Midweek Mention... Salt

Welcome back to Bad Dads Film Review, where today we're diving into the high-octane world of espionage with the 2010 action thriller, SALT. Directed by Phillip Noyce and starring Angelina Jolie in a role that cements her status as a modern action icon, Salt is a film that combines intense action sequences with a plot full of twists and turns.
Salt follows Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie), a CIA officer who finds herself on the run after a defector accuses her of being a Russian spy. With her loyalty questioned, Salt must use all her skills and cunning to evade capture from her colleagues and prove her innocence.
The film's narrative is a labyrinth of deception and double-crosses, as Salt's quest to clear her name uncovers a far-reaching conspiracy that threatens global stability. The story challenges viewers to constantly question Salt's true allegiance, keeping the suspense and intrigue dialed high from start to finish.
Salt is noteworthy for several reasons:
- Angelina Jolie's Performance: Jolie delivers a powerhouse performance, showcasing physicality and emotional depth that elevates the film beyond standard spy fare. Her portrayal of Salt is both formidable and nuanced, making her one of the most compelling female action heroes in cinema.
- Action Sequences: The film features some brilliantly choreographed action scenes that range from high-speed chases to intense hand-to-hand combat, all executed with precision and flair.
- Plot Twists: Salt keeps the audience guessing with its multiple plot twists that blur the lines between friend and foe. The screenplay cleverly plays with spy genre tropes, offering a fresh take on the double agent storyline.
Salt stands out as a gripping, intelligently crafted action thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Whether you're a fan of spy dramas, action-packed thrillers, or strong female leads, Salt delivers on all fronts, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre.
So, whether you’re revisiting this modern classic or experiencing its thrilling twists for the first time, join us as we decode the mystery and action of Salt on Bad Dads Film Review. 🎬🕵️♀️👨👧👦🍿
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Until next time, we remain...
Bad Dads
Sidey: If I was going to do Flambard's freshly showered ass
Dan: I'm about to lose control, I think I like it.
Reegs: Wow.
that was great.
Dan: say look at me look at me call me a dirty bitch
Reegs: Have you noticed
Sidey has got like a habit now of like editing little bits, just little bits at the start of stuff that
Dan: Just the gold, the gold. Yeah,
Reegs: Just remember that you're always on air basically, because I've been stung a couple of times
Dan: of times. I've
Sidey: It's the start of Salty week.
Dan: Yeah.
Cris: Yes it is.
Dan: It's an assault on the
Sidey: Yes.
This is a movie called Salt.
Dan: Yeah. it?
It's lucky we found on that
Sidey: It's the 2010 Action thriller starring.
Dan: Angel Jolie.
Sidey: Did everyone watch it? Yes Had anyone seen it before?
Dan: Yes.
Sidey: Oh, it was your first time? Yeah Okay, that's interesting Okay, well let's find out
Reegs: It's a sort of twisty, turny, Bourne identity
Sidey: Yeah, Killary
Reegs: y
Dan: Yeah,
Sidey: yeah, it's not like a James Bond one I was thinking about it, it's definitely more of a female ish Jason Bourne
Reegs: Yeah,
Dan: Yeah, I had that kind of vibe. How did it start,
Sidey: It
Cris: her In
Reegs: getting battered in her pants in North Korea.
Dan: she's,
on a cold, hard floor. There's a
Sidey: It's so, there's a sort of waterboarding but it's more, it's like a pool. Tube. Tube all the way down her
Reegs: Yeah. It's really horrible.
Sidey: they're kicking her and stuff whilst on the deck.
Dan: Telling her
Reegs: she's a spy and she's protesting her innocence. I work for Rink Pharmaceuticals. I think she says something like that.
Sidey: Sounds dodgy as well.
Dan: she's holding firm. And it comes to a point where they were obviously pissed off with her. And they want to use her as a bargaining chip in, in some exchange.
