Jonah Hill Episodes

July 14, 2023

21 Jump Street & Saved by the Bell

Welcome back to another episode of Bad Dads Film Review, where your favorite film fanatic Dads unpack the best and worst of cinema and television. This week, it's all about schools! To kick things off, we're hitting the books...

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March 22, 2023

Re-release.... Mid 90's

Things went into a total meltdown this week, which is a shame as we had lots of great fish related content to share with you all. We did manage to record something for Friday, but for now you'll have to remember the time we w...

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Jan. 14, 2