Sept. 4, 2024

Midweek Mention... The Handmaiden

Midweek Mention... The Handmaiden

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Welcome back to Bad Dads Film Review! Today, we're diving into the captivating and intricately plotted world of The Handmaiden, a 2016 psychological thriller directed by Park Chan-wook. This South Korean film, inspired by the novel Fingersmith by Sarah Waters, is a masterclass in storytelling, visual aesthetics, and suspense.

A Tale of Deceit and Desire Set in 1930s Korea during the Japanese occupation, The Handmaiden tells the story of a young Korean woman, Sook-hee, who is hired as a handmaiden to a wealthy Japanese heiress, Lady Hideko. However, Sook-hee’s employment is part of an elaborate scheme concocted by a con man named Count Fujiwara. His plan: for Sook-hee to help him seduce Lady Hideko so he can marry her, commit her to an asylum, and steal her wealth.

Layers Upon Layers As the narrative unfolds, it becomes a mesmerizing tale of double-crosses, sexual awakening, and shifting loyalties. The story is presented in three parts, each from a different character’s perspective, which gradually reveals the depths of deception and the complexities of the characters’ relationships. This structure keeps the viewer guessing and reevaluating everything they know about the characters and their motives.

Why It Stands Out

  • Visual Storytelling: Park Chan-wook’s direction is visually stunning. Every frame is meticulously crafted, combining exquisite costume and set designs with a vibrant color palette that enhances the sensual and suspenseful atmosphere of the film.
  • Complex Characters: The characters in The Handmaiden are richly developed, with motivations that are both hidden and explicit. This complexity adds layers to the narrative, making the character dynamics engrossing and the plot twists more impactful.
  • Erotic Elements: The film incorporates strong erotic themes that are integral to the plot and character development. These elements are handled with artistry and contribute significantly to the film’s exploration of freedom, power, and identity.

At its core, The Handmaiden explores themes of manipulation and liberation. It delves into the ways individuals manipulate each other for personal gain, but also how characters can break free from societal and personal oppression. The film challenges traditional notions of power and autonomy, particularly in relation to gender and sexuality.

For fans of psychological thrillers, historical dramas, and beautifully crafted cinema, The Handmaiden is a must-watch. Its ability to blend genre elements with a profound exploration of human desires and deceptions makes it a standout film that engages the mind and the senses.

Join us as we unravel the intricate web of The Handmaiden, exploring its narrative complexities, stunning aesthetics, and the provocative questions it raises about love, betrayal, and freedom. Whether you’re discovering it for the first time or revisiting this modern classic, there’s plenty to uncover in this thrilling cinematic journey. 🎬🔍👨‍👧‍👦🍿

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The Handmaiden


Cris: Yes. just kind of put in different we're searching because this is an Amazon prime it's a film that you can find on Amazon prime. Was it an Amazon prime studios at the beginning? Was that, did that say, or I

Sidey: no, it was on one of those Amazon add on channels that you could bf bfi is the bfi thing.

You could get it. You could watch it through that this is a south korean Historical, psychological thing. It's directed co written and co produced by Park Chang wook. You may remember him from such films as Old Boy, and he definitely has a thing about octopus.

Cris: octopuses.

Sidey: And this is a story told in three parts, I guess kind of non-linear, no.

Cris: linear.

Sidey: And

it's it's full of twists and turns. Yep. It's, it is got a historical setting, but I couldn't first place exactly how historical it was.

Cris: Know. It says, it says in, in terms of like western world. It's like Victoria, Victorian era.

Sidey: At one point it gets a phone call. Okay. So it's not like historical, historical.

It's, it's like early 19 hundreds.

Cris: It's I think, I'm pretty sure it's in 1956 or in and around that time

Sidey: Okay.

Cris: or, or 19 anyway. Actually probably before that because it's on, in Korea, it's set in Korea, but it's under. colonial rule by the


Sidey: and there's loads of references to the Koreans being like the

Cris: Yeah. Well, this is the thing. And this is, I think we talked about this before, but it's one of those things that whenever you meet someone like an Asian person, that they, they also tend to be quite racist towards other Asian

Sidey: Right, okay, yeah. And

Cris: the Japanese see themselves as

best ones, I guess. And then everyone else is below them for whatever reason.