And that's what happens next. Because we, we see her on a bridge meeting some of the American party contingency, some soldiers, and they do a swap with a another
Reegs: Yeah,
Shry Shry
Sidey: He's looking
Reegs: Yeah, and immediately suspect as well, I thought, but that's maybe because this was the second time I'd seen this movie, who
Ahem. He escorts her back across the border in this prisoner exchange and says, she says to him Oh, you're supposed to leave me there. No connections. And he says, well, your boy, your husband was making such a big publicity storm effectively that we had to bring you home.
Dan: you home. Yeah, and
Reegs: true
Dan: is it
Cris: Well, the future husband at that point, I think,
Reegs: it was a boyfriend
Cris: Yeah, it was boyfriend. Yeah. He was
Dan: But yeah,
Cris: Yeah. The partner. Yeah. The guy.
Dan: that his His wife his partner is being held hostage by the north koreans as a spy and then went on a huge Publicity drive to free her.
And it wasn't the agency then that had stepped in to help her. It was the fact that he had done all this and he meets her at
Sidey: Yeah, he's there.
Yeah. And then I guess
Reegs: He's a total schlub,
Sidey: yeah, it didn't, it
Reegs: is Angelina Jolie.
Sidey: I know. And she, I don't know if they tried to dress her down at this point because to me, like her blonde hair took me out of it. But he was definitely punching. He, he was punching way above his average.
Reegs: yeah, I think like there's a lot of, cause he's a world famous spider expert and I think there's a lot of spider experts at home looking at their
wives. Like,
Sidey: don't know why it's like, hmmm.
Cris: I could do
Reegs: could have done better. Yeah.
Dan: I was just yeah in the wrong place at the right time
Sidey: She's working for a company which you're not, it's not made absolutely explicitly clear right away. And she's leaving for the day. She's done some shit on the computer and having a
Reegs: for her wedding anniversary.
Sidey: time with my colleagues, et cetera. And she's leaving.
Reegs: she leaned across the counter to make coffee? Like, instead of just, like, if, like, normally doing it, she, like, arse was
Sidey: was with her husband at
Reegs: husband. Yeah.
Sidey: Because she's she's i've got to leave on time because i've got my thingy leave shivers I've got to go because i've got getting on a flight and someone comes in and says someone's walked in we've got to walk in it's a defector and they're like fuck they didn't they even knew about our cover.
So they're cia
Dan: Yeah.
Yeah, And, and they want them to go in and establish if this is a genuine. You know, bonafide Colonel General of the Russian Army, or it's just bullshit. Somebody's walked in and there's nobody better to do it than these two. It'll only take him 20 minutes. So she goes in.
Sidey: the interrogator.
Dan: He
seems to be very calm, collected, and he starts talking to her.
And just as she's up and leaving because she's a place to go, people, people to see he mentions her name as being the.
Reegs: Yeah, well, he weaves, he weaves this big story about it starts with Lee Harvey Oswald, who, who was
Sidey: a Russian plant.
Reegs: Russian plant. Yeah. Like a,
Sidey: Sleeper cell
Reegs: sleeper agent. Yeah. Who was mind controlled into killing the president or whatever. And then he tells this story of this like wrestling champion and this chess prodigy who had a, a daughter who was brought up to be the best of the best of the best sleeper prodigy. Agent,
Dan: Yeah, well, they, they, they take a load
Reegs: and she's like, Uhhuh, Uhhuh, Uhhuh.
And then he says, and her name was Evelyn. Salt. Salt. Yeah. I had to look at the
Sidey: at the film. The whole
Dan: The whole film
Sidey: Salt. You
Dan: You remembered Evelyn, that's the tough bit. But yeah, so it seems that
Sidey: there's a huge intake of breath. Oh, they're all like
Dan: And, yeah, and it seems like that she was part of a program in which kids, orphans and things were just, you know, farmed out and made to be these sleeper cell perfect little agents and ready to,
Reegs: is ambiguous in the movie, right? Because a whole load of shit goes on and she ends up leaving, but if they play it in the movie, like you don't know or not she
Sidey: denies it
Reegs: this, she denies it straight away. Then she's worried about her husband and the focus shifts onto that.
