James Ward-Byrkit

James Ward-Byrkit Profile Photo

James Ward Byrkit is an American film director and writer. He is best known for directing the science fiction thriller Coherence and co-writing the script for Rango. Byrkit also was the conceptual artist on the first three films of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, and designed some of the most iconic sequences of the series.

Oct. 13, 2021

Shatter Belt - An Interview with Series Creator James Ward Byrkit

2013 movie COHERENCE is a firm favourite over at Bad Dads Towers. We caught up with the film's director James Ward Byrkit to find out all about his new series sci-fi SHATTER BELT. We're so excited to see this series once it's...
Dec. 1, 2020

Midweek Mention... His House

The Bad Dads are not universally sold on the horror genre. That is to say 75% of us won't watch them! This week Reegs makes the case for the highly rated His House. What are the chances of him actually managing to make the ot...
April 17, 2020

Coherence & PJ Masks

Wow! What a week this was for the Bad Dads. With Dan reeling from a lack of Easter chocolate, we managed to get in a solid amount of tv viewing. Inspired by this week's main feature, we made a list of our favourite low budget...