Aug. 30, 2024

Mrs Harris Goes to Paris & Batman: Caped Crusader

Mrs Harris Goes to Paris & Batman: Caped Crusader

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Welcome back to Bad Dads Film Review! Today we’re taking a special journey down memory lane as we count down our Top 5 Bad Dads Film Review episodes. It’s been a fantastic ride filled with lots of laughs, insights, and, of course, great films. Later in the episode, we'll dive into our latest reviews for Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris and Batman: Caped Crusader.

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris Our latest review takes us into the charming world of Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris. This delightful film tells the story of a widowed cleaning lady in the 1950s who becomes enchanted with a Dior dress, and decides she must have one of her own. It's a heart-warming tale that discusses themes of persistence, class, and the transformative power of beauty.

Batman: Caped Crusader Switching gears, Batman: Caped Crusader offers a fresh take on the iconic superhero with a return to the noir roots of the Batman character. This animated series has been praised for its sophisticated storytelling and dark aesthetic, making it appealing to both younger audiences and adult fans alike.

Whether you’re revisiting some of our best episodes or tuning in for the latest film reviews, today’s episode is packed with cinematic treasures and insightful discussions. Join us as we celebrate the films and the fun we’ve had reviewing them. 🎬📽️👨‍👧‍👦🍿

We love to hear from our listeners! By which I mean we tolerate it. If it hasn't been completely destroyed yet you can usually find us on twitter @dads_film, on Facebook Bad Dads Film Review, on email at or on our website

Until next time, we remain...

Bad Dads


Mrs Harris Goes to Paris

Reegs: [Mic bleed]

Sidey: comedy I mean,

Cris: forgot Batman.

Sidey: Do Yeah, yeah. He's like, looks like he's been varnished.

like, Yeah. I know, he's you know. Food is

Cris: he's sort

Sidey: Petula. The old man. Yeah,

Cris: Won't settle. I don't know, 90

Sidey: He's got like, one seal. Yeah, No man, it's a flow.

Cris: We just

waited for you, this is your show now.

Sidey: it's your big day, isn't it?

Cris: You've had the norms and everything and now

Sidey: Get Get Skinny rack on.

Hi yah.

Cris: you don't have even four skin

Sidey: know if

Cris: live on the assumption.


Sidey: it, no how needless

I don't know how cut around these

Reegs: Yeah?

Sidey: fucking Something, doo, doo, doo Something, blah, blah


Get back Loretta

let's at least do the

Cris: Well, I don't know. You decide what you want to do, Dan, but Does that, does that consider transsexual transsexual man like the transitional woman to man? Would that work?

Yeah. How does that work actually? Do women get dicks if they transition to men or is that

Do they and does it work? Do

Reegs: take

Dan: Arms They make a sheath.

I love to hear an expert talk on these things. It's lovely when you've got somebody who really knows their

Cris: knows what they're talking about. Yeah, Riggs said

Sidey: And I think that I think the reverse is to fold the dick is cut the

Cris: Yes, notoriously had

Sidey: Dom,

Cris: a Yeah, and he kept

Sidey: In Thailand.

Cris: of the tunnel. So I've heard that one,

Dan: Wow.

Cris: why I was curious. Does that, you know when you say a T man, does that apply to

Sidey: Possibly. Yeah.

Dan: don't think I've ever said that. I was, I was, unless you're asking for a cup of tea, man. Ha ha ha ha Shake to the dizzle, to the izz, to the bizzle, to the nizz, to the wizzle. Yeah.

Reegs: way round? Oh, that's what's spinning me out. Right. Okay.

Dan: Spinning you round.

Reegs: Welcome to Bad Dads Film Review, the podcast that is to movie reviews as a flaming bag of dog shit is to a Michelin star restaurant. Wipe the dribble from your chin because this week we've got Bad Dad Dan at the wheel, which means all the careful planning and thematic brilliance gets tossed out the window, replaced by whatever half baked nonsense spills out of his ancient brain.

First up we'll be chatting about the top five movies reviewed by the dads, and with a staggering 446 episodes to choose from, It could be a long night, following that, we'll be reviewing gentle British fairy tale comedy drama Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris, a story about a working class cleaning lady who falls in love with a Christian Dior dress.

And I feel pretty confident in saying this is going to be one of Chris favourite ever movies.

Cris: You'll be surprised.

Reegs: finally,

this week, we'll be taking a look at animated series Batman Cape Crusader, which takes the film noir pulpy look and feel of the comics of the 30s and 40s, and updates the Dark Knight for a modern audience, with all the political correctness that implies.

But is it any good? Stay tuned to find out.

Spoiler alert, Mrs. Harris does indeed go to Paris, so if you're keen to avoid that kind of plot ruining detail, then probably tune in to a podcast where they don't give that kind of information away for free. But for everyone else, all that's left to do is meet the dad, starting with Dan.

So old his first words were chiseled onto a cave wall.

Dan: Arr, that be right, my boys.

Cris: was that?

Reegs: What was that? That

Dan: That was an old Old accent old person.

Reegs: All right. Okay.

Dan: impression of

Reegs: Next Eye Candy Chris. Nice to look at, but so surface level, if he were any flattery, be a pancake. There's the always delightful Sidey. So excited to be here. We actually had to wake him up just to record this.

And then there's me, Riggs. Hello.

Sidey: Hello. Hello.

Dan: Hi Simon.

Reegs: Hi.

Hi, Daniel.

Dan: Hi. Yeah

Sidey: you remember last week's Top five

it was high things

Cris: Or tall.


Sidey: Yeah, we've had a few norms we had breeches,

Dan: we have a high number

Reegs: It was Way of Death, I think. It was, Not Way of Death. Game of Death!

Sidey: Game of Death with Kareem Ab Abor. Jabbar. Yeah. And then Beaver said the scene from the day after tomorrow where Jack's team reached NYC and one of the team falls through the skylight. Yeah. Of the roof of the shopping mall. Homer falls through a he skylights in the Simpsons where does it?

In stone cutters. And he does it in flaming Moss as well. Yeah. And then Darren Lethally was talking about high buildings, and he's got the mile high tower. With the travel news from day to day, Chris Morris, which has to go, any nomination that involves for Chris Morris. Really? Yeah. Is a, is a stone cold win.

Reegs: Cold win.

Dan: Eat in the leaf. And it brings it brings the power

Sidey: Have you watched much this week,

Dan: I have actually yeah, I've had a bit of a binge. I watched and this will give away how I felt about Batman. I watched the other nine episodes of the first series after watching episode one. I watched the thing called sex pot. Which is as bad as it sounds.


Reegs: been away a while,

Dan: yeah, yeah, she has been I watched another thing called I don't know if I mentioned this it was actually watched it probably We've done a pod since but Charlie Wilson's war. Did I mention watching that the other week? It was thanks. Yeah, tom hanks. Kind of based on a true story really good movie actually stands up still well, and then I watched Jerry and marge go large with brian cranston and annette benning in which they play a retired Couple who have found a loophole in one of the like Powerball Lottery winning things.

He's a mathematician Kellogg's or was within kind of That side of the company and he sees this if you bet enough at a certain time when they roll over and they change the numbers You couldn't lose like, and so he bets his money and realizes actually the first time he did it with 2, 000. It wasn't enough of a sample size.

He needed to get bigger. So he risked all his savings on it. It comes in, then he tells the whole town about it. And they start making little improvements on their life. Cause it's all completely legal. It's you just need to. to hit it and then these Harvard kids get wind of it as well and try to like say there can only be one and make a thing of it, but it was it was pretty decent.

Reegs: Okay

Cris: I had to remind myself how well this movie was called. I watched a really good documentary, which I highly recommend fairly long. I think it's about an hour and a half called the grab.

I can't really remember. It was one of the nights when I couldn't sleep because I wasn't working and I drank coffee too late. And I woke up about two o'clock in the night and I just, I couldn't sleep. So I just. Put something on and it's it's a really, really in depth documentary about how Certain countries buy land and pretty much the race for water and resources and reserves, but it's more food reserves and water reserves than anything else.

And it's about how the UAE bought pretty much half of Zambia. It's just it to have in this farming the land, how the UAE bought a land in Arizona because in America, apparently there's no limit in most of the states, there's no limit to how much water you can pump out of the ground. And what they did, the Gulf States, and I think Saudi Arabia has a part in IO or something like that.

And they have thousands of square kilometers. of land on which they farm land in America, and they just send it to Saudi and to send it to the UAE. China buys land in all sorts of places. It's such a really, really strange.

Reegs: they I mean they can't really Don't suppose what farm what farming is like

Cris: Well, that's the thing. That's what they were saying. And apparently that's the plan. And there's a there's an investigation about this guy called Eric Prince, who's a government contractor with the US government. And it's, there's an English guy who was on the Wall Street market who now, is been on the, on the wrong side.