That's what accelerates her escape.
Dan: That's right. Well, she, she knows that If they know that she's a spy, they're already trying to kill her husband and family and anyone close to her. So she's trying to get hold
Sidey: because we've also we've got another agent Haven't we and
Dan: and I don't know at this stage if he's, you know, you're starting to think, is he part of it as well?
Who's, who's a friendly here? Who's not? And another agent comes in.
Sidey: mate. Mr. Unpronounceable
Cris: Ah, Joffre.
Reegs: Yeah,
Dan: he's, he's in, he's involved now and he's leading the, the case.
Sidey: Well, also we've had to, you know, captured at the start. So, you know, we want to know like, what was the more to that? So yeah, there's an ambiguity around it. And they say, right, you're not fucking going anywhere till we sort this out. And so she's locked up in a room and she's like, let me call my husband.
I need to call my husband. He's like on voicemail or
Cris: Yeah, voicemail.
Sidey: get hold of him.
Cris: And meanwhile, the Russian man escapes.
Sidey: Yeah. Yeah.
Dan: it's
Reegs: the building starts to go into lockdown. She
Sidey: it's a really shoddy, like CIA building. Yeah.
Dan: Cause she,
Reegs: engineers her own escape, sort of born identity ting it via the surveillance cameras.
And then amazingly improvises a rocket launcher out of yeah. Out of cleaning equipment and
Dan: and the And
the table. Yeah,
Reegs: it's a table leg. Yeah.
Dan: And yeah, that, she manages to escape then and it basically becomes just the next Twenty minutes of her running through various urban locations and, and
Reegs: Yeah, one thing I wanted to really understand about this is at some point, I think it's about now where she goes back and she retrieves, she goes back to the apartment, doesn't she? And she retrieves a spider that she puts in her rucksack, a dog.
a load of other stuff. Then she scales a building with a live dog in her backpack, doesn't she, in the logic of the movie.
Cause she gets the dog out at the end and we were supposed to go, Oh, isn't that brilliant. But I think in climbing that building in, she's got no pants on and
Dan: or shoes.
Reegs: shoes. Yeah. And in a skirt climbing that building with a dog in a
Dan: backpack. Well, it just gave me an enormous sense of how well she'd been trained. And she had been very well trained 'cause she didn't look down. She opens the window to another apartment where she kind of knows the little girl there.
She asked them to look after the dog. And. You know, she could have stayed there for an hour or something. They had no idea where she was. But instead she walks out and then they see her walking down the street. And so begins another chase. And it's actually Liv the What's his name? Schreiber.
Schreiber. But what's his character name? Snow. Snow. He's the one that
Cris: winter or something like that winter something winter.
Dan: He's the one
Sidey: that Ted Winter?
Dan: So Ted sees her walking down the street and goes, Oh, that's her, like, and they all begins to chase. And it's quite a mad chase
Reegs: Is this the one with the jumping on the back of the lorries and
Sidey: Yes,
Reegs: That was a great
Sidey: it's various um sort of freeway sort of things and off ramps and eventually she's cornered and no one can hit a barn door in this film and they fire various shots out of it. She's able to jump off onto the back of a bin lorry or something. Yeah. Yeah. It's good. I really enjoyed this scene.
Dan: Yeah, And she
manages to, to get this daring escape and end she's on a motorbike and the traffic's too much for them to pass in their, in their Jeep and she's able to,
Sidey: it's still at this point all the premise is that she needs to get to her husband though
Reegs: Yeah. Oh, but also we have, and I don't think we made it quite clear, when Orlov was there, he said that she was going to assassinate the Russian president who is in town for the vice president's funeral. Or former vice president.
Yeah. So, against that backdrop, we cut to that basically the night of.
