The mirror is one of the truly great cinematic objects. Their use has fascinated viewers and directors alike and their rich metaphorical potential coupled with the innate visual properties they offer allow possibilities for t...
You can't handle the truth! And the truth is that was probably the laziest possible way to introduce this weeks Top 5, which is all about Courtroom scenes. From high stakes and huge drama to reindeer hit-and-runs and everythi...
Just about my favourite thing in all of cinema is the long take or 'oner', whether it's to establish character or geography, to infuse a scene with intensity or drama or to present incredible skill and scale from impossible s...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has made in excess of 23 billion dollars worldwide since Iron Man's debut in 2008 and superhero movies have become so ubiquitous that we take them for granted but this wasn't always the case. Whe...
Imagine a world without music. No jazz, soul, punk, funk or gospel, no rock, no roll, no hip, no hop. You can't do it can you, and not only because your brain has been reduced to little more than a paperweight by endlessly sc...
A lot has been written about the Second Amendment to the United States constitution over the years, much of it in dispute over what the right to keep and bear arms means for individual Americans. What I'm sure we can all agre...
When I was 7 years old I had a recurring nightmare for a while in which a Tyrannosaurus-Rex would grow from a single pixel on my old CRT television, slowly at first and then emerging far beyond the edge of the screen until it...
For my wife's birthday I bought her a beautiful fridge freezer. I know it isn't much, but you should have seen her face light up when she opened it.* In the real world, the humble fridge is a purely functional home appliance ...
From the stunningly detailed rendering of Avatar's Pandora through to the digital erasure of Arnie Hammer's testicles in Call Me By Your Name, the special and visual effects people have been bringing movie magic into the film...
Now that you've willingly subjugated yourself to a tyrannical dictatorship which has you imprisoned in your own home for the rest of your life, you've finally got the chance to watch all those really long movies you never qui...
We love money at Bad Dads, almost as much as we love a good old-fashioned armed robbery so we were very excited to discuss this weeks Top 5 Memorable Movie Bank Jobs. With elaborate heists and capers firmly off the table for ...
Have you guys heard about this thing called the internet? Well now we have too and having decided to take up residence there , you can experience more of our mediocre content at - check it out! Whether it’...
As I get older I tend to re-watch movies less than I used to; perhaps it's because as I have matured I understand the art form better and have more life experience to draw on to deconstruct cinema. Or maybe it's because as I ...
Despite the near-constant stream of adaptations of books made into movies, “the book was better” seems to be a popular conclusion. But is that always the case? Some of the most successful and beloved films of all times are ba...