tell the story because people do feel really fucked over with a lot of, you know, the insurance companies and those fraudulent kind of scams and you think, well, how does it get away with it?

And as they gave their argument over, you know, thank you very much for listening to our side of the story. Two slime bags really in it for the money said, They started out with intentions, or at least one of them did Bandera, but just, fuck, capitalism.

Reegs: his story was the most interesting because he was, he was a priest, wasn't he? And he wanted to be an ethical lawyer as well. And eventually life, his, his inspiration gets carted off by the police in the coup.

And he ends up you know, kind of,

Disgruntled at the world. I guess

Dan: He worked

Cris: he worked at the UN and then he decided, he realized that,

if you can't ,

Reegs: he can't save everyone. I'm gonna save myself, is what he says.

Sidey: Cash money, yo. Coin, coin, coin. And just doing it.

Dan: Scam country, companies is completely but what he was doing within the law was what? Kept him in business. So I liked it. I thought it was a decent one. I think you should

strong recommend. for me.

Cris: Yeah.

I, I quite liked it. It, there was the reason why I recommended it, it was because I liked the fact that.

It's simple. It, I don't really look at films, what the message is. I'm not that deep. I can care less what the message is. I thought it was had a really few funny bits. The, the guy in Panama, when the call phone call rings, it's like, Oh, what is three one five? Oh, I don't know.

Sidey: That's me

Cris: I thought that was funny. The guy, the South African guy, all that bit was, I thought it was brilliant.

Like he's shagging this daughter's friend. I'll give you the money. I'm not giving you the money. The woman, the wife calls the, I just thought that was quite funny. Everything else. The only thing that I would say is the, the male male street thing is like, Oh yeah, this little woman went and she uncovered all that, but the movies portrayed like that.

I don't really take anything. That that's the real thing. It's more the fact that they try to do it. I think in a funny way,


Reegs: doesn't bring them down, it's only the whistleblower. Her story doesn't really intersect other than to show how powerless, like, people are in the face of, of, like, this utter lack of accountability.

Dan: Yeah,

Cris: Well, that.

so yeah, strong recommend.

Reegs: Not for me.

Sidey: Nor me.

Dan: me.

Sidey: Thunderbuds!

Dan: Thunderbuds!

Sidey: I didn't see it, unfortunately. So I'm going to sit out.

Dan: Right, well, well. Well, okay. This was season one, episode five, you'd asked us to come in on Chris. Obviously you'd been watching, you'd watched a few of these and selected five as your preferred.

Cris: I've never watched this, obviously. And I can't really remember why I chose episode five. I think I looked through

Dan: the

Sidey: the writings. Is it? Yeah.

Cris: something. And to be fair, I looked at something to do with money, but I just couldn't find

Reegs: It's all right indirectly because he's going to charge them all for so we can say indirectly. It's

Dan: There we go, of course it's the money shot. Did any of you ever watch the Thunder

Buds Thunder Buds before?

Sidey: Yeah. Like, and I saw the movie at cinema.

Dan: a fan.

Sidey: No.

Reegs: Was the movie Practical? Live? It was live Action, was it? Or

Sidey: I think it might have been made to look like it was, so it had sir Ben Kingsley

Reegs: pretending to be a Puppet.

Sidey: No. As what's his brains or his

Reegs: Oh, right. Yeah.

Sidey: Parker. Was he?


Dan: So Parker featured in this one quite heavily. This is I watched this with Nelly on condition that I buy her a cable for her phone. So I said, right, you're gonna watch this with me. She said, How long is it first?

And I said, would you want this cable? She said, how long is it? I don't want


Reegs: that fast.

Dan: So,

23 minutes.

Reegs: Did she want it bad enough?


Dan: just about we, we, we had it on. And the animation straight away. I'm not a fan,

Cris: fan. No, no.

Dan: not a fan. It's like

Reegs: it's, it's,

Sidey: It's what is it that CGI kind of thing? Yeah. Well it

Reegs: it is, it used practical effects, so they created sets for all the scenes and. Used cameras in them and then, and did practical things like the, but the characters were CGI models that were mapped in afterwards, as were textures and details and certain like particle effects and things afterwards.

So it does have this curious mix of, you're sometimes looking at like, is that a real set or is that CGI? I don't know.

Dan: teeth

Cris: like they painted over humans I don't know.