Now he's on the right side is really, it was really, really good. And they're really interesting in terms of how Putin hired cowboys and there's American speaking like American cowboys from the South, just, Oh,

Sidey: he's there

Cris: in Russia with the lassos and teaching the Russians how to herd cattle and all that.

Which is, is honestly, if, if anyone has the time to watch, it's called the grab is I can't remember on which channel it was, but it's really, really good. And I watched the Ministry of Armored Gentlemanly

Reegs: Yeah,

Cris: which is on Amazon Prime. And

Reegs: Guy Ritchie,

Cris: yes, the guy Richie, and I think Dan said he's, he's seen that, and he, he said he really liked it.

I really liked it. It was

Dan: he did say that.

Cris: It's with our local Jersey

Sidey: with our

Cris: And, and the lady in it, I can't remember her name or the actress she is.

Sidey: Elise Gonzales, is it?

Cris: exotic, but

Sidey: Baby Driver.

Cris: very pretty. And I've watched this is the one I Googled to, to remember drive away dolls which is a quirky comedy. And at the end, I'm not offending anyone here.

He puts, or they put it in the movie. It's instead of the driveway dolls, the sign falls down and it says driveway dykes because it's about these two gay girls. And it's very lesbian heavy, I'll have to say, but it's, I found it really funny. It's by one of the Coen brothers. I don't think it's the both of them.

It's Ethan Coen and Trisha Cook, the writers and directed by Ethan Coen. I, I really enjoyed that. So it, again, it was, it was good. It was good. An hour and a half,

Sidey: cool

Cris: loads of dyke comedy, but they take themselves, they take the piss

Dan: heavy lesbian

Cris: Yeah, but it's funny. It's not, it's not, it's not a, it's not a feminist

Dan: No, we like, we like heavy lesbians.

Reegs: mind a lesbian. What about you, I went to the multiplex, actually, with

Dan: Boyfriend.

Reegs: and we watched the new Alien movie.


Sidey: Darren gave it three out of five on his letterbox.

Reegs: Yeah, I pretty much concur to be fair. It's kind of greatest hits remix

Sidey: Alright, okay.

Reegs: There's one like creative choice I don't want to say too many spoilers because it is quite early I guess but one creative choice. That's a bit jarring and Maybe could have done a bit more brutality, but I enjoyed it not

Cris: I've seen the trailer and it looks

Reegs: or four, really.


Cris: I've seen, I probably

Reegs: The aesthetic is great. Like the recreation of the world is amazing. They're like all the buttons and stuff.

Sidey: it's the

Reegs: proper 1979 world sort of stuff. So it

Sidey: Yeah, I'm up for that. We watched The Bourne Identity,


Cris: Is

that the first

Sidey: Yeah, and then we watched The Bourne Supremacy, which is the second one, and then The Bourne Automaton, which is the third one.

So we've got

Dan: one. So

Sidey: then just Jason Bourne to go because the missus claimed to have never seen them which I didn't believe but anyway she's seen those three now and then I've been watching the Batman.

Cris: The one

that we watched.

Sidey: as so we watched cape crusader the animated the new animated one and i obviously i knew that the batman was on prime the film the movie the rpats one so i've seen before but i started watching it again it's fucking it i really like it i think it's excellent

Cris: It's not the one that Christopher Nolan,

Sidey: no it's after that it's matt reeves who's involved in the cape

Cris: right. The new one. Yeah. I want to.

Sidey: robin

Cris: Yes. Yeah. That

Sidey: zoe kravitz

Cris: I've seen the trailer for that as well. I keep saying, I keep watching all these trailers. I kind of make a note. I'm going to watch it. And then

Sidey: on

Cris: I'm looking for

Sidey: It's more It's more grounded in that. It's more about batman and being Violent as well, but he's detective work and riddler is just like a murderer who leaves fucking twisted

Reegs: I the problem is I I see the riddler every time I see a picture of him. I just think he looks a bit silly

Sidey: no,

it's good.

He's just like wearing it's almost like out of oasis. He's wearing a parka and Like duck tape over his face. It looks like a like just a crazy guy which what he is, you know It's not some someone's made a mad suit for him. It's just in some fucking crazy shit. I think it's excellent. I really really enjoy it and then homework

Should we get on with the top five we're gonna talk about ourselves

Reegs: I know, yeah. It's very meta.

Sidey: Yeah.

Dan: Yeah, I looked and we'd obviously passed 400 episodes

Sidey: as Riggs

Dan: And and I thought that gave us a good body of kind of past

Sidey: Sounds like a bond girl.

Reegs: was your first episode Dan?

Dan: I

Sidey: I know what it was.

Reegs: Was it Kiss Kiss Bang

Sidey: kiss, kiss, kiss, bang, bang. Yeah. Right. It was a

Dan: well it didn't it didn't make my top

Reegs: we did that down in Sidewell Towers, didn't we?

Sidey: That was December the 20th, 2019.

Wasn't, yeah, it

was. Yeah.

Dan: That's that's

Sidey: December the 20th, 2019. That was,

Dan: those that are listening now that was six months ago. Yeah.

Sidey: exactly right. So we could, you know, it's your preference of like your favorite episode or we could just go on based on numbers.

Reegs: Oh, that's

Dan: oh, well, I I know I

Reegs: well, it's significant numbers.

Have you, have you got them all in the list?

Dan: I'll tell you what, I'll start it off

Sidey: I think it has to be on your favorite really.

Dan: and and well, certainly I, I think ones that stick in your mind, maybe ones that you recommend to people if they ask you about the pod and the, and the ones that come to mind first off.

So, um,

I just remember if I think about pod, I think of this episode and doing it and it was the mid nineties.

You remember

Sidey: what I thought you were going to go with.

Dan: Howie came

Sidey: It was his return to form after Brighton Rock.

Dan: that's right. Yeah, we'd had the and, and to be fair, you know, bright and rock was one of those films where. He didn't know anything about it other than comparing it with the old style one, but we didn't enjoy that.

And then, yeah, the next opportunity came with this one, which was way off my radar. I'd not heard of it. And it was Jonah Hill's debut movie. It's a kind of story of his own life and stories of friends of his. In East LA, skateboarding, just bumming off school, getting into trouble coming of age story, really enjoyed it.

I mean, it was just one of those that I will recommend to, to certain people if I think, Oh, you're looking for a movie tonight, you've not seen this, check this one out

Sidey: Well, they were real skaters and Jonah Hill has grown up. sort of around that world he was super into the music scene as well. So the soundtrack is killer it's really really good.

It was a yeah completely new one for me and I really enjoyed that

Dan: And

I wouldn't have without bad dads and without how his recommendation I still think I wouldn't have seen that so um That's that's making it my list

Cris: Yeah, is it me?

I don't know if it's the first one I've ever done. I was once present here when you guys were doing. I was here a few times when you were doing the podcast, but I was just kind of participating without saying anything. And I did a bit of research while you were talking about how tall is this actor or where did he play?

Whatever. But then I think the first pod I actually did was the greatest showman.

Reegs: All right

Cris: I'm pretty sure if not, if not, that's one of the first ones I remember because I remember doing it in the bar when I was working at the bar. And I remember because I, I have to, I, I apologize to Pete and to our listeners.

And it's the second time when I have to apologize because we, we reviewed the greatest showman and I So I thought it was shit, but then since my eye problems,

Reegs: Oh, yeah,

Cris: and since I've actually had to rewatch, basically re listen to them, all the musicals ever invented I, I have to say, I take all that back.

The greatest showman is a great movie. The soundtrack is good. The characters are good. I think I liked it better without actually watching it without being able to see, which sounds quite. Terrible in a way, I think, but,

Reegs: you can listen to the story of the movie through the soundtrack we did. My

Cris: that was the thing that, that was the thing that I, when I couldn't see. You guys remember that where I would just listen to Mamma Mia and all these musicals and The Greatest Showman was by far the best one, by far, like a mile ahead. So, and I remember at the time how you guys are all like, what are you talking about?

That's a great movie. I was like, no, it was fucking shit, blah, blah, blah. And then, yeah, so, apologies for that. The Greatest Showman

Sidey: No, I didn't like it.

Cris: is

Sidey: And it's nowhere near as good as Sound of Music. You're out, you've lost your mind.

Reegs: no well, it's probably start number one with replicas and spirit, cringe on that episode I think if we ever listen to it again,

Sidey: The quality wise, because So we've, we've like been on a million forums right over time and people that I'm an hour but oh, I don't know what to do. We're just like just fucking do it and put it out there.

Who cares? Yeah. No one's really listening. So we just did that. We just did it and we put it out. I think they're like more madcap and they obviously are now. And it was a turd film as well.

Reegs: Oh, no, it's brilliant and but we all universally loved spirit

Sidey: I can't remember what

Reegs: I can't remember what the top five was one day i'll put those on and another one from those early days that I enjoyed was tusk you know just the typical love story really between a man and a walrus

Dan: before my time these ones, so I

Sidey: to That was the one before your first one,

Dan: before you invited

Cris: on, where, where, where did you record the first ones? Yeah,

Sidey: At my gaff, in my kitchen, yeah. Tusk is one that I try and recommend to people, but as soon as you have to even go like anywhere near the plot, people are just like, no, I'm out.