But, and they do kind of have this throughout the movie that the South Koreans are not.

Sidey: just they just think of them as farmers and like. Yeah. Factory workers and stuff. You know, not like the the elite but this this is set up as and I was getting, did you receive parasite?

Cris: I

Sidey: getting kind of parasite vibes to this because it's a it's a rich. Big house very, very super rich guy that lives there with his epic book collection. We don't know exactly what's in his collection at first. And we're almost immediately told that they are, that these, Korean family are going to place someone in there to take over the role as the handmaiden.

Because they've, we find out later, they've found a way to get the other one sacked. And they're going to put in this new handmaiden. And by the way, the synopsis, if you read this before you watch the film really doesn't tell, it doesn't prepare you for what's going to

Cris: no, well, this is the thing because it's kind of, it opens with a scene in the rain with her and the babies. That she gives up the babies and soldiers marching through the streets. Oh, you're going to miss the train tears. And then it's this long journey, which goes on the train, long journey, wakes up at some gates and the driver's like, go back to sleep or not even at the house yet.

And you think, wow, if you're going to drive, you can fall asleep before you get the house.

Sidey: But she's a pickpocket and a thief. Her mother was a really famous thief in terms of like she'd been doing it for years and yeah had had only got caught the once. Um and um and also so she's being put there to talk to and manipulate the lady of the

Cris: the house.

Sidey: And then this other guy's gonna come in.

He's a forger.

So, the guy. So, the guy, the yeah, the the the count in commas. Yes. He's being employed because the guy is having to sell off some of his books but wants to keep them so he's gonna get forgeries made. Yeah. To flog the the really really good forgeries and then obviously keep his prized possessions in his vault.

So we're told that straight away. And then almost immediately as she's plotted in the house. You can tell she's she's, she's not a handmaiden, right. She's not got the experience. She doesn't know what she's doing. She flummoxes around, but the lady that she's looking after is, is very, kind of, seems very quiet, very

Cris: And also she has a nightmare. So, so it's all like in the first

Sidey: first night, yeah,

Cris: the first night night, my mother, when she screams after her mom, all that stuff, she's barges in and handmade and barges in, tries to comfort her and all that.

So she's a troubled soul. Let's just say that.

Sidey: it's lady hadiko, isn't it?

It's her. And yeah, she's having a nightmare. She says about her Is it her aunt?

Cris: Yes, her aunt, yeah. The old fella's wife.

Sidey: hanged herself on the tree that she can see from her

Cris: The cherry

Sidey: bedroom.

Cris: That he brought from Japan.

Sidey: then she puts like a, seems like, cause you just get a shot of the window with a ghost, but it's just her with a blanket running past the window.

And they seem to connect really, really quickly because she can't read.

Cris: the letter.

the recommendation

Sidey: can't read the recommendation letter, even though he's told her exactly what he's going to write. She can't read it. And it seems like everything that she's telling the lady is bullshit. And she says to her, look, I don't care if you steal.

I don't care if you're shit, just fucking don't lie to me. So they, they sort of bond really quickly. And she like, cause it's fairly long feels like two and a half hours long. And she very sort of quickly to me when I was watching it seems to have doubts about going through with the plan. And her plan is to just, you know, make, because this guy, the count comes in, he's supposed to tutor her at painting and do all this sort of stuff.

And she's supposed to say, Oh, you've been


Cris: been You've

Sidey: life since he's come on board and all this sort of bullshit. Yeah. And what we're, because this is part one, we're kind of shown her having doubts about the plan. And we're gonna see how that plays out with him. He gets really arsey with her saying because she she says, you know, you don't push her too hard.

Don't push the lady too hard. She'll just

she'll go to pieces. You have to do it And also, she's

being groomed to marry her uncle. That's a quite gay


Cris: We only see him, in the first part, one instance where he goes

Sidey: We only see him in the first part. In one instance where he

The handmaiden goes into the room. His

special like The library.

Cris: in the library.

Sidey: a snake statue. And Lady Hidiko is on her knees very submissively.

We don't know what's going on. He's got black ink on his Tongue

Cris: a fucking

Sidey: his mouth like a fucking weirdo and he just shouts the snake the snake.

Cris: and then the, yeah, the other servant shuts the

Sidey: to shut this mechanical like fucking door just slam shut and you're like what the fuck is going on in this room and as we learn later on his books, it's all pornography.

