AI week starts with a look back at the 1984 James Cameron classic THE TERMINATOR. Set in a dystopian future where machines have taken over the world, and the remnants of humanity are fighting for their survival, the film foll...
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, or MACTFSOTW, as it prefers to be known, is a swashbuckling adventure on the high seas where the English Navy chase down and capture some Frenchies. A sure fire hit as …
Kicking off a bit of a musical theme this week, Dan nominated GOOD VIBRATIONS (2012). The movie is based on the life of Terri Hooley , a record-store owner instrumental in developing Belfast 's punk rock scene. The film has …
The sixth collaboration between British action film legends Jesse V. Johnson and Scott Adkins sees the actor in unfamiliar territory as antihero Cain Burgess, escaping from H.M.P. Belmarsh after the death of his mother and se...
In Bruges is a movie I've heard so much about and never had anyone say a bad word in its general direction. And yet despite that that I've still never found the time to see it. This week it's another …
Henry Cavill has been in the news a bit recently. First up he gunned The Witcher. Presumably as he was donning the cape again as Superman. Then all of a sudden that wasn't the case. How quickly things change. Anyhow, …
Here is another entry in the "movies that did quite well, but no of the Dads no it exists" category. REAL STEEL is the story of Hugh Jackson and the tender story of the rekindling of the broken father & …
We thought it might be fun to laugh at Pete's dentistry related misfortune. First up for this week was MARATHON MAN. Dustin Hoffman undertakes some pretty extreme dental surgery which was all to relatable for poor Pete. Featu...
This weeks Midweek Mention is a glorious mishmash of ultra low-budget niche-interest film-making and Sidey trolling as we start our winter celebrations with a look at The Asylum's HOME ALONE with dogs clone, BONE ALONE (aka A...
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story is a biographical parody film directed by Eric Appel , who co-wrote the screenplay with "Weird Al" Yankovic. The film is a satire of biopics and wildly exaggerates Yankovic's life and career as an...
ZERO EFFECT takes the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle short story "A Scandal in Bohemia" and updates it in a 1998 comedy slash mystery from Jake Kasdan which Sidey loves and I had never seen before. Bill Pullman is tortured soul …
We've been stanning for Colin Farrell for some time now and following his portrayal of quiet and modest heroism in THIRTEEN LIVES. I thought we should take a look at his back catalogue to work out whether there were early …
If there's one thing Hollywood loves doing it's killing us all and given the current state of our world I think we should let them. The first disaster movie, 1936's SAN FRANCISCO, was about the earthquake which ripped that ci...
Ok, I was really hoping that Reegs would have written some notes, but alas that hasn't happened! We opted for a violent theme for this week's content. Nothing brings out ones violent tendencies more effectively than a family ...
The Dads continue to reel from the loss of Reegs, with this week’s horrible take on STAND BY ME as well as Dan declining to tell his masturbation story being two particularly low points. Will they redeem themselves this week?...
I feel we should apologise in advance dear listener. Our topic of choice for our Top 5 discussion is movie masturbation moments. As feared the Dads regressed into their teenage selves and lots of daft giggling and infantile c...
This week sees us paying homage to the montage and though it's really an editing technique if you want to be pedantic about it which I do, they're a useful tool in the screenwriters arsenal too, perhaps being used to …
Sidey joined up with the guys from 8bit popcorn. We reviewed Pixar's Inside Out, but also felt compelled to critique their entire back catalogue.
The mirror is one of the truly great cinematic objects. Their use has fascinated viewers and directors alike and their rich metaphorical potential coupled with the innate visual properties they offer allow possibilities for t...
Jim Jarmusch's PATERSON is not about legalised corruption at the hands of this disgraceful Tory government but is in fact a tone poem about a bus driver-poet by that name who lives in the city of Paterson, New Jersey. Paterso...
Howie crawled out of his covid-19 related sick bed to join Sidey and Dan in the Man Cave. It's only fitting that he should face the music for this weeks movie nomination! A name is a term used for identification …
Sidey starts things up by spoiling NO TIME TO DIE so if you are a Bond fan and you don't want that to happen, be warned! Peter is back and being a pain in the neck as we conclude vampire …