Reegs: I'm

Sidey: But genuinely,

please watch it. It was supposed to be part of a trilogy, wasn't it?

Reegs: it? It's

Sidey: like a series of films in the same universe, but I can't understand why it didn't do great numbers, but it didn't. We got. a little bit further down the road and we were on twitter we used to do loads of stuff on twitter and you bigs put a thing on twitter a vote to try and determine what our next film was going to be and you put coherence on there and the director and writer of the film himself commented after Coherence won And then later further down the line he actually came on to the show which is like fucking incredible because you think we're just like a bunch of idiots talking about shit and then Actual people who make actual films like willing to come and give their time and

Reegs: He's got a story writing credit on Rango and all

Sidey: Yeah, I think it was art director or something on Pirates of the Caribbean So yeah, like a genuine Like filmmaking person and he's been on twice.

He came to talk to us about coherence and he came to talk to us about his long delayed Shattered Blood series which really looking forward to seeing but it's just

Reegs: a while isn't

Sidey: like COVID and all that sort of stuff. So I really delayed it. It's been unfortunate. But there is an episode out there if you seek it out where we interview James Ward Burkett and I that holds a fond place in my

Dan: Yeah. That's, that's a really good one. And it, it kind of leads nicely onto to Jenko and bait as well. A similar story where we'd heard about this film and we managed to somehow secure an interview with Jenko who'd done, who'd done mark Jen.

Well, we know him now, you know, so Mark Jenkin.

Who'd done bait he'd done in his men, which was another film that we've reviewed recently, but bait and having him on It won a BAFTA. I mean dear me. It was just so wonderful to have him on listening to him Explaining the film. He also dropped that That bombshell that in his men was going to be released.

It was going to be a a horror film set on an island in cornwall

Reegs: exclusive or

Dan: And it was pretty much, I mean, we broke it here. So again, that was a really entertaining and memorable episode, I reckon.

Reegs: Yeah.

Sidey: Yeah. He has promised to come back and speak to us again about N man, hasn't he?


Dan: well we've he's, he's been a busy man.

I've been following him on Twitter and Instagram and, and different kind of areas. So hopefully, who knows? We will, we will get mark on again to, to talk us through how Ennis men has been found because we, we really enjoyed it, didn't we?

Cris: Yes, we did. And I also enjoyed, I wasn't on the pod and it's probably one of the ones that I remember just by listening to because I've never heard of the movie The Green Book.

And I've listened to the review and I thought, Oh, actually this, let me look this up. And then I watched the movie and I really enjoyed the movie as well. So I remember listening to it. And then I remember the kind of, it was one of the movies that I've never heard of. And I've watched it because of the pod.

Dan: That's the podcast working, isn't it? That's when that happens. When you,

Cris: I think it was the, the, I don't know. I'm pretty sure I can't remember. I'm pretty sure everyone kind of agreed that it was a good movie.

Sidey: I think we had some reservations about it.

Reegs: Well, I think we enjoyed the story if I remember enjoying the story But being a bit baffled at it winning all the oscars that

Sidey: it won best picture and we were like, really?

Reegs: really like, it's an interesting story, but a little bit sanitized.


Dan: Pete hated on it a bit as well, didn't he?

Sidey: It has a little bit white saviory kind of thing.

Reegs: Yeah.

Sidey: But

Reegs: though, Vigo

Sidey: Viggo's good and Mahershala Ali is really good.

Reegs: And a great story. Yeah.

Dan: we just love to say Mahershala Ali.

Sidey: I'm

Reegs: what about I'm going to say Patterson. I really loved this movie and if you listen back, it's like a, it's Jim

Dan: We all did.

Reegs: a tone poem about a guy who lives in Patterson, who drives a bus. He goes to the same place every day, eats his breakfast. He listens to conversations, writes poetry.

Inspired by other poets and he goes to His wife cooks him terrible food and he goes to the bar and that's the whole movie literally I've just told you the whole movie and I fucking loved this

Dan: I really enjoyed it as well.

Reegs: When you listen back to the episode, Pete just rants a lot about how much he hates it and how pretentious it is.

And I don't ever feel I got my love for it

Dan: across But I enjoy the fact

Reegs: But I enjoyed the fact that it made him so passionately, because he hated

Dan: he

Reegs: I was like, at least that is art

Dan: least that is art. Bottom lip


Reegs: it, he's still getting

Sidey: It's good trolling material. I didn't, I didn't get a lot out of that movie. I'd have to say, but I would not as aggressively hatred, you know, Pete some of the numbers on the episodes are weird and we can never. try as we might understand what drives

Reegs: oh, have you got the stats and stuff

Sidey: I've got sets and some of them I mean the most our most listened episode by a billion miles is night crawlers and twirly woos and we've tried to understand

Cris: trolley was must be

Sidey: if it's twirly woos or night crawler because twirly woos was a good film but doesn't seem to like correlate between why it's just so popular but

Dan: that episode has gone viral

Sidey: it's featured on a list somewhere or something

Dan: that essentially pays for this podcast just the the rights and the

Sidey: only it did and then this other one there are certain types of films that do do well that yeah with the dad sort of thing and there you understand so anything actually is a predator armageddon did really well robocop do well and i think it's our second one was was right up there is man of steel has did really well um

Reegs: less well something like Andy, the talking hedgehog, bone alone.

Sidey: hedgehog was made for an audience of one really um and and breachy appreciated it

Dan: Bone Alone was

Sidey: And then we occasionally inflict, and we will do it again, no doubt, an appalling movie that we know is appalling, like Cats, and that's got really good numbers.

Reegs: The thing about Cats was we'd been talking for ages about, Oh it'd be funny, wouldn't it be

Sidey: It wasn't funny.

Reegs: funny. It wasn't

Sidey: It was difficult to sit through. It wasn't as

Dan: Well, I remember missing it and then you all give me a load of stick because I hadn't seen it. So I went and watched it and then, what, lo and behold, two weeks later, Lawrence of Arabia.

Reegs: it is.

Dan: Yes, Reeds, I'm looking at you, who's still not seen

Reegs: seen it. Yeah,

Cris: yeah, I mean


Dan: isn't defending anybody's situation to make it better. I, well, got a film that, that made us laugh, it made us cry, it made us hell Team America. I really do. wasn't keen on this. It wasn't anything that I would have ever seen.

Something with puppets, something with South Park, something with just ridiculous kind of plot and story. No, no, no. Ten minutes in, I'm just pissing my sides laughing and half an hour in the gag is still coming. And I know it's wrong and I know that I shouldn't laugh at this. I'm an, I'm an adult.

These aren't, these are really terrible. A lot of stuff they do in the gags they pull, but it just tickled my funny bone. And I, I lulled at this a fair bit.

Reegs: You said pissing aside before as well.

Made me not,

Dan: yeah, yeah,

Cris: that's it.


Sidey: It's really great.

Cris: anyway

Dan: have even just

Cris: I remember I'm going to put two because one of them I, I thought is one of the greatest movies ever made is meet the parents.

Reegs: Yeah,

Cris: And I, yeah, I, I, I really love it. You know, Ben Stiller, a classic, classic performance.

But that's not the one I wanted to talk about. I just put it there just to see how Pete would react. The Revenant. The Revenant. I like the movie. I think we all liked it. It was, yeah, great, great thing altogether. The bear scene, if, if only for that is worth seeing the whole movie, but the whole movie is good.

And to be fair, it's, it's really difficult to find a really good Western. Not in, in, in recent years, let's say in the last 10 years to have, you can


Sidey: it doesn't


Cris: No, it doesn't matter. I'm not talking about cool. I like a Western. So for me, I'll watch pretty much whatever's a Western, not all of them because I did watch something with Nick Cage and it was terrible,

Reegs: think Yellowstone has got that cornered now, hasn't it? I haven't really watched it at all, but

Cris: but for a Western and even for a long movie, me not really looking forward to a long movie. I really liked that. And the story and the whole thing was really, really good. I, I really enjoy that and I enjoy, I remember all of us kind of having the same opinion that it

Sidey: Yeah, we enjoyed it

Dan: the Hateful eight was a pretty decent modern Western, but,

Reegs: Yeah, Hell or High Water was another sort of kind of different type of western as well that we reviewed.

Dan: Got any more

Reegs: Westerns.

Dan: Or movies that we have recorded and

Reegs: My guess, you know, things that speak to you or stand out. Another one was Anderden.

Do you remember that? Pete chose that Indian movie about,

Dan: that, yeah.

Reegs: a blind pianist who becomes embroiled in a murder.

Dan: a half hours long, as I remember.