Cris: so

Sidey: It's all super explicit.

Cris: Some of them with drawings.

Sidey: very, very like male dominating submissive women type scenarios and what he's doing is he gets Lady Hidiko. We we're showing it later on from a very very young age to read these books and then to do like performance readings to an audience of these super like

Cris: She was technically groomed by his aunt and him, like by the uncle and aunt.

And then obviously further on the line, we're going to find out with the aunt how she felt about it. But she was groomed to learn how to read and to basically do what she's doing now, but from a very young age. And she was like, To, to not say anything, not answer back, not to talk back, not to say these things because you'll get this, or you'll get that, and there's, throughout the, the first chapter, we get the handmaiden looking through all these, through her stuff,

Sidey: She goes to her hand boxes hat boxes, doesn't she? She finds a rope. Yeah. Which I think is, you're supposed to think the suicide rope, but it probably turns out to be BDSM stuff.

And then there's also, she finds these metal balls and you're like, Oh God, what the f k are

Cris: Because they, they're too big to be like

Sidey: Bum beads

Cris: yeah, the bumby, they, they're just too big and

Sidey: And then we see we get a flashback later on of her as a very, very young child, like younger than 10, I'd say. And she said something and she has to put one of the balls in her mouth and then hold her hand out flat, like knuckles up.

And he just fucking like whips her hand with these other two balls on a rope. And I was thinking the first one must have broken her fucking hand. And he does it like three or four times. And he says, remember the taste of that next time you think about.

Cris: Answering back or so talking

Sidey: back to me and you're like jesus christ

Cris: and obviously through throughout all this you can kind of see the first chapter you can see that they built a relationship and they slowly start to have a close to sexual relationship because she's like oh i've got this sharp tooth and she grinds it and

Sidey: this is the first bit where it gets really horny. Yeah, she's barfing her And She complains about but there's so many like stolen glances or just just staring into each other's eyes And she the camera sort of does this thing where you can see it's her eyes looking down and eventually She's looking at her boobs and she complains about her tooth and she gets this It's like a thimble, isn't it?

And and just and just then just really like erotically

Cris: Just fingers her

Sidey: her mouth while she Files down her tooth and you're like, okay right Um And the plan is that they are, she is the one with the money. The old man doesn't have any money. So they are trying to groom her with a view to taking her money.

She's got a fucking load of cash, all these bearer bonds and all kinds of investments and the plan is to get her to sign them away.

Cris: Well, the plan is for him to marry her and then to take her to an asylum.

If she's declared insane, then he gets to keep everything because that's, it's easier than to kill her or anything. That's, that's, that was the times of how they wanted to do it. And unfortunately, the handmaiden slowly looks like it's also a bit of a twisted one because it looks like she's falling in love with the, with Hideko, but she's also just keeps pushing her towards the count.

Sidey: She

Cris: She keeps going with the plan.

Sidey: goes to the plan because he intimidates her as well.

And you know, she comes from poverty and this is she thinks her way out. Yeah. She's gonna get, I think she's bargained up to 100 thousand. Yeah.

Cris: 50, 000 for the lady and 100 for her.

Sidey: dresses and all the jewelry as well. So that's why she she goes, she does, she does Have feelings for her it seems but she also is still motivated to like, well, you know really need to get this done but they have this moment, where She says to her, I want you to sleep next to me.

And this is where it gets super horny. They have, they, you know, first of all, she's like, I've never kissed anyone. I don't know if I'll be able to satisfy him or this sort of stuff. What

Cris: would he want?

Sidey: How's it? I'm so cold and all this and so they first of all, they kiss. They do the lollipop thing as well.

It's super

Cris: horny. Yeah. The lollipop

Sidey: rubs the lolly around her gob and then they do that. And it escalates but it's not it's obviously not. Like rumpy. Oo, like, it's like a fellow getting involved. It's more sensual.

Cris: it's, it's, it's a,

Sidey: they use you know, they're not, it's not like dirty talk. They're very poetic the way they talk to each other, I would say.

Cris: they, they, she,

Sidey: They, they, you know, she would just say her jade,

Cris: The jade flower, or the jade, yeah. It's so soft, and I don't know, yeah.