Dan: And it's, it's in a, a big, Church and she's looking through various records of underground tunnels and bits and pieces like that
Reegs: We've seen her change her hair as well and take her contacts
Dan: right, she's got a hotel for the night she did go back to the apartment She did sort of pick up those bits and pieces her
Sidey: But she's extracted some venom, hasn't
Dan: Yeah, and the husband's not there
Sidey: so
Dan: so
Sidey: then
Dan: she, she goes by the catacombs of this this huge,
know, church and, and from under there, while everybody's looking above, everybody's checking out, well, where's
Reegs: Oh yeah. It's definitely the sort of movie where people talk into their earpieces going like, what's happening guys? Talk to me. And, and then you cut and somebody's just lying on the floor and the radio's been picked up or
Dan: Yeah, loads of that, and she manages. To go through these secret passages and call is a cucumber while everybody's waiting for, for shit to happen. The guy who she's after literally the floor just collapses under him and delivers him then to the floor that she's stood on underneath him. And she just shoots him and she's got then got a free shot on
Cris: My mate, Chueto.
Dan: Yeah. Yeah. And and she doesn't take it
Reegs: No, she gives herself up.
Cris: Yeah, she
Dan: take it. She gives herself up. Although she could have taken the shot
Reegs: she could have done
Dan: away. She didn't.
Reegs: As she will point out to him later.
Dan: Indeed she does. Yeah. So they've caught this now highly suspicious terrorist who used to be on their side.
Reegs: president. So Yeah, she
Cris: through the crowd of people after she shot some really important guy as if, oh yeah, and no one actually says anything except for our mate Snow or Winter.
Reegs: I mean, this movie has an enjoyable commitment to being completely ludicrous though, doesn't it?
So, I mean, this, you know, I get it, I get it, you're right, it is ridiculous, but
Cris: just parade her out, the only guilty person, and somehow she's still alive.
No one decides to just shoot her in
Dan: the FBI taking over, it's the good old New York Police
Sidey: There were so many times in the movie and I'm thinking, this is America, like They would have gunned her down like the first second,
Reegs: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Sidey: absolute first chance she'd have been shot.
Reegs: there'd be nothing left of her. Yeah.
Cris: her down like the
Sidey: she still manages to get away.
Cris: been shot. She still manages to get away.
Sidey: way.
but she kind of does, she's not just like body check the two guys next to her
Cris: and then she
Sidey: and then she tasers the guy and then uses, uses the taser to control his foot on
Reegs: Yeah, it's great, yeah.
Dan: Yeah, and there is loads of that. So just as she gets captured, she'll try and escape again. And if she's escaped again, she's likely going to be captured before too long. There is, you know, good parts of her zapping people and giving extreme
Reegs: Well, after she zapped that guy
Sidey: she drives it off a ram doesn't she?
And just crashes the car and then is able to just walk away like completely fine.
Reegs: Well, the airbags went off. They
Sidey: But what I mean is no one thinks to say who's that person walking
Reegs: Yeah. Yeah.
Dan: she sneaks out the back door and everybody goes to
Sidey: front. She just like kind of pulls her hat down and
Reegs: I think next we see her, she's like dressed all in like she's got that fur, isn't she?
She's on the barge
Sidey: She nicks it from a shop just on the way out. Yeah,
Reegs: She looks amazing and she's going out
Dan: to very Russian
Reegs: clean house and deliver us some more exposition. There's quite a lot in this part Yeah.
Sidey: Yeah, it's pretty grim this bit, isn't it? Because she goes out.
Cris: Well, she goes to the attire or like the body shop or whatever.
where the guy watches the telly in the middle of a, like a dump and he sits outside and the telly's outside, which I, I'd never seen that in my life.
Reegs: Well, somebody watching television outside just
Cris: like that in the cold with a hat on and everything. It's just, I don't know. Yeah. Anyway, she sees, she meets Orlov and then they get on the boat and then get on the barge.
Sidey: then he then there's the big exposition dump but also the reveal if they've got the husband. Yeah, this bit is Well, he's suboptimal for her.
Dan: for her.
Yeah, he's in a pit. And they're looking down on him. He's got, he's chained by his feet. And it looks to be a little bit wet around his feet as well. And And she now has to play the
Sidey: It's a test, isn't it?