Reegs: I don't know if it was quite as long as that. It was quite long, but it was like really convoluted plot. But really

Dan: Yeah, it was interesting.

Reegs: different and very different to my preconceived notions about what Bollywood sometimes is like.

I mean, it didn't. Didn't have any dancing or singing in it, for a start, which was,

Dan: Oh, he did have singing in, I'm sure

Reegs: Well, yeah, but not, not,

Dan: times, but yeah, no, it wasn't full on the whole cast going at it.

Reegs: Yeah so, that one?

Sidey: One that you nominated, I think, Riggs, took me right out of my comfort zone, was Midsommar.

Dan: zone. It was Midsommar. Yeah. Still got horrors over

Sidey: and I try as I might, I cannot get Pete to watch

Reegs: No.

Sidey: That was very disturbing.

Dan: package that very

Sidey: Very, very, Ari

Dan: Put it down as a different name and sit him,

Reegs: him to do

Dan: sit him in to, to

Sidey: I keep thinking about doing hereditary just to inflict some more trauma on myself.

Reegs: let's do it for Pete though as well then. Yeah. Just really,

Dan: Well, okay, maybe I could be left out that

Sidey: Midsommar, Chris?

Cris: If it's horror, probably

Sidey: Basically, those bits where you think they're not going

Dan: Basically those bits where you think they're not going to show you that they show you that bit.

Sidey: whittle through three or here, because

Dan: Well, I I'm gonna whittle through three or four here because I think they're all good But they're not going to be my final choice

Pride you


Sidey: I remember the coal miners. Yeah. Yeah.

Dan: really enjoyed that one the untouchables

Sidey: Yeah. Yeah, great numbers on that one. It

Dan: really good. Um the the maltese falcon I enjoyed and the summer of 92 which was around the the denmark football team, I

enjoyed all of those.

I will probably mention Locke or Loki remember this one?

Reegs: lock. Yeah. Yeah

Dan: one guy. Yeah, Tom Hardy just in a car on his own having the worst day ever as Like a million pounds worth or more than that like a billion 50 million worth of concrete is about to be set and the woman that he's had an affair with is having a baby.

He's meant to be watching the football with his son at home and his wife is cooking dinner. Instead he's heading down to the hospital to be with this woman as, as this child is born. It was quite a, a strong performance and a really memorable film for one guy in a car for 90 minutes and that is all you've got to, to keep you captivated and, and watching.

I, I, I remember that fondly.

Cris: Okay. I think for me, this is the last one. It is the drunk teachers in around the round, which I really enjoyed it, especially because it's a foreign movie and it was, I really enjoyed it.

Teachers getting drunk was an experiment, but,

Reegs: Which you mean

Sidey: Another Round.

Cris: Another

Reegs: Oh yeah.

Cris: I think the, the Danish, yeah, the Danish name is Druk and it was, I, I really enjoyed it. It was good fun. And it kind of just portrayed teachers as being fun, which normally is just, they're just

Reegs: just made a really convincing case to be an alcoholic really

Cris: Not really, because there's a guy that doesn't really,

Reegs: all right So you might die but also might make your life considerably better.

Cris: So yeah, that, that one, I, I can't remember who, who nominated that. It was probably you or, well, one of you two, but,

Reegs: you. Yeah,

Cris: but it was good. I remember that. And I, I think we all liked it and it was, it was another one that.

Sidey: Yeah, I

Reegs: Yeah, I can't remember what he danced to at the end but I liked it. Me? Are we nominating? I'm just gonna run through a couple more just before I nominate of notable ones that I just wanted to mention.

Sound of Metal, Boiling Point, Love and Mercy that you picked, Uncut Gems, Um, Anomalisa.

Sidey: Yeah, I saw that one.

Reegs: pitching one out there that you hoped people would like, The Debt Collector, and Dan, you turned out to really enjoy it. And then the most disap The one I'm gonna nominate is the film that I'm most disappointed You know how it's sometimes really disappointing when you really love something and everybody else just guns you?

That was Lady Bird for me. I absolutely loved that movie and you two didn't really like it, and it was like this massive, you know, I just It's like, oh, you know, you feel like you Want to connect on that one. So Lady Bird, I'm going to nominate

Sidey: Yeah. I

Reegs: hope you watch it again and think

Sidey: I won't. I didn't like it. One, it was a midweek for me that like sometimes we nominate something a bit nostalgically and it was Swiss Family Robinson and when we all watched it we were just fucking appalled

Reegs: Yeah, yeah.

Sidey: the level of animal cruelty was just like on another level it was absolutely fucking insane and we started talking about the plot and then we all just like piled in on how fucking disturbing it was yeah so that one it's just family

Dan: Well, Mother, Darren Aronofsky's film is probably the one that I remember now.

I think, Reeves, you nominated that. And again, a film I would never have watched. It was just so far off my comfort zone that

I wouldn't have ever turned this on. So, really pleased that I did. If you haven't seen that, do check it out. It will make you mad. But it's not my nom. My nom is let it ride and the richard dreyfuss one which we all loved and It just it just kept us coming back for

Reegs: Really that's what you're going for we've got swiss family robinson

Cris: for more. Really? That's what we're going for? We've got the Swiss family, Robinson, and Still don't really understand the whole movie.

Why only because of the hair is the movie that Pete recommended that you were no longer here or you were never

Sidey: longer hear?

Cris: Yeah, I don't, I still don't know why

Sidey: Yeah, I know, this is what they

Reegs: I know.

Sidey: Especially

Cris: same. And especially when you know about the hair, it's just, I don't know. Anyway, I still don't understand why he loves it that much.

I don't understand why. You would love it that much. I kind of get the story, you go to Mexico, comes back, all this kind of stuff.

Sidey: good for like a one watch.

Cris: Yeah, I'm never going to

Reegs: described it as the Spanish Patterson, which was like, yeah.

Sidey: yeah.

Cris: I'm going to nominate that, only because it created So many questions. Yeah. To me, I, I, and, and when I asked Pete about it, he's like, oh yeah, I just love it.

The, the, the way that is weird. The music, the this, the culture, the to discover. And I was like, yeah, but I discovered all this one time. I have to go back and watch it. But it, I, I have to put that one in. And the hair you have it

Yeah. If you, if you

Sidey: is incredible. You

Cris: have to watch it for the hair, so,

Sidey: Yeah. Right. Just need an A and other than that.

Cris: She does indeed.

Yeah, I know

Sidey: the third iteration of this story, isn't it?

Reegs: Yeah, well, the other one was Mrs. Harris goes to

Dan: With the,

Reegs: With the, uh

Dan: Well,

I was new to this

Sidey: Same,

Dan: And it just kind of looked the happy feel good story. I was in the mood for and I thought everybody needs a little bit of this. Let's see. And Mrs. Harris is a cleaner.

She's a hard working single lady who's Husband is it

Sidey: Yeah, it's post war, isn't it? It's immediately sort of post war. Her husband hasn't come home.

Reegs: I think we even get a London 1957 credit after she's walked along the bridge at the beginning. She's pocketing some, what appears to be news.

And she's wondering out loud whether it's going to be good news or bad news.

Dan: That's right. Yeah

Reegs: off to meet her friend Vi, I think for the bus and that they are going to work. But it's clearly a routine post war, like you say, going to work for these. Well, she's a cleaner but

Sidey: she's a cleaner, but she's also like an agony on and you know, office

Reegs: know, opposite vice.

There's the, there's the first one

Sidey: the was the first one with me is this struggling actress is completely dependent on her to do everything for her.

Reegs: to do everything for

Sidey: And then this awful sort of more upper class family who are clearly struggling but still trying to keep up appearances.


Reegs: you've got the guy who introduces a different girl each week as his niece and she's discreet enough not to like make a scene of it.

And yeah, the awful Anna Chancellor from this life.

Dan: Well, the first one you think might be his niece, but then the second, third, and fourth time you realize,

Sidey: does the sort of raised eyebrow thing, you're like, Yeah.

Reegs: And it is through Anna Chancellor that she will first spy this dress that she will fall in love with that will inspire her mission.

Dan: Yeah, it's like a soft focus scene as the, as her eyes set on this Christian do want Dior d dress and

Reegs: done like a love there's like the score swells and the camera zooms in. It's like a love

Dan: Yeah. It's a moment. It's, it's something that she's seen. There's a ball coming. It's like the Legionnaires ball down at the local town hall.

Reegs: Yes. And, and sort of prospective clear love interest kind of, but staying respectfully far enough away because of well, we don't know that is Jason Isaac's character

Sidey: the the bookmaker?

Reegs: don't, the bookmaker and we don't know whether Her husband has died. In fact, we find out in the pub when she goes to meet him after they have a port and lemon, which was a detail I quite enjoyed.

Dan: Yeah, they have this letter she's been carrying all morning and she asks her friend Vi to read it out because she can't quite do it. And it confirms that her

Sidey: Well, first of all, it's just a ring, isn't it?