Sidey: And so we're, we're kind of been driven down this path of it. It's those two having the connection and he's the counts

Cris: the count

Sidey: getting marginalized, pushing

Cris: for him to, for her to, to, to, and, and you can see all these little things I call.

And he also acts like she's definitely a servant. Keeps pushing her away in certain moments or, ah, you're carrying all this paint, ah, did you bring oil paint? No, or you need to go get it back. And then she comes back and finds them

Sidey: and kissing and he's proposed to her

Cris: touching and all that proper, like

Sidey: yeah.

And then so it comes to a head where Lady Deco says, you know, I don't know what to do and suki says you should, you should be with him. You should, you should go for it. This is after they've just had this really like sexually charged encounter. A lady who could slap her. No, I can't believe you are saying that after what we've just had. She's devastated and she slaps her, carries her out of the room, shuts her in a like Harry Potter broom closet thing, says off.

Um and and this is where like we get the first sort of pivot of the plan because they basically go to the asylum.

Cris: Well, yeah, but this is the thing because what they're waiting for is for the old man to go to, is he going to Japan for two weeks,

Sidey: a book sale or

Cris: something like that.

He's, he's just going out of the property and you, you just see the, the, they have the plan, let the old man go. The count will Pretend he's gone ahead of him. And while the old man's away, they're going to run off with and, and initially it was meant to be just the count and Hideko to run away.

But she makes, she's like, okay, I'll agree to marry you. But we're on one condition. We need to get her in. So say they make a pact to be together as well, which you think, Oh, that's quite nice of her. Look, you know, she'll, she'll get her along as well. And then they escape in the night, jumping over fences and running in fields and shit.

And then he picks them up in a boat and they, after a long journey, they first get married. Because he pays these priests or whatever, and you can see the rings being put on and everything. And then they end up in the asylum. And he's like, ah let's just go to, to the asylum and then we'll have lamb chops.

At the I don't know, oriental hotel or whatever. And when they get to that's when we pivot, when we get to the


Sidey: turns out that lady hadiko Hasn't been this shy retiring Introvert.

That's just a part. She's been playing. It's like primal fear with thing. It's like totally pivots and actually the con is on Sukhee and it's her that they tell the story.

Cris: That she's actually Hideko.

Sidey: Yeah,

Cris: And she thinks she's a handmaiden.

Sidey: and she goes over the real Hidiko and says, Oh, she's, she's lost it. She's a complete nut job. And she is institutionalized, screaming, dragged away, swearing and, and going by.

Cris: off, get your fucking hands on it.

Sidey: Yeah and then we get to part two now it's it's done it like it stops and it says part two this is literally is like chapter based like that and it's sort of the same story but from the different

Cris: Well, yeah, from the perspective of the deal being made between the Count in Vertical and Hideko.


Sidey: and now we see all those scenarios that happened in part one from his eyes or whatever where we see all the parts where It's Sue.

He's the one who's on

Cris: And this is, I think, I, I find, I find this is the, the most sexually charged and weird out of all of them, really, out of all the three chapters, because that's when it's his initial story. When he first, it's, it's more of how she was raised. How it ends

Sidey: fucking twisted.

Cris: and then it ends up being, he's this handsome all women want me, all sexy,

Sidey: I could have anyone

Cris: I can have anyone, blah, blah, blah, except for her, her eyes are cold and she's cold and all that.

And then you can see the, that's when you have readings and she gets. She does a reading and then, oh, there's a page missing, but we're going to recreate that. And she gets this mannequin

Sidey: it's

Cris: where she kind of

Sidey: It's like one of those, artist mannequins, you know You That you can position so that you could create, you know, like anatomically you could do all that.

And she sits as stride. It like some fucking twisted pornographic

Cris: it's like a, like a, I don't know, sexual position and they lift her up. It's really bizarre, but also you can see while she's reading.

all these men just kind of sweating and, and, and then also there's, there's a bit where she's with her bum out and they, she's got

Sidey: they flocking her.


Cris: bum. And then, then it's like, Oh, what would you do? I would kiss her over, but what would you be in her position? And then if you're in her

Sidey: He says if if if you could have her for 10 minutes, what would you do to have that? He said i'd do anything in the world. So I said it's him getting fucking weird The count is absolutely horny.