Dan: it's a test. Like, oh, well you won't mind, you know, I, I told you to, to make yourself at home and convince,
Reegs: that nobody's getting
Dan: married or falling in love.
Sidey: She said I had to make it believable.
Dan: can only, yeah, I have to be. Oh, so it doesn't mean anything to you? No, no. It means nothing
Reegs: I think she wants a gun to take everybody else down.
Dan: know I think she she wants a gun to take everybody
Reegs: what was
Dan: But in fact, it's cold
Sidey: watches him die.
Reegs: has to
Dan: cold. So he you think at one moment she's gonna grab a gun off some
Sidey: I was waiting for that,
Dan: even after he's out of war in the water and It's covered him and he's just looking up with her the same eyes all the time like
Sidey: He's thinking, you fucking bitch.
Dan: gonna save me. I know you're gonna save me.
You love me. I know you're gonna save me and she just doesn't and Then they go into another room. I'm thinking fuck. He's dead now He can't breathe because I'm still thinking She's gonna dive in and give him like mouth to mouth and they're gonna keep him away and they're gonna scare none of that He's dead and and they have a drink to celebrate
Sidey: and now she kills
Dan: Now she kills everybody because she's got and I thought about this afterwards.
Actually, I was thinking well If she tries to save him too early, they're both dead.
Sidey: Not in like, not in this world, well, yes, but world, She has
Reegs: shown herself to be very capable, it was.
Dan: yeah.
Sidey: She took out the two guys in the back of the car with just a shoulder tap
Reegs: And with her hands ziplocked or
Sidey: Yeah, so I was thinking, you might
was like
Dan: them around all with gun pointing at her as she's looking at you know So she was dead either both of them dead or just him dead And then as soon as they trusted her again as soon as he was dead Then she killed everybody but he was never getting away with it.
Sidey: Well, she waits till they're all pissed, doesn't she? Because there's loads of vodka flying around. She
Reegs: He gives, he tells her
Sidey: it.
doesn't she? For Orla?
Dan: gives him a drink.
Cris: the bottle and stabs
Sidey: she doesn't, she doesn't take the shot though, does she? Her house is empty.
Dan: Maybe.
Sidey: She glasses him and then,
Dan: going psycho
Sidey: but the people downstairs, she just grenades down there, they're all gone. It's nice,
Dan: three quick grenades and then just comes in with the,
Sidey: Bang, bang, you're dead. Orlov, see
Reegs: did give Orloff enough time to tell her where to go next in the movie and that is to a plane where she'll meet Corey Stoll, who is gonna take her.
Really on a baffling part now. So he he is an undercover one of
Cris: the bald guy. I forgot
Dan: Yeah, he, he's another
Sidey: He's got,
Dan: He's another
Sidey: got the scar.
Dan: That used to sleep next to her. Really weird. She had all her face done as a kid as well, didn't she? To make her look really pretty, I guess, and give her big lips and all the rest of it. But he had like a terrible scar, but it's nevertheless risen through the ranks of NATO to become a general and the attache to the Americans.
So he gives, he goes everywhere and can do anything. And she's going to be his assistant.
Reegs: Yeah. Major Verkoff, who is a man,
Dan: Jerkoff.
Sidey: horny this bit.
Reegs: so she's going to get They sort of play it as a reveal, like, you didn't know it was going to be Angelina Jolie, but it's like tiny and, I don't know. Anyway, she plays a major and dudes up as a man.
Cris: also has massive tits. In, you know, you can see them. There's no way you can hide
Dan: There's no
Sidey: just had moobs, maybe.
Dan: them. That's how he moves, I think. As they're walking, because they're going to the White House,
Sidey: Yeah, but as they're walking, because they go to the White House, right? Yeah. And they, they get scanned and their stuff all checked through, you know, they're able to get in because he is a legitimate sleeper agent in NATO, wherever it is.