Reegs: yeah.

Sidey: Okay, and it's like, you know, he was shot down and presumed killed, you know, declared killed in

Reegs: in action.

Dan: Yeah.

Reegs: Some years ago, 1944, I think he was declared killed in action.

And remember it is 1957.

Sidey: So that's important because there's some money plays into it.

Reegs: yeah, yeah. So she, she seen this dress. She suddenly feel is inspired, I guess, to have one.

Dan: Yeah, it's beautiful. It's a beautiful thing. It's something that she really is just fallen in love

Sidey: she's keeping a journal of her savings and what she's been able to scrimp and save and her life is You


it's modest, right? Yeah. By comparison. And she's like, well, fuck it. I would like to have something like that. Yeah. You know, something really beautiful

Dan: Some people want a, a, a new car or a holiday or she wants this. This

Reegs: But it's 500, that's how much this particular one, it was called Ravissant or something. It cost 500, which, did you look up the conversion on

Dan: I didn't. Give me a.

Reegs: 000 yeah. So that is, that is the sort of

Dan: It's not

the kind of money she's got hidden down the back of the couch. She's earning like two in six or something.

Reegs: What's part of it is

Cris: time she raises it

Reegs: she

Sidey: Every time she raises it with our agenda, whatever name is the chancellor she's just shut down and the conversation is very, very briskly moved on to the wedding that she's having to sort out and oh, we've got no money because of the wedding

Dan: on how everybody's

Reegs: she's supposed to just kowtow to them because they're part of the aristocracy And establishment because she is a lady or something. Isn't she a dame or

Dan: But she works hard and she saves hard,

Sidey: she gets a visit,

Reegs: does the football pools as well

Sidey: she wins.

very, very quickly, like just some money falls into her lap. So she does a right in the pools.

Reegs: what the pools is picking, score draws or

Sidey: It used to be one, one, one, one was, was the, the, that's where you made the millions. If you, if you picked all the one ones and then she's visited by someone from, the military

Reegs: It's just after, right, because she takes a bunch of money first, that 100 I think that she wins, and she takes it down the track, and Archie, who's given her this free time down the

Dan: and it's interesting, just about the the numbers winning the pool, because she, she uses a husband, Ernie, I think his name might have been, I can't remember, but it was his numbers, and she's carried those numbers on, so she kind of thanks him To the heavens when these numbers come in, because I think it's 150 pounds.

She wins

From the pools,

Reegs: she takes it and puts it, it's 100, she puts it all on

Sidey: Ho Couture.

Reegs: called horse that's actually a dog called Haute Couture.

Sidey: Yeah. It is a sign, which is what we always say. Yeah. When we see a stupid name on a horse, we like, it's our

Reegs: And Archie straight away is like, there are no signs here,

Dan: Yeah. And he's going, no,

Sidey: He's sweet on her and he tries to talk her out of it and she's not having

Dan: But then the bookmaker,

Sidey: And the boss is obviously lingering in the back.

I said now we'll take 100 quid. No bother

Reegs: Yeah. So the dogs are off and it's winning,

Sidey: doing great until it decides to not race

Reegs: Yeah. Just sniff its own ass for a

Sidey: on the track and everything and she's crestfallen but Like this is one little complaint I have of the film is that it doesn't give you any time to really like that. It's resolved in about 30 seconds after that.

The bookie Jason Isaacs comes

Reegs: so frothy and lightweight, isn't it? I

Sidey: He's just like, Oh, actually, I didn't. I tried to talk you out of it, but you wouldn't do it, but I

Dan: A little bit later, she's already,

Sidey: that much

Reegs: well, she straight away gets the guy. She's very depressed. And but then the guy turns up from the RAF and there's a, a misunderstanding about what he's there for.

She thinks he's there

Sidey: claim money

Reegs: money back because she says, you know, he says that he was.

Dan: Yeah.

Reegs: because he was declared dead. He was paid over the period and she's like, Oh, really raging about this. And right. I'm going to go and get my money out. And he's like, no, you misunderstand. We owe you a war widow's pension.

So for 13 years accumulated some money.

Sidey: So she's very quickly got that money. Then as he's there, Jason Isaac turns up and says, look, I didn't, I put on a tenner, but I kept the rest and I gambled that for you. And here's the a hundred, a hundred quid back

Reegs: plus a little bit extra,

Sidey: And so that like bit of strife is like very,

Dan: Yeah, that, that, that bit was very fortuitous for her and he's kind of ducking away because he sees both a policeman and an army captain in our house.

And as a, a bit of a Cockney wide boy though he's not, he's, he's a Geordie, I think, isn't he?

Sidey: No, he's Irish. Isn't

Dan: Irish, is he? He's some accent that I couldn't quite place.

Cris: One of them, yeah.

Dan: and yeah, I think he is Irish but he's, archie, yeah, he's not sticking around too long there and he's risked his job. And as you say, he's, he's sweet on her, but she's got the money.


Reegs: has. She's got

Sidey: big fat rolls of cash.

Reegs: She's also earned a load of money through being a seamstress, and also in a little comment I thought on austerity, you know, like, not taking the bus, and having more meager dinners and stuff, we've shown.

Sidey: She's spam. You can see there's a tin of spam on the table.

Dan: She's made a lot of sacrifice.

Reegs: Yeah, so it was sacrifice and good fortune to power this dream and she does suddenly have 582 pounds the exact Amount of money that she needs to get to paris and buy this dress that she so wants And she goes off and it was a good little joke here from anyone who's been From jersey to paris because they land at paris le bourget, which is the crap one just outside paris And it still takes like an hour

Sidey: I cycled there

Reegs: she has to walk she says oh it's a bit far

Sidey: Uh well when she gets to Paris she meets some tramps And I enjoyed this bit because

basically she gets

pissed and sleeps. She sleeps on a bench with

Dan: Yeah, she's working

Sidey: And then the guys the guy says, oh, you know, it's fucking Because she's obviously a cleaner and it's a thing that repeats throughout the movie and she sees the rubbish all over the place They said oh, they're all on strike, you know No one in the fucking whole city smells like me and i'm thinking Fucking still smell like that a couple years ago.

I was there like it's a fucking shithole

Dan: It's not

Reegs: also the cleanest looking. city that's ever been had the bin

Sidey: I believe that for the Olympics they actually cleaned up and it was alright. But honestly when I was there it just fucking stank of piss. The whole fucking city is a shithole.

Dan: Paris. I

Cris: whole f g city. It's a s t hole. I disagree, but

Sidey: Bomb, bomb the whole, fucking napalm the whole place. It's awful.

Dan: No, Paris

Reegs: the important thing is there that we get this thing that the vagrant guy, the homeless guy that she spent the night with, not in that way, but,

Sidey: My missus was cowering like they can fucking rob her money. Oh my God.

Reegs: Not in this movie, no. She just can

Dan: just No, I thought the same. You never know if it was going to take a twist like this at that moment.

Reegs: now he's there to tell her that in France the worker is king and she will run with that message later in the movie.

Dan: the parting kind of message.

Reegs: her to Dior, which is this, like, big highfalutin, Dior, yeah.

And there's a big red carpet event going on and through, like,

Dan: well,

Reegs: I want to say comedy, but through some mechanism, she ends

Dan: it happens to be a, a showing of, of the

Reegs: It's the 10th anniversary

Sidey: So it's a big deal, right? Because he only does this every now and then the mentioned the one from before the dress is all fucking named then. And they're super expensive. This is high, high society stuff. Regular customers only like. You know, super elites that are going to go in and buy this stuff.

She walks up and says, I want to dress and they look at her as if say

Reegs: She's like i'm a cleaning lady. Yeah, and they pretty

Dan: Well, she's got that far because she's bumped into literally one of the models and who's dropped a

Sidey: She was

Reegs: So hot

Dan: dropped a purse, so she's running after her and handed the purse and, and she said, oh, so much, you've saved me. And then as she's wandering the halls, she finds a receptionist and says, Oh, can I have a dress? You know, I'm here for a dress. And that's just the moment that all

Reegs: the receptionist, she's like, she's much more than that.

Dan: is. She's the front of house.

Sidey: it's like it's a fucking

Reegs: She basically runs the place other than Dior himself.

Dan: that's right.

Sidey: And this is, it's a ticketed event where, you know, it's invites only and she's just rocked up on the wrong deck,

think she was pitching like

Reegs: to get rid of it. Straight away, like, it's, she doesn't want to make it accessible to her in any way whatsoever. But when Mrs. Harris spills out a load of money on this, she's like, well, my money's as good as anybody else, and puts this down. Andre, the accountant, Andre the giant,

the accountant.

He sees this and he obviously realizes that the business is struggling.

Dan: and

he says, wouldn't it be so nice if everybody bought money like this straight up front?

Reegs: But she's still not really allowed in until Lambert Wilson, the Merovingian turns up from the matrix to be kind to

Dan: That's right. He says,

Sidey: You can be my guest.

