Ahoy there, fellow Bad Dads! Today's episode of the Bad Dads Film Review is teeing off with our top picks of golf movies, sailing into a classic comedy from the 80s, and wrapping up with a bit of mischievous fun for the kids....
If it surivived the edit, a story about Dan's gargantuan toe map kicks off tonights festive episode as we take a look at Netflix's THE CHRISTMAS CHRONICLES 2. Having enjoyed the family-friendly action hijinks and inspired cas...
THE THING is John Carpenter's 1982 horror masterpiece, combining a simple but sensational premise with some of the most incredible special effects ever devised from legendary prosthetic makeup designer Rob Bottin. Crash landi...
Fasten your seatbelts and watch the in flight safety demonstration as we take to the air for mid-90s action dross Executive Decision. We're mentioned Kurt Russell a few times on recent episodes, so it was jolly decent of Reeg...