And he's saying like, well, so this is the mission go down to the bunker and do their blah, blah, blah, blah. And she's like, well, how, how's he, you know, he's like, don't worry, I'll make sure they're in the bunker. And you're like, hmm. And as soon as he gets through and he sees the president, in the corridor.
He pulls out a gun, he's shot, but then just detonates his suicide vest, which somehow got through the
Reegs: through,
Sidey: that's right. Yeah,
done a couple So
that caused, that causes this huge panic, which of course it would. And so they have to Geronimo their way down into this you know, security bunker where,
Dan: it's where, you go for the end of the world, where the president
Sidey: you can launch nukes from
Dan: And it's safe as houses in there.
Sidey: Yeah.
Reegs: Especially when Liev Schreiber is escorting you down
Dan: Yeah, unless you've got one of the sleeper cells bringing you
Sidey: 'cause they're ever in this, she she's able to follow the elevator by sneaking through the door and then just jumping down. Yeah. It's a good jumping scene in this really jumping
Reegs: Yeah. Sort of die hardy type affair. They do die harder up in this. Take
Dan: with a little bit of matrix thrown in for floaty effects because some of those jumps are just massive.
But she does it all. She gets down into the most secure vault in the world. Just a few seconds behind the president.
Sidey: It's a conveniently slow closing door. So she has to
Dan: just about to get through Indiana Jones style and and grabs everything and just to find that
shit is hit the fan down there and Liv Ted is is just saying to the president You know tell me
Reegs: Yeah, because we have been told this earlier that the big plan was to launch nukes, but, so that's why she's been following.
Cause she didn't, she wanted to stop that as well. So,
Cris: yeah, because now it was a, it was an attack because the American, it looks like the Americans killed the Russian president. And then
Reegs: they're going to bomb Tehran
Cris: yeah, but they have a report that there's been activity in Russia. There's been temperature changes. They're definitely going to launch nukes. We have to launch them too.
And the president then says, okay, well, the, you know, Give me the codes, echo, Delta, sausage, all that. And then, and then they get the code. He puts the fingerprint in the hand. And then instead of attacking Russia Ted, Dan's mate, Ted kills
Sidey: everyone.
He fucking
Reegs: everyone.
Cris: And he then changes the codes and he wants to attack Mecca, Tehran and all that to look
Dan: to start a big war and, and do it as if America's starting it all.
But really it would be the Russians. It's a perfect plan when you think about
Sidey: it. It's
Reegs: No plan. No,
Dan: agents for 30 years or so. Send them over, make them go through an entire
Sidey: Salt is down there and she gives them a through the window and they have a heart to heart.
Dan: Because they're both children of the Russian revolution. Yeah, and she wants in on it. She's saying no, let us in Let us in downstairs with you.
And he's going to until the television says the russian Premiere is alive. Actually. He's waving
Sidey: He was just temporarily stunned with a spider toxin, it says, and he's like, Oh,
you are, you're double, double agent. She shoots the bulletproof glass for ages for some reason.
Dan: And, and then hits it and with a chair.
Sidey: Yeah, none of that's gonna work, is it? It's fucking bulletproof.
Dan: No. But then she looks at a keypad and thinks, oh, I better luck shooting through the concrete on the other side of that keypad.
I understand. Which is what she does. She manages to find a couple of wires. She puts them together, the door blast open and she's in there.
Sidey: Good old fashioned Showdown.
Dan: Showdown, yeah. Shooting.
Actually, they lose the guns and you think again, he's got a win, isn't he? He's like a big guy. He's going to slam her down and he picks her up and throws her and you think that would end
Reegs: me.
Dan: not be getting up from that. And he, she gets three or four of them.
Cris: but she's trained by the
Dan: trained, not by the Russians,
Cris: but not by the Russians,
Dan: But
there you go. She wins out.
Reegs: It's
a little bit hard to tell in some of this because the camera work is very up close and jerky, it's that kind of action mo yeah, well, it's not quite Paul Greengrass or Michael Bay level bad but it's a little bit
Sidey: She is able to incapacitate him quick enough for her to yank out one of the wires that goes into the nuclear suitcase thing to stop that.