Reegs: don't know. It's, it's, yeah, it's not as charming as the original, you know, there's a lot of nostalgia there, but one

Sidey: that's such a big part of the original,

Reegs: Well, that one of the massive differences is that in the original it made everything really slow.

A Thunderbirds episode was like a deliberate thing that was very, very slow because the puppets were slow and now they can, you know, fucking whiz bang him over there and he's got a power suit and dish

Dan: but they still moved quite. Like, Puppety.

Reegs: Yeah.

Dan: They, they still made them Kind of move along and

Reegs: the listeners can't see what a great like

Dan: was a really, yeah, you

Reegs: a shame.

Dan: I was like a little robot like a puppet. And story, story, story some ladies caught on a crane. All the power's gone out. The Luddites

Cris: going to London, that's the

Dan: Yeah, they're on a, they're on the spaceship thing. Their Thunderbird, their thunder bud. Thunderbird too.

Cris: Thunderbird 2

Reegs: was. And,

Dan: and then the powers all gone out put a cotton of going

Sidey: all the craft the same as the original?

Reegs: Well,

the ones that we saw, we only saw Thunderbird 2 in this. When the power goes out, Thunderbird 2 starts crashing. It goes to the titles, the great five, four, still that again, which is quite good, like a slightly new rendition, but good enough.

And then it goes back and

Dan: slightly new rendition but good enough, and then it goes back yeah.

That's teetering with a person in in in the top there.

Reegs: Yeah. And he has to do some elaborate rescue jumping

Dan: well, yeah, he keeps needing to be reminded by his mom or some grandma. That you might have all the tools to do the job. But it's you that You know needs to do it. So you don't really need the tools. It's just go and do it anyway And they have this huge long conversation while she's screaming.

We know she's like Sure that is going off and he's like, yeah, you're right. Aren't you? Yeah. Yeah, i've got to do. Yeah. Yeah You think fucking hell get up there. He does there's another group of people that are infiltrating the luddites, aren't they chris? They're kind of getting in there.

Cris: Well they caused the power cut. They

Reegs: They did.


Dan: Well the Luddites have, but we, another kind of Thunderbird crew have infiltrated them. Got the mask. Parker is one of them. Yeah. And he

Reegs: Lady Penelope.

Dan: What does he And Lady Pinelli, what did he do with those people? Take the mask. You don't see him ever

Sidey: That's Rosamund Pike. it was, it was the

Reegs: looked different in this.

Sidey: yeah.

Cris: the guy the voice of the guy was Graham something

Reegs: Norton.

Dan: Norton? No. , no.

Sidey: David Graham. David

Reegs: Brains was Kayvan Novak.


Sidey: He looks a lot like a vampire. No werewolf. Yeah. He's got really like prominent canine teeth. They

Cris: kind of follow this thing with a compass or how do they turn off the power? They end up in the tube.

Reegs: Yeah They find the mf generator. It turns out

Sidey: motherfucking generator.

Cris: Yeah, exactly.

Sidey: Yeah.

Reegs: And it was the thing that's going to turn off all the power in the world or something and it's a bit like

Sidey: What's that bomb? That kind of explosive charge? EK? No.

Reegs: P E M

Sidey: That's it. Electromagnetic pulse.

Reegs: Sort of like that. Yeah, but this was called an EMF which


Sidey: EMF,

Reegs: Yeah, exactly

Dan: Yeah,

Reegs: And, His plan the Luddites are sort of supposed to be ushering in this brand new Utopia where we reset humanity and go back to a more peaceful time where there is no power So Yeah, that sort of

Dan: Kind of

Sidey: of Shadows! Turns out to be

Reegs: the hood and he's just going to sell power back to the world.


Sidey: Mr Burns.

Reegs: power structure to keep the man down

Sidey: should get some offshore financial structuring done. well,

Dan: the good the world the good thing about this for you is When we all thought it was the end and hoped for that and then had to go through the pain of having another few minutes you didn't know about that because that's where it should have ended But we go through the ritual of the hood walking up into his castle only to find out he hasn't got a power emf machine.

He's got a torch Because park has swapped it over with him because parker being parker is laid everybody out on the floor Few tricks up his sleeves Lady Penelope and him have a good old laugh about it and

Sidey: they fuck

Reegs: him off,

Dan: yeah, and that's it. It was

Reegs: And there's a baffling, baffling. Joke, I think at the end where about not spitting crumbs on the couch or

Sidey: Ha ha ha! yeah.

Reegs: And they all fell about laughing and then

Dan: we all did, watching.