Cris: And I think that's how they get to the forgery part. That's when they show that how he, how good he is and why he knows all these things. And then he's, he's like, okay, I'm going to come in. I know I'm not going to be able to seduce you. So they kind of agree. How does he, there's, there's this thing where he gets the old man to answer a phone or something, and then he just stays alone with her at the table and tells her, let's just have a transaction here.

We both know what's going to happen. You're going to marry that guy, this old boy,

Sidey: Your uncle your uncle.

Cris: your uncle, let's just

Sidey: and we've seen The extent of the grooming and there's a scene It's really awful where it's the aunt still it's because it flashes back to when she's a kid She's very very young and they are reading out this fucking like soup from explicit stuff And it's the kid like it's a real child fucking doing it and they say something that's

Cris: giggles

Sidey: And he he'd like mules their families.

He's got gloves on and he just puts his hand over their face and like roughs them up and like almost suffocates them for ages. And it's like, Jesus, man. And that's what's been happening to her. So no wonder she's fucking warped. It's absolutely twisted.

Cris: and then that's the thing you kind of because initially i thought what a fucking bitch she put her in the asylum and then he kind of shows you how

Her upbringing was and how cold she is.

Sidey: demented. Yeah,

Cris: And then it slowly comes into that. But it also shows you from her point of view, from Hideko's point of view, where she's also, she loves being gay throughout this interaction from her side. But it's always the way Suki was feeling. Sorry. She's now feeling sorry. And she has all these like, Oh, maybe,

Oh, you should, when when suki

says, Oh, you should leave

her alone.

You're going to break her to count to the count. The same thing, I don't push her too much. You're going to break her is we need to keep her kind of on the level or whatever. And then slowly we, we get through all these things where they show again, all the video, all the books, they read all the books and they, they kind of show the end of the plan or, or of how they want to do it.

I can't remember how the, the transition is to the third.

Sidey: Well, I was watching it up to this point because you know, part one ends with Suki in the asylum and I'm thinking right but this is called the handmaiden and she's the handmaiden. That can't be like the last we see of

Cris: won't be. Yes.

Sidey: And so the the the big I guess next pivot is um Um, we get we get to see that sex scene again But this time we get to see the aftermath of it and they're properly into each other Yes, it's this is real and you're I don't know if everyone had the same experience as me watching it but I was watching it thinking who can fucking trust anyone in this because they're constantly like

Cris: twisting and turning.

Sidey: double cross triple cross there.

But it is definitely when you get to part three, it is definitely Suki and Hideko who have the proper connection, the actual only real genuine connection of anyone in this film. And we've seen to have sex they are clearly and it's not like a quickie. This is like a loving proper thing between two people.



Cris: alone, they're left alone by the, by the count after the marriage and all that, no?

Sidey: we see some more performances where she's reading out these twisted books and everyone in the audience is like basically got hard on and like it was so weird and repressed but like disgusting and they have made a deal That this is what we're going to do.

We're going to actually the con is going to be on the count. You're going to need Suki. You're going to need to go into the asylum but what we'll do is we'll write to your family back home to let them know this is what's happening and they're going to get a cut of everything. They will basically break you out.

Yeah. After a couple of days and he will be he will be done in by the uncle. Yeah. Because they trash his collection.

Cris: Yes.

Sidey: They go in into his library. They rip all the pages out. They dorm ink everywhere. They throw

Cris: it in the water

Sidey: They stamp on it all like and you know this guy's gonna be enraged when he finds out and we see in the asylum a fire breaks out and then we see the family come in and they're like pretend firefighter thing

Cris: leather kind

Sidey: yeah look like weird monsters.

So she's broken out of there. Yeah. And the aftermath of the book destruction when he finds out is he gets the count and just fucking tortures him is Pretty fucking brutal. He he says to him. He's got him tied into a chair, isn't he? Because she drugs him Yes, I thought it was poison, but she just

Cris: No, because she, is it? Oh yeah. He said, I'll give you this as a present. It's his present from the, for the wedding. After the wedding, I'll give you this present. And it's three drops. You can put someone to sleep. Six drops. You can put a horse to sleep and seven or eight.

Sidey: can Yeah, so Hideko puts three drops in his wine. And he won't drink it so she he can tell that she's not into him because she Sort of allows him to have sex with her, but we can tell she's not into it and so what she has to do is Is put his wine in her mouth and spit it like like cum swapping into his mouth until the whole glass is gone And then eventually he does collapse before he penetrates her.