Dan: I'll, I'll take her as a plus one. It's true though, isn't it, that rich people, they do like, you know, working class people there. They've got their money.

There it is. Whereas, richer people will assume credit

Sidey: or The Marquis de Chausson, I'll make

Reegs: The Marquis de Chausson, oh no

Sidey: it was a bit of a spoiler. Not a full, full spoiler, because you know.

exactly how

Dan: no, no. Well, she, she's having the time of her life though, watching these hundred

Sidey: She's gasping, isn't she?

Dan: each one more beautiful than the other.

Reegs: last. And they've got exotic names, Venus and stuff like this. And it's filmed nicely and all that stuff.

Dan: filmed nicely. There's one,

Sidey: that she wants. Yeah. And then you go and see the

Dan: here, mate.

One there. Going Right. I'll just outbid you for these. I could have 'em all,

Reegs: but

Dan: But the models


and the workers in, into our Dior have whatever Chris,

Sidey: Dior, DIOR. It's really easy. Yeah.

Dan: right, do

Reegs: no, not do. Dior

Dan: do

Sidey: Seline.

Reegs: like e like Eor, but with a D.


Dan: Eeyore. Well they love it because they all

Reegs: Well, they love it because they all work there. And none of them can afford a dress from there as well. Do you know what I mean?

Like that? It's not accessible. It's gatekeeping, but

Dan: not excessive, it's

Sidey: Well, Mr. Door turns up, didn't he just sort of pokes his head through into the thing, just to sort of acknowledge the crowd, the massive, it's not massive.

It's not that many people there.

And she said, who's that fella? And they're like, well, that's Mr. George. Like, really?

Dan: like my milkman.

Sidey: That's right. Yeah.

Dan: And yeah, the, the marquee is kind of enjoying her company. And it comes to the end and she's written down the dresses that she wants. And as she's giving the order, she's called away to the more important client. Yeah.

Sidey: over

Dan: And Knowing

Sidey: bitch just because I'm so didn't

Dan: Yeah, yeah.

Sidey: It's like no, I'm having that one.

Dan: the, the red dress called ravishing or something that she was splendid. I can't

Reegs: Temptation is the red

Sidey: 180 9. It

Dan: Oh,

Reegs: So she has to go for the other one, number 70 odd, Venus. Still a beautiful number.


Dan: choice still. She's delighted with it though. And she

Sidey: it, but she has still, I think she, in her mind had pictured like m and s. You just, it's a nice dress, but it's still on the fucking shelf and you just go into the counter and buy it. They're like, no, no, this is like a two week.

Probably minimum two week fitting you come back and we'll you know We we do the next bit of sewing and then we fit that on and blah blah blah And she's like well fuck you know, I need to get back. I've got you know, i'm

Reegs: got, you know,

Dan: yes.

Sidey: i've already like put upon my mate vi to do the rest and they're like, okay And but because they they like her And I don't think they even take pity on her they just connect with her and they just think well

Reegs: Well, they do like her because she is very charming wherever she goes. So she treats everybody exactly the same.

Sidey: The gay

Reegs: but also that mostly it's financial, right?

Andre knows that the business is struggling. So he's like, my sister is still, she's away. You can stay there spend the money, spend the money, give us the cash.

Sidey: cash. And they, they, they're going to do a a super quick one week turnaround. And,

Reegs: They go for the first. It's funny with

Sidey: you, you've got the dimensions of a model. And she's like, Ooh. A model railway.

Reegs: everybody starts laughing including me. So anyway, they go on a whistle stop tour of Paris and Natasha.

The she happens to be reading being a nothingness. I

Dan: Well, she's the face of Dior.

Reegs: Yes, she's the face of Dior. She is she will take Mrs. Harris to Andre's house and he's going to show up with a baguette and then she's going to make toad in a hole for them, which they call frog in the ditch when they tried to translate it quite enjoyed and they're going to bond over their mutual love of ex French existentialism.

Yeah. Yeah, it's hard to relate to really. She's got this thing about wanting to be seen basically. In fact, it's a common recurring theme through the movie, but the Natasha, she doesn't want to be seen as just a face. She wants to be seen as a bit of a, a brain as well as something

Sidey: Absolutely smokes. I mean, this is like, has she been in anything else? I'm like tapping my memory.

Reegs: I'm like, that. And which pictures on IMD are particularly good?

Sidey: They weren't any, anything like last week's unfortunately. And I hadn't seen anything else that she'd been in. But she wanted to get Portuguese. I thought that was quite interesting.

Reegs: She goes to a fitting anyway, where she learns.

We learn a bit more about the Dior business, like the more grand the client, the more demanding they are, and they don't pay until the finished product is there and it puts, and things have to be remade and all this stuff. And it puts a load of pressure on the staff and the whole thing. It's basically a massive house of cards waiting to fall over.

And then she bumps into the marquee again. Do you see his amazing dog?

I don't know what it

Sidey: what it was. It

Reegs: was huge, wasn't it?

Sidey: wasn't it?


Reegs: beautiful thing. And he takes her out to a flower market, and I think a burlesque show.

Well, it was not clear though,

Sidey: Oh, to me, I, no, I thought it's so romantic. He was so romantic towards her, I thought.

Cris: I thought.

What, the guy? The accountant, yeah. Oh, I know, the, the,

Sidey: And then, and then he's, and then later on he

Cris: you remind me

Sidey: fucking like breaks, well, it must have been because to me, in the film, the way it played out, because he's,

Reegs: breaks her heart a

Sidey: breaks her heart. He calls her Mrs.

Mott. You remind me of Mrs. Mott from

Reegs: and oh, it's awful. But

Sidey: she's like, oh,

Reegs: more about you can never escape who you know, who people think you are.

Dan: think that's what it was. He was just


Sidey: even Natasha says you've got a conquest there. He wants to fuck you.

Reegs: Yeah. Maybe. Maybe.


Sidey: But it wasn't, you know, those times she wasn't just going to

Reegs: She was also there with a bunch of investors or something, but clearly like a work obligation, not,

Dan: Yeah, she, she she didn't want to be Mrs. Mop. She wanted

Sidey: she's trying to, this was her escapism from that world. And like you say, she can't escape it because he pulls out the old school photo and she's thinking, oh, which one, which one is it? He points in the fucking cleaner.

Dan: it? Yeah, quite a lot before all that though. There's quite

Reegs: Well, now before all that, though, there's quite a lot before she goes home. I haven't had to strike or anything. So, so, and also before all that, she, she's late after that burlesque evening to the fitting and

Dan: her, you can't

Reegs: they tell her you can't have the dress.

You know, you've made me late for everything. My name Colbert is. She says some awful, spiteful things, like even if you had this dress, where would you wear it, and like, just really

Dan: That's right, it's talking about how the, the dress needs an occasion and and a person, a personality to, to wear it

Reegs: it.

And she's like heartbroken afterwards and consoled by one of those workers with a glass of vodka or something afterwards and that's when she eventually ends up getting a job as a seamstress.

They take her on a tour of it and she's clearly fallen in love with the whole place. Yeah. And we've seen that she's a seamstress herself anyway

Dan: And they're they're short of people.

And she can sew buttons. She's more than capable. So, So yeah, she's suddenly working in the in the place where she's gone to buy a dress.

Reegs: Yeah and that's, after that is when we find out about the Marquis and

Sidey: Yeah,

Reegs: a dick to her. She

Cris: Yeah.

Reegs: Yeah.

Sidey: The whole economics of this just fucking baffled me. So they're having to lay people off because like you say, it is a house of cards. They are struggling. There's obviously the cash flow situation is terrible. Sorry to be an accountant about it. And so she just goes through and rallies the troops to strike because she's been told this is where, this city is where the worker is king and just fucking marches into Mr.

Dawes office and says, you Get to fuck like you're not laying people off. We're actually we need more jobs. I'm thinking

But i'm thinking yeah, but how is that gonna work?

Dan: You can't just go like you can't go individual clients that aren't paying on time You need to give more products to people like mrs. Harris who can have

Sidey: So Make it like

Reegs: it accessible. Yeah.

Dan: it more accessible

Reegs: then that's where we end up with

Dan: And exactly but that's

Sidey: So all the magic is taken away. But I just straight away didn't understand the economics of like struggling as it is now but you're saying we need more like

Reegs: Wow. But Keynes is an economist. You did. economics and you invest, you know, that's what

Sidey: Yeah, but you would need there's no money there. So you need you need a third party you need

venture capitalist or something. I don't know.

Anyway, they didn't really make that clear, but everyone loved her anyway,

Reegs: suddenly there's a lot of whooping and cheering and everything's been saved for Andre's like.

Barely articulated ideas. They go off, go and talk for 10 minutes, come back. Madame Colbert thinks that she's been canned as part of all of this. And then we find out a bit of sad backstory of her because Mrs. Harris won't let that happen. She won't let her just go away and be sad.