Cris: to stop that.
Sidey: which yeah classic at which point everyone rushes in and she is shot.
Shot to the heart. No, she's shot in the back. Yeah. And you think, oh.
Dan: And he's on the floor.
Sidey: He goes, see to the president. Go and see the president.
Dan: I don't know what's going on there. Look, there she is. She's the wrong one.
Sidey: Yeah.
Dan: And it looks like he's getting away with it. Unbelievable.
Sidey: She's they they get to her and the reveal is she's actually wearing a bulletproof vest. Yeah. So, they're leading her out again. She's being captured and and let out and
Reegs: down. on the ground.
Sidey: She's
paraded through the corridor and Teddy is down on the ground and he clocks there's a pair of scissors.
Yeah. And she looks at him and she's like, I can't have this. So she uses her, she's handcuffed, obviously. She
Dan: Uses the chain
Sidey: the chain behind,
Dan: Yeah
Sidey: behind her back
Reegs: her back
Sidey: and jumps over the banister. So that she kind of garrotte slash chokes him with her body weight. She's, she would have fallen off the
Reegs: Yeah.
Sidey: And they,
Again, I was thinking, well, she'd just be killed.
Like as soon as she bolts,
Dan: try and
Sidey: No, but before she'd even got there anyway they pull her back across. His neck is completely fucked. And you can see it's, he's a goner. And she's taken away with
Cris: in the chopper.
Sidey: in a chopper, get to the chopper
Dan: And
Cris: tell him, this is the
Sidey: you get, you got 15 minutes
Cris: the FBI
Sidey: and then she's, she's Federales and he says, why didn't, why didn't you, you could have, you had the shot.
You could have taken me down and
Cris: you No, she tells him that.
Reegs: what she says. Yeah. Because he's,
Cris: know why I'm saying it's true, because I could have shot you, and you know Do you think I didn't do it on purpose? I just stunned the
Dan: Yeah. and I
Sidey: And he says, how many of them, how many of you're out there? And she's like, like me? No. Yeah. Like him Fucking
Dan: loads of them and I can't do it on my own and she's she's convinced him in a very short period of time.
So he probably had an inkling already that Ted was in on it. He was the one that was making all the calls and, and and was going to kill the president. We did kill the president, and we're just gonna set these, these nukes on, on the go. So, as a favor to her, he smacks her in the face and then undoes her he undoes her
Sidey: have a few kind of like, you know, non verbal moments where he's nodding and winking
Dan: a like a, a little quick countdown. Three, two, one, out the door, and she jumps out the helicopter into like the
Sidey: Potomac.
Cris: Yeah, in the Potomac River.
Dan: into the Potomac River.
Reegs: It's a big call he's made
Sidey: Well, I was thinking, I straight away was like, right, your career is fucked. You're probably gonna go, they're gonna give you life for letting her go.
Yeah. 100%. Yeah. So, you're fucked.
Reegs: Yeah. But
she's off to, to spawn a sequel maybe. yeah.
Sidey: Because I fucking really like this. I watch it in cinema. This is the
Cris: Well, sorry. There's also the, it, it shows the news of the new president of the United States.
And it tells you this, the news that the new president is going to be this guy who randomly, they tell you in the news that his parents were killed in the
Reegs: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
That's right. Yeah.
Cris: going to be
Sidey: all setting up
Cris: John Johnson, who, who out of all his qualities.
Or out of all the information you get for the new president is the fact that he was, his parents were killed in a car crash in Russia or I don't know, whatever, plane
Reegs: Congratulations to new president blah. Who's it was killed. His parents were killed.
That's as bad as it
Dan: yeah, which just kind of sets you up. 'cause that's where all these
Sidey: for the sequel that never happened.
Reegs: They're going to make a TV series or
Sidey: something? I hope they do something because I really
Cris: do something because I really enjoyed it.