And he's I thought he was dead Yeah, I probably hadn't been following that conversation about the drops You Fully. He comes to and there's two like


Cris: dudes They escort him And he's, that's a funny one, that was actually quite funny because he's just in his shirt Bummed out and he's

Sidey: you get me those

Cris: just these socks that have a holder, like

Sidey: the sock garter. Yeah. And he, can you get me my trousers? They very nicely escort him back to the gaff. Where he's gonna have to answer for all the damage to the books because he's the only one left. Yeah and he whilst he's been out or certainly weakened he's basically Strapped into a chair

Cris: And, and this is also, is this, did we see the basement before, or is this the first time we

Sidey: We'd seen the library. We hadn't seen all the fucking weird

Cris: We had, we had just a little reference about the basement once when the, the old fella leaves and he's like, just be careful how you behave. Remember the basement.

Sidey: Yes, it looks like there's body parts in formaldehyde jars.

There's the vaginas.

Cris: and you're thinking,

Sidey: And he says, he says, I've never shown you how my bookmaking equipment works and you're thinking, it looks like you've shown some other people because there's all kinds of things in on the shelves. And he cuts off all one by one cuts off the fingers of one hand. And

he says

to the guy the counselor, can I just have a cigarette?

And he says, Oh, you've got this fucking silly thing about smoking cigarettes. And we have seen this like numerous times, a cigarette case, and there were cigarettes that in a different color. And you're wondering like, what are

Cris: Two blue cigarettes, and the other ones are all just And he's got this where he draws a picture of a woman, rolls his backie in it, and smokes it.

Sidey: So he's only got, he takes the blue one and he lights that. And this is where there's a fucking giant, enormous octopus in a tank. Like it's too big for the tank. And you're thinking. What's gonna happen? Because like old boy and all that, you know, oh, Jesus. And he cuts off, he's got some big scissors like shearing scissors and he cuts off his underwear.

And he says, oh, could I just before that goes to have my other cigarette? And then the the old man's kind of like stumbling around a bit. And it's like, I feel lightheaded and everything's gone a bit slow and blurry. And then the count says, yeah that mercury will do that for you. It's most deadly in its gaseous form.

So he's got these fucking mercury cigarettes that he's just been keeping around in case he needs to fucking kill someone. And he said, and he says, well, you know, I'm going to die too, but at least my cock will still be

Cris: And then

Sidey: And then we see the girls, the girls escape plan. There's been an APB put out on them.

Basically that any two women traveling together will be

Cris: Stopped.

Yes. Yeah.

Sidey: So, Hidiko has She's gone full trans.

Cris: she's got a moustache

Sidey: and a suit and a hat. And

Cris: there you can see them forging the papers and like the passports

Sidey: It's good detail on that

Cris: And they, yeah, and it's nice how they, how they show the picture, the actual photo. And also they change the train because there is a point in the plot where he the count asks Hideko to marry him.

legally as Suki when they changed the identity and we're going to go to Vladivostok where he has this noble family's property or something. And that's where they have the trains,

Sidey: they, they changed it to Shanghai, don't they?

Cris: they changed the ticket to Shanghai and the guy's like, it's going to cost you another three,

Sidey: three yen or something. And she's like, okay.

Cris: okay.

Sidey: And then we see them on the boat. She's able to take off her disguise. They are finally free and together very much in love as it seems. We get another sex scene.

This one is super

Cris: Yeah. The scissors,

Sidey: It's the scissors. The scissoring has been described in one of the. Books he's had to read and now they do it for real. It's also called tripping. I think if you look that up

Cris: What is it called? Tripping. Okay. I don't know if it's scissors or not.

Sidey: scissoring is the more traditional name for it and they do it and they have all kinds of sex it like goes on for a good long while

Cris: quite a bit at the end of the movie. It's quite interesting.

Sidey: super horny, yeah,

Cris: good. It's good

Sidey: And you feel like real happy for them because

ending. Yeah, it's a good happy ending.