Dan: Reminds her that Mr. Dior wouldn't be able to do it himself.

He would need a woman's touch and without

Reegs: Oh, it's this actually, it's the one bit of stuff that you're still allowed to do, which is go harm and useless. We need women around to sort it all out, which I get it, but you're still the other way around. I don't think you're allowed to say it, but that way around you again, anyway.

I know. Oh yeah. I'm no fucking L Andrew

Dan: won't

Sidey: Tell you.

Reegs: and then he goes she finds, she finds out that she's still, she's looking after her shell shocked husband. He's got disability and all that stuff. So even though Madam Colbert is a bitch.

Sidey: Colbert is a bitch. The Legion Ball is what they've been talking about, isn't it?


Reegs: ball is what they've been talking about, isn't

Dan: about.

Sidey: she? And


Dan: and she's just hasn't got a thing to wear for the biggest event of her life where everybody's gonna be there and

Sidey: properly panicking because someone's on her way to get her to pick her up now. It's like, this is the guy who is like the rainmaker. He's the deal breaker.

If I don't do this, like, it's over for me. He can make me a star. Blah, blah, blah, blah. So, tell you what. Why don't you, who have, and we've been shown throughout the movie, that it takes two fucking weeks and a million fittings to fit in this fucking thing, You can wear it and you are so fucking different.

Reegs: Yeah, she's got massive tits and she's about four or five inches taller.

So you're going to

Sidey: it fits perfectly, although her tits are spilling out, which is great. But you're like, I don't, I'm not sure about that. But anyway, she wears it, and These Well, we're explicitly told not in the film.


Cris: but when you spend 15 grand on one.

Reegs: I think this is the final straw really, isn't it? Because we don't actually see what happens to the dress. She comes to

Sidey: the dress. We see

Reegs: it, the dress, and it's in, like,

Sidey: it's in tatters. Yeah, it's in

Reegs: You Can't fucking

believe it. And when that idiot wannabe starlet, whatever, Hollywood icon, whatever she wants to be, gets up. She's like, oh, you know, I got too close to a heater and it went on flames. I'm the note, to

the office. Oh, that's it, the note, yeah.

Dan: And the the dress is there it's on the front page of the paper. So she's got her 15 minutes of

Sidey: but that actually turns out to be a godsend.

Reegs: It does.

Dan: Well, it does

Reegs: It gives her the strength first to tell Alan Chancellor to fuck off and pay her bills.

Sidey: She says, I've given you my notice, and by the way, pay my fucking bill. You can't, that's, I couldn't believe it when she said that.

Reegs: It's basically, it's a night, actually.

Dan: little but

Reegs: It was more kind of about, I'm not going to kowtow to the upper classes anymore, I'm going to

Sidey: be Wow. Potato,

Dan: she throws the she throws the dress off a bridge.

And And she goes back about her kind of life, although depressed because she's lying in bed. She won't answer the door.

Sidey: quid light now as

Dan: yeah, it's really sinking in the whole thing. But eventually she does get up to answer the

Yeah, just to check she's okay with Vi.

and she is.

Reegs: is. Then the

Dan: Then the

postman comes.

Reegs: And he comes

Dan: with a box

which is clearly a dress. She opens up.

Reegs: well, it could have been a shotgun

Cris: I was gonna say, it could have been a machine gun. That was my

Sidey: my Christmas present.

A Christian There's some posts though, there's some, there's some comms and it's we saw your story in the newspaper,

Dan: And we knew instantly at once you'd been too kind again.


Sidey: we knew you'd fucked it in the air, but we had all your measurements so, oh, and by the way, Mrs. Fuckface, her husband's a crook. He's embezzled all the funds, he's gone to prison, she couldn't pay her account, so they've told her to get fucked.

So you can have the original dress, number 89,

Dan: That

Sidey: What was it called?

Higher and Higher Temptation, you can have that one. And here it is.

Dan: In your size and she's


Reegs: we've got your measurements so we could already make

Sidey: so happened that she had lying around the gloves and the matching shoes to go with it. Because she, she does have an occasion.

All you need is just a fucking night out and she does that. She goes to

Cris: Legion Ball, Legion Bowl that

Reegs: ball that she was talking

Sidey: Ball.

Dan: looks ravishing as she comes down. She really does have

Cris: and the bookie looks


Dan: model. There was tears in my eyes at this. I don't often get emotional over ladies dresses, but she'd worked hard

Sidey: hard for

Dan: Then she'd worked hard for this dress. She'd come down and like everybody's turned

Sidey: been a

dance promised earlier in the movie, hadn't

Dan: Yeah. That had

Reegs: And she finally is, I think, also, there's an exchange which reveals that she is open to the idea, I think, of exploring moving on in her, in her romantic

Dan: Definitely one of those two.

Reegs: yeah, definitely one of those two. And that's, they dance and that's the end. He tells her she's a beautiful person inside and out.

Sidey: Yeah,

Cris: out. Which is true, as we've seen throughout the movie.

Sidey: yeah

Dan: Yeah.

Reegs: The end. Finn!


Dan: then

Reegs: And then

a load of outtakes where she says cunt like 15 times.

Dan: you get a machine gun and just shoots everyone down in the hall.

No none of that last bit happened. But the rest of it is, I mean for a true story,

Sidey: it's not a true story

Reegs: a true

Dan: oh well, but if it was.

Sidey: It would be great.

Reegs: more like a little kind of fairy tale, very twee gentle, you know, light comedy, which I quite enjoyed. And I did, it was great to see her like smashing down the class barriers and the prejudice and just be like absolutely resolute. She was going to have this thing that was being kept away from her by the establishment and by Haute Couture itself.

There was always something quite nicer. And in, in doing that, she becomes this kind of symbol for, for everybody else to aspire to that finery themselves. So, yeah, it was, it's not the best movie I've ever seen, but I did not hate this at all. Very good performances. The score I fucking despised, absolutely hated it.

Really like, like cloyingly saccharine, but everything else was pretty good.

Dan: No, I quite like the music. I,

I, I,

enjoyed this. I thought you know, FL, FL Tower, I fell in love with this. I thought it was brilliant. I thought it was just a good old fashioned, light hearted, feel good story.

Just the kind of thing that I would, you know, You know, enjoy with the family Sunday night film everybody goes away feeling pretty happy. And it was a story of perseverance and her not giving up. Her name Leslie Menville, Mayville.

Reegs: Manville? yeah. She was in Phantom Thread and loads of other cool

Sidey: other cool movies. I didn't

Dan: I didn't think at the time. but Yeah, yeah,

yeah. It's not, it's not far off. Yeah, yeah. There was an Oscar winning costume designer, which doesn't go,

Reegs: it's

Dan: yeah, It's not too, too hard to imagine that because the costumes and the dresses and everything like that were fantastic. It's the kind of thing I think my missus would have really enjoyed.

Do you watched it with,

Sidey: I watched it with missus, yeah. Yeah,

Dan: And what she think of it?

Sidey: She was okay with it. She doesn't really like this kind of thing.

Dan: a

Sidey: She was a bit disgruntled when we weren't putting on another Bourne film. Um, but it was okay.

I, I didn't hate it. I get all the stuff about the themes, it's just stuff about

So the plot, the plot is the device to carry the themes right, and the plot is just something that doesn't interest me stuff about dresses or

Dan: know Not really,

Sidey: Not really,

they weren't skimpy enough to keep my attention, so it was fine, it was all fine

Dan: really not a French

Sidey: I don't really like the French either, fuck them, so, I'm on the, I'm on the fence of this one.

Dan: Ah, okay.

Reegs: It reminded me a little bit of the one that we forgot to review properly or did, didn't record, which was Fisherman's Friend. It's a

Sidey: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Some

Reegs: kind of vein of fairytale British comedies.

Sidey: Did we fuck that one up, did we?

Reegs: Yeah, we fucked it right up, didn't

Sidey: I quite enjoyed

Cris: What,


Sidey: I think

Cris: Is

Dan: Friend? It's one of

Sidey: yeah. Worth it.

Cris: yeah. Ah, yeah, I, I enjoy this. I, I, I talked about this before because I watched it with Keira quite a while ago when we, I, we didn't, obviously we didn't watch it for the pod or anything, but I, I did say in one of the, Ah, what did you watch this week?

Ah, watch this. So I remembered it. I remember pretty much all of it. It was, it was all right. It's not something that if, if you would say to me, ah, will you watch it again? I wouldn't know,

But it was all right. It was quite a feel good factor and a feel good story. Kind of agree with that.

It's a Wednesday afternoon, Sunday afternoon, Sunday evening movie where you can watch it and it's good for anyone, good for the family. There's no violence, there's no, you're not going to get any surprises or anything. And like

Reegs: Like you said, there's barely even any like internal strife in the movie. It's all pretty

plain sailing from

Cris: internal strife in the movie. It's all pretty plain sailing.

