
Howie Profile Photo

In accordance with Starfleet Order 2: Starfleet regulation against the taking of intelligent life I was brought into this world in the late 1970’s. I was dragged up on the urban bonfire of East Anglia surrounded by burning Ford Transit vans and the smoldering embers of burning Poll tax signs. I was nursed into this world by a non binary racoon. A racoon that was chosen for its superb bit part in the Great outdoors with John Candy and its opposable thumbs. “C&9+” as it was known had inherent sudoku skills over its peers, and such the rest were placed into suspended animation and awaiting for the return of my King, Demetator the 6th from the Semetiar galaxy.

I surfaced in the 1990’s on an island in the mid channel, then as an adult after serving time teaching in a local monastery I became a man of mystery and power, whose power is exceeded only by his mystery. Generally, the path of least resistance appeals. Also, I am superb at parallel parking. I'm a man with a dream. A very simple dream, mostly involving Lego and Greek yoghurt, but a dream nonetheless. I behave decently to everyone with an expectation of rewards or punishment after I’m dead. I’m not smart. I just wear glasses. I like films with words in and happy endings.