Cris: And they, they, I've never seen this. So if anyone's a gay couple can tell us if, if this is how women do it, because I've never seen real ones in my life doing it,

Sidey: I'd say this is a good level of authenticity to

Cris: probably, but it's the first time I've seen someone getting satisfied with bells in their mouth and in their funny,

Sidey: Yes,

Cris: that's, that's the first time I've heard of this.

So, so good

Sidey: I don't think that you necessarily have to be in a gay relationship to do that to someone.

Cris: Maybe, yeah, well, I don't, well, maybe, yeah, anyway.

Sidey: But that's it. That's the end. They, they get away. They, they escape. They've, they've got the fortune. They've got each other and it's a, it's a good, happy

Cris: And the bad guys are dead.

Sidey: Yeah. Oh, he'd also drilled through his hand with

Cris: Yeah, because it's one of them where you kind of press, it's like a press machine where you press something down and it just drills through his hand, yeah,

Sidey: So, so that was fairly good. I had never heard of this before. But I was sort of and then Riggs, I think mentioned that it was had sex in it.

Cris: Yes, well you, I think you had a look at it, Riggs.

Sidey: They didn't end up watching it. Neither did Dan. So we're gonna, we're gonna,

Cris: they are in the building, but they couldn't care less about it, so.

Sidey: it was thrown together for a measly five and a bit million dollars. And took 38 million worldwide

Cris: I did see that actually. It said, what was it? 8. 8 million. It said us dollars, the budget.

Sidey: Okay

Cris: And it said box office 38. 6

million. And apparently it was meant to be selected to compete for the Palm door at the 2015 conf in festival. It was released in first on 1st of June in Korea. And the film won category, the category of best film, not in the English language.

Are the British Film Awards.

Sidey: Yeah, I mean, for me, it's a really fucking strong

Cris: I really liked, I really liked it. And do you know what not

Sidey: Not just because it's got sex in it. It's generally just like performances of knockout.


Cris: the

twists are good. The twists are

Sidey: great. The the setting is fucking incredible. I don't know that the Korean cinema just seems to be real good. What I did look up was just how many laws they broke. In the movie. Because I like to do that these days.

Cris: do that these days.

Sidey: So


Cris: Ah. Right. As what they were


Sidey: crimes, what crimes they'd

Cris: right. Okay. I thought in the making of the movie, I was

thinking, sure, Hopefully,

Sidey: maybe, I dunno, but the characters in the film so there, there's fraud, forgery, fraud. That's. That's the count. There's theft, suki, thief, forgery.

That's the count again. Attempted murder and murder count. The count and Lady Hidiko and Suki indirectly caused deaths. And they could be charged with manslaughter, kidnapping and unlawful confinement, destruction of property when they destroy all

Cris: Yes, yeah, the library.

Sidey: and involvement in pornography and abuse.

So Lady Hidiko for fraud, manslaughter. And destruction of property could be facing between 21 and 55 years if caught and convicted. Tsuki, fraud, theft, manslaughter, destruction of property. She was looking at between 17 to 60 years. Count Fujiwara, fraud, forgery, attempted murder, unlawful confinement, 35 to 80 years.

But he's dead. So, you know, and uncle kuzuki Kidnapping and unlawful confinement involvement in pornography and abuse indirect involvement in death he was looking at 20 to life or potentially even a death

Cris: to do live or potentially even the death penalty.

So yeah, they

Sidey: So yeah, they were looking good. But this was excellent. It was the whole class thing.

Bit like parasite that some of us watched for the pod just after COVID of course. Yeah, excellent.

Cris: Yeah, I, I really enjoyed it. The, and even the little, the, the, the little character, if you look at it, there's not that many characters in the


Right. But even the

little ones, the apart from the kids, the, the thief people, they ha they play really well, and they have their little inputs, the maids, the other maids when they hide her shoe and blah, blah, blah. So that, that's a good little kind of. side plot that the actual big made the older one that uncle had, who was just being an absolute bitch and would speak Korean.

And the only reason why Hideko learned Korean is just so that she knows what they would tell her and, and stuff like that. So it's all these little kind of, it was, it was really good. I can't really say anything about the score because I never listened to.

Sidey: It was good. It

was appropriate and it didn't particularly stand out, but it

Cris: was really nicely filmed as well, I found. It was quite dark and grim, but the nice scenes were nice and light, so it was quite nice like that.

Sidey: Yeah. Strong, strong recommend.