Sidey: And i'll tell you right now, 110 million budget And it made 294 million. Whoa. Yeah. Wow.
That's got sequel money written all over it to me but I think
Cris: health concerns,
Sidey: Angelina kind of dropped away from like Major stardom after this.
Dan: Yeah,
Cris: kind of.
Sidey: She had some health concerns, didn't she? She had quite a lot of preventative cancer surgeries and things and so I think kind of just shied away from the public eye a little bit and so maybe she didn't want to do it.
Cris: How old was she when she did this? 2010, that's a while ago
Sidey: ago I don't
Reegs: She has been ill for a long time though,
Sidey: she had um
Dan: so. Yeah, she had
Sidey: She had a very high risk, cancer High risk risk?
Dan: She
Cris: risk risk.
Sidey: I
Cris: Oh, really, I
didn't know that. I just thought she'd just love to adopt kids. And that
Sidey: that was
Cris: Really? Oh, no.
Dan: for me with this film, I never watched it the first time round because I'd heard it was shit and it is getting bad reviews.
And I just thought, well, there's two hours that I won't get back. So let me, let me save it. And I'll watch something else for the third time instead. But so coming around to watch it this time, I didn't have high hopes. And. 10 15 minutes in I was proven correct. I should have no
Sidey: No high
Dan: high hopes but actually the longer it went on and when you take it just as an action film and and bits and pieces the good Actors in there as well.
I enjoyed it, you know enjoyed it as a sunday evening action film You didn't have to think too much and but there was a little bit going on It
Reegs: because
Dan: to make a it tried to put together an interesting plot. It didn't Quite achieve it for
Reegs: No, the plot was ludicrous, but it's more like seeing a woman do a very traditional male action vehicle.
Sidey: written for a male lead and it was originally drawn up to be a Tom Cruise vehicle.
Dan: Yeah,
Reegs: can see that. And, and that's what makes it interesting. They played out, you know, she's still feminine and it's still Angelina Jolie, but they, they play that down as much as possible
Sidey: I think if it was a male lead, it would just be horribly generic her being the lead gives it an edge it is obviously daft and silly.
It's not meant to be anything other than
Dan: that. But there was a few things like the boyfriend, totally not believable, you
Sidey: i've never seen him before or since
Dan: seen him
Cris: have seen him. He was the in, in glorious bastards. He was the captain.
Reegs: Was he the Three Fingers guy, was he? Yes. Yeah.
Cris: That
Sidey: because he was a nazi, wasn't it?
Cris: in, in Inglorious Bastards.
That's the only movie I've ever seen him in. I think he
Dan: he might have been a film called Hunt as well. But so he'd been in bits and pieces. But he wasn't a believable partner for Angelina Jolie in this for me. And I just thought, well, that could have been done. And there was a couple of other similar things. I just thought, I don't know.
Yeah, I know the kind of film it is you obviously need to let a lot go and just believe it the way she's jumping off trucks and
Sidey: but it's that's no less believable than a james bond
Dan: no no it's not but sometimes you just think oh just make it a little bit you know a little bit tidier in it but
Sidey: well, I got a kick out of it.
Dan: I got a kick out of it I can't say I didn't I I thought it was a a film that
They've done a lot better in a lot of other films, but it still wasn't the worst of its type in this kind of genre Yeah, I thought, it was better You thought it was better than even that? Yeah. Okay.
Cris: No, I kind of agree with that to be fair, but at the same time, it's, it's exactly what it is. It's an action movie with a female lead, which is good enough to, to get the above the limit,
Sidey: Where does it, where does it play on your runtime? Ter.
Cris: yeah, it was, they could have cut a few of the, a few of
Sidey: the scenes
Cris: when she's being chased.
Sidey: Yeah. Too long. It's, yeah.
Cris: it's just, I
Dan: just like to thank uh, jolly Rancher. Gummy sours for, For their sponsorship. For
Sidey: this
This, I would say I brought a salty recommend.
Reegs: Mmm.
Dan: Ooh. Ready salted.