Reegs: really good though. Can we have the music?

We haven't had the music for ages. the music.

Dan: He doesn't deserve the music I'd like to put it out of my mind. And so would Nelly. No, we weren't a fan of

Sidey: you get her the cable?

Dan: didn't like, yes, got

Sidey: Okay, you're a man of your word.

Dan: a two. For

Sidey: Was that bad?

Dan: Yeah.

Cris: it was bad. It was bad. I'm not gonna lie. I actually didn't watch the end.

Sidey: He couldn't get to

Dan: your own

Cris: Oh, it's the hood!

Dan: didn't watch the end of his own.

No, but that

Sidey: But that tells you

Dan: oh, there you go,

Sidey: tells you how bad it was.

Cris: Yeah, because I thought, well, they did the hood. He's like, oh, whatever, man, whatever. If he wins, he wins. If he loses, he loses. Ha ha, fuck off. Yeah, it wasn't

Dan: ready. No, he didn't care.

Cris: It was 20 minutes too long. If it would have been three minutes, perfect.


Dan: the sweet

Sidey: you enjoy it, Reece?

Reegs: I appreciated

the attempts to update the look, even if I didn't enjoy the actual aesthetic at all I found the baffling, don't be over overly reliant on technology message to be ridiculous

Sidey: because they are completely

Reegs: reliant on

Sidey: couldn't be more

Reegs: and the plot of this episode was kicked off by a huge bit of

Dan: understand how they're taking over the spaceship. I would have thought that would have had independent power But no is taking it or everything went

Sidey: Like, kids now, like, they wouldn't watch Thunder, Thunderbirds if it was puppets.

But do you remember we watched Captain Scarlet and, and, for us it's still totally, sort of, and was surprisingly violent, like people getting gunned down and it's fucking ruthless. Oh,

Reegs: Oh, I still think the old Thunderbirds are probably pretty good.

We should do that. Pete

Sidey: Yeah, for us, but if you put, stuck this in front, stuck that in front of youngsters now, they'd be, I don't think they'd be fine with

Dan: there's struggle with this. Gotta be better stuff.

Sidey: Yeah.

Cris: Yeah. Alright. Jesus Christ. Don't look at your, oh yeah. You

Dan: We're all looking over like

Cris: looking at me like

Dan: Chris made

Cris: like I invented it.

It's like I've never even seen the originals.

Dan: all stepping back from

Reegs: You've never seen the original Thunderbirds? Alright, that was good.

Cris: I believe you. But I, I don't, I don't know what, whatever that is,

Dan: But well done, a good effort anyway boys and girls for

Cris: Alright. Yeah.

Reegs: Thunderbirds.

Dan: Thunderbirds. Thunderbuds.

Sidey: coin, coin week, let's

Reegs: Strong Strong theme.

Sidey: Yeah, Gina style.

Reegs: We secured the coin.

Sidey: who's nominating? Who's nominating?

Cris: Don't look at me. I just did. So,

Sidey: don't know

Reegs: knobs. When he says he's got a thing on, he's not naked now.

Dan: when he says he's got a thing on, he's not naked now.

Reegs: then,

Cris: Well, it must be you then inside. If he

Reegs: can't do Island


Dan: fever.

Sidey: fever!

Dan: Oh, Harrison, Ford and Hesh. Yeah,

Sidey: right

Another one suddenly gone. And then it's top five islands. The main is Moana. And the kids, because I watched it when I was a kid, it's Bergerac.

Dan: Wow.

Sidey: an episode. Yeah.

Reegs: strong.

Sidey: to be back on our screens. So it feels like a good time to revisit it.

Cris: Is Moana the first one or is there a second one?

Reegs: There is a

Sidey: Second one's not actually later this year.

Cris: Oh,

Sidey: hopefully people will be with us

Reegs: soon. It is coming out soon.

Sidey: It's

before Christmas, I think

Dan: Pete liked this didn't he? I've never seen it.

Cris: I've never seen it either. Oh.

Reegs: Oh,

Cris: what

Reegs: we'll have to get Pete

Cris: the, the Seven Islands or Moana? Moana. I've never seen either of

Sidey: Oh, Stiffy's Ahoy, it's fucking great.

Dan: Okay, lock yourself in.

Sidey: So yeah, Island Week, look forward to that. All that remains is to say, Sidey, signing out. Reeds

Reegs: Res has left the building

Cris: Light over there.

Dan: building. Right over there then. Reeves