Avid fan of the show, Jamie Cairns nominated The Boondock Saints. This gem was released in 1999 by writer/director Troy Duffy. All round good egg Harvey Weinstein was so taken with the concept that he gave Mr Duffy one hell …
Jim Jarmusch's PATERSON is not about legalised corruption at the hands of this disgraceful Tory government but is in fact a tone poem about a bus driver-poet by that name who lives in the city of Paterson, New Jersey. Paterso...
Dan was let loose to nominate this week. Long time listeners may have heard Dan mention this movie a few times down the years. We watched LET IT RIDE (1989). A movie starring a fella whose name we couldn't agree …
Howie crawled out of his covid-19 related sick bed to join Sidey and Dan in the Man Cave. It's only fitting that he should face the music for this weeks movie nomination! A name is a term used for identification …
Jonathan Glazer 's directorial debut , Sexy Beast, is a heist thriller featuring an all time great performance from Sir Ben Kingsley. Here he's equal parts swearing machine and crime gang psychopath. He really does steal this...
Sidey starts things up by spoiling NO TIME TO DIE so if you are a Bond fan and you don't want that to happen, be warned! Peter is back and being a pain in the neck as we conclude vampire …
With three of the Dads being big fans of From Dusk Till Dawn the pressure was on Sidey to make it a full house. Quentin Tarantino wrote and starred alongside George Clooney in the bonkers film of two halves. It …
Inspired by this week’s main feature, Reegs took the easy way out and nominated the Top 5 Prisoners for our discussion. As it happens this was pretty fruitful territory as there has been one or two movies made featuring priso...
With the Bad Dads reduced to a mere duo through a combination of illness and stupidity on behalf of the rest of the team, it's up to Sidey and Dan to steady the ship and bring us this week’s show. …
Kinji Fukasaku 's BATTLE ROYALE (200) is sometimes hailed as a modern classic. Quentin Tarantino certainly thinks so, and who are we to argue with him!? Well at least one of the Dads is keen for an argument as someone …
There's a mere trio of Bad Dads for you this week with both Howie and Peter Andre absent for various trivial and unimportant reasons. The Top 5 Movies with a French Connection is quite possibly one of the least well-defined …
Join us to discuss the 2021 Disney parent murder-fest CRUELLA. Warning, we do chat about all the spoilerific movie content! We do however also have a bunch of copies of the movie available to giveaway, which is nice. All you …
10 years ago my wife and I got married in a small, intimate ceremony at a local hotel and today we celebrated a decade married by packing the kids off to school and going to play crazy golf, so yeah, …
This week’s show is brought to you from the mind of everyone's favourite sea defecator, Howie. There's been a notable rise in diversity on screen over the last few years as evidenced by the increasing number of LGBTQ+ charact...