You can now text us anonymously to leave feedback, suggest future content or simply hurl abuse at us. We'll read out any texts we receive on the show. Click here to try it out! Welcome back to Bad Dads Film Review! In today’s...
Inspired by the recent testimony of respected former defence official David Grusch, who confirmed before a congressional comittee that the US has been operating an extra-terrestrial crash retrieval and reverse engineering pro...
Welcome back to another episode of Bad Dads Film Review! Your favourite crew of film-loving Dads are back, and this time we're buckling in for an unsettling ride with the chilling thriller, Misery. Directed by Rob Reiner and ...
When a city gang member decapitates the statue of a local deity, villager Ting (Tony Jaa) is sent to Bangkok to return the stolen head to it's rightful owners. That's pretty much it for plot but it's a classic action movie se...
Dan takes us back to a time he remembers fondly, the fabulous 50's and the birth of the boomer generation who single-handedly solve racism in Gary Ross's 1998 fantasy PLEASANTVILLE. I'm being unnecessarily cynical because on ...
Today, we're stepping into the shoes of rebellious teenagers in the satirical dark comedy classic, "Heathers". Directed by Michael Lehmann, HEATHERS is a 1989 cult film that deconstructs the teen movie genre with a razor-shar...
Seemingly emerging with many of his career trademarks already on display, THIEF (1981) is writer and director Michael Mann's film debut and features the auteur's usual meticulous attention to detail and commitment to realism ...
MEET THE PARENTS (2000) is a high water mark in cringe comedy and sees Ben Stiller's Greg Focker ready to marry girlfriend Pam but before he can pop the question, he must win over her formidable father, humourless former CIA ...
Welcome back to another exciting episode of Bad Dads Film Review! We're your trusty band of Dad cinephiles, here to discuss, dissect, and occasionally disagree over the best and most interesting films the cinema world has to ...
Obviously you've seen hundreds of movies in which a fame weary Elvis Presley didn't die and in fact switched places at the peak of his stardom with an impersonator, the real King of Rock and Roll instead winding up in a conva...
Tune in as your motley crew of Dads voyage through the vast universe of cinema, sharing their thoughts, theories, and endless dad wisdom. Today, we are setting our sights on the cosmos with the intriguingly futuristic film, "...
Today, we journey back to the 18th-century Vienna with the remarkable cinematic masterpiece, "Amadeus". This 1984 film, directed by the virtuoso Milos Forman, is an opulent dramatization of the imagined rivalry between two of...
Ridley Scott's terrific depiction of the events of the Battle of Mogadishu kicks off Operations week as we watch 2001's BLACK HAWK DOWN. I thought I was being so clever picking this, with the disastrous events of Operation Go...
One of the best things about podcasting apart from the fun of the actual recording, the really cool people we’ve been able to meet as a result of doing this, the chance we’ve had to indulge our passions, the unity and commitm...
Just three Bad Dads this week and since that's three for the price of none, only you can judge whether that represents value for money. With all of us having equine obsessed daughters it seems suprising that it has taken us t...
It's never easy writing the show notes when you weren't present for the podcast itself and consequently don't have the overall tone of the discussion to guide you. For instance, the guys talked about the Top 5 Hacking or Comp...
FALLING DOWN (1993) begins innocuously enough when an unnamed white male in his 50's abandons his car in the blazing heat of downtown Los Angeles traffic with the simple and relatable enough desire to get home to his family. ...
We're on something of a hiatus this week but a few months ago Dan and I watched something a little bit different... I'm probably not going out on a limb when I suggest that Chilean surrealist filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky's ...
This weeks show was masterminded by Bad Dad Sidey who would have pleased the many protective headgear enthusiasts in our audience by nominating the Top 5 Helmets for us to discuss. Will we manage to talk about this subject wi...
When you think about scenes in movies, boiling water never is too far from the screen. Tropes such as demanding that someone grabs hot water and towels when babies are born or directors using the whistling effect of a boiling...
This week’s show sees us discussing The Razzies, the annual award ceremony dedicated to celebrating the very worst that Hollywood has to offer. Publicist John J.B. Wilson held a reverse Oscars party at his house in 1981 in wh...
We begin this week’s show with a chat about the Top 5 Pre or Post Kill or Injury one-liners, a topic which baffled poor Dan with its complexity and caused one Bad Dad to lament that an interesting looking topic on paper does ...
When it comes to onscreen violence there's nothing quite like a beheading to get the blood pumping. Whether it be in service of the story or the audiences blood lust, screenwriters have chosen time after time to lop off a cha...
Sidey is famed for his sartorial elegance so it should come as no surprise that he picked the Top 5 Suits for us to discuss. By the end of this week’s show, you'll know your two-piece from your three-piece, your tuxedo from y...