But as,

as a,

as a, film, you just sit there, watch it

Sidey: it was originally made in 1958 with Gracie Fields as the titular character and

Reegs: a version with Omar Sharif in 1992

Sidey: with Angela Lansbury and Omar Sharif and on both occasions they were Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris.

Dan: Okay, So it's got a little posh now.

Sidey: It's a strong

Reegs: is definitely the superior version, in my opinion, having not seen any of the

Sidey: Yeah, absolutely. I couldn't agree more.

Dan: go for it.

Cris: Yeah.

Sidey: Caped Crusader!

Dan: Yeah. Um, So. Looked at this. I think I said earlier already. I went hard for this.

Sidey: Yeah. Did

Dan: the full season

Reegs: Past 45

Dan: Yeah. Easy, easy.

Sidey: We watched something else. What did we watch? Something else that was a cartoon animation that had the look of the previous

Reegs: X-Men. 97. Yeah.

Sidey: this has the same thing.

Reegs: Batman, the animated series and the

Sidey: And then this, they've tried to replicate the look of it, but they've, they've taken it then in a different direction in terms of They've done some things with the characters. So specifically in this one, this is Batman and like all, well, a lot of the Batman sort of earlier stories, it's about the mob and then the things that are connected to that.

So this is Falcone and Penguin, but Penguin in

Reegs: Robert Thorn, I think his name

Sidey: Yeah, sorry, it's Thorne. They've taken down, they've taken down the Moroni one in this, or am I getting confused with the actual Batman film?

Reegs: the Batman film. This is Rupert Thorne.

Sidey: but but, but Penguin, Is in it, but the penguin in this is a lady

Reegs: Mm-Hmm. called Oswaldo up

Dan: a little bit.

Sidey: Yeah voiced by mini driver,

Reegs: Yeah.

Dan: I didn't know that. Right. Okay. Do now.

Reegs: And there's some interesting talent involved in this one. JJ Abrams and Matt Reeves are producing with Ed Brubaker.

Dan: There's about a million producers to be fair, I looked at that.

Reegs: it's got a bit of a weird history as well of how it got to the screen because it was made a couple of years ago, but it took until this year for it to be released, but it's already been commissioned for another season.

Dan: I think.

Oh, is it? Good. Because, as I say, to talk about this first season Episode 'cause that's where we started season one, episode one.

You'll have to remind me because I watched all,

Reegs: it starts, he's barely, I think Batman is barely a thing at this point. He's still just rumors, right? Because it starts with an interrogation and somebody's trying to find out information, who you selling secrets to Rupert Thorne, and then you cut to a warehouse and they're talking about, Oh, has anybody seen him

Dan: A guy's tied,

Reegs: a real thing.

Dan: a

Sidey: first? The first guy's like, don't worry about the police.

We've got them on the payroll. He's like, no, I'm not talking about him. He is like, don't worry about

Reegs: He's not a real thing or whatever. Anyway, he, Batman turns up and does his usual thing of like, you know, scaring the shit out of people and beating them up. And then there's the warehouse that they're in is just completely obliterated by a missile. And then we get the kind of credits and it is then it becomes really clear with the credits that this is kind of set in a sort of 1940s type world with a film noir, the aesthetic.


Sidey: you can take we've seen batman taken in different directions You got the adam west like super super camp stuff and then you've had the darker thing and this definitely leans more towards that side of it.

I watched it with my daughter and someone is like pretty fucking ruthlessly murdered in this and she's like, is he dead? Yep,

Dan: Yeah,

Sidey: the way that's

Dan: Yeah,

Reegs: And they play up the detective aspect of the Batman character I think in a way. So, yeah. We get, we get to meet a few characters. Harvey Dent, who seems much more unpleasant in this than in other

Sidey: who seems much more unpleasant in this than in other

Reegs: before anything's

Dan: He's a lawyer but he does want justice, you know, he does work for justice and having seen the whole series a lot of the the characters they build into it and they become a little more complex and and it's not true of all like as you say the penguin being a woman I think one of the detectives Bullock is

Can be like a good cop in some iterations of batman.

He's not in this one.

Reegs: a voice by bender from future. I'm a john demaggio

Dan: okay another yeah, I mean it's a stellar cast of

Sidey: christian and ritchie is in it mechanic grace. Paul shear

Reegs: So, should we quickly wrap up the plot? Right, turns out the penguin who is Oswaldo, the girl, she's doing a sexy little number. She's got a cruise ship that has a massive cannon on it. And her plan is to target all of the warehouses, well first to target Rupert. That's how she finds out that he was tipped off.

And she kills one of her sons, the wrong one it turns out, for being an informant. Burying him in the sea. Yeah. Yeah. And we see a load of other Bodies disposed of that way as, as ,

Cris: on that moment, because Bruce Wayne jumps into that hole just before she puts her son through. I thought he's gonna save that. Kid, but

Reegs: fuck

Cris: didn't give a shit.

Reegs: No. Well, he had to get back to the

Dan: He's he's kind of fallible as well in in this he's not super

Reegs: it's the early days of his career. Right.

Dan: And When he gets punched, he gets hurt. And when he gets, you know, he can't do everything all the time to everyone.

He's got his tools and, you know, slingshots and things like that and cars and, and stuff that all work great. But he's still, as you said earlier, maybe more the Christopher Nolan ones where he's, he's getting hurt. He's not, you know,

Reegs: a

Dan: kick ass

Sidey: I think that's one of the things I like about the most of the Batman world is that it's mostly just people. Who are fucking weird and like up to crazy shit.

There are some other there's like clay face and You know the croc and all that killer croc, but mostly it's just like weird people like the joker or the riddler Yeah, there's lunatics and batman, you know, that's the whole thing is like how far off, you know

Reegs: we're basically

Sidey: them is in So that's one thing that trouble and they do they reflect that quite well in this I think

Cris: He does they do show what's his name?

Harvey Dent's daughter. The other son goes to her to confess and then they get chased. Batman shoots or just punches the people that are chasing them. And then. They end up in the police headquarters. Meanwhile, Oswalda, the penguin, is targeting the headquarters, and Batman is trying to save them, and also the son is like, you don't understand, he's gonna target the police station now that she knows that, you don't know my mom, she's fucking mental.

And the whole story kinda goes that They have a fight on the, on the yacht and long story short, while the U. S. Coast Guard is closing in on them Penguin manages to shoot, to press the button and launches the missile. Meanwhile, the police headquarters have been evacuated and they, the target, the missile hits the target, but everyone's safe and everyone's outside.

Reegs: So the police station's been destroyed, but they've got enough evidence to take down the penguins operations. And it seems to be a win, but it leaves with Batman on a sour note saying we've just handed the city to Rupert Thorne.

Cris: Thorne.

Reegs: So dun dun dun to be continued.

Dan: Yeah. And it does, there's kind of underlying themes all the way through. You get to meet Harlene Quinn before she becomes Harley Quinn. I think, no, she's called Quincy, I think, a little bit later on.

And the characters play on, so there's like a baddie each theme, but there's underlying themes that connect the whole series as well. So, yeah, I really enjoyed this. I thought it was for an

Sidey: I'm, like, yeah, I'm gonna watch the rest of the series. Yeah, I really enjoyed it.

Dan: it. It's really easy to watch, for me.

Reegs: Yeah, I did pretty pretty I did quite enjoy this I don't know if i'll finish it off i'm not sure yet but

Dan: if I'll finish it off, I'm not

Sidey: Yeah, there's only one murder.

Dan: Yeah. Oh,

Sidey: she seemed to be into it.

Dan: it, yeah.

Sidey: Yeah.

Dan: Too dark, is it? It's still for kids. You can still get away. This language

Reegs: style is nice as well, very similar to that Batman animated series.

Dan: Strong recommend.

Holy Batman.

Sidey: I think Chris has got numbs

Dan: Chris has got

Sidey: next time. I

Cris: I have, yes, I, I had to change the top 5 because obviously I didn't really pay attention

Dan: Well I'm paying attention, I'm making

Reegs: Yeah, I can see,

Cris: I'm gonna put the little points.


kids thing I'm not really sure yet because we did the one that I had in mind.

Top 5 is cash money scenes in movies.

Dan: top Five Cash Money.

Cris: Yeah.

Main feature is the laundromat. I think 2017 Steven Soderbergh, Banderas Gary Oldman. There's quite a few Meryl Streep, there's quite a few good actors in it. It's on Netflix and the mid weeker is The Handmaiden Amazon Prime loads of sexy scenes in it,

Reegs: Explicit sex in that, Dan, apparently. 45

Cris: South Koreans, 45 degrees.

Dan: Nice

Cris: And the kids think, I'll put, I'll put something tomorrow. I'll have a look tomorrow morning and I'll, I'll come up with something.

Dan: That'll be all over the internet tomorrow

Sidey: Right, all that remains is to say, Sidey's signing out.

Reegs: Riggs has left the building.

Dan: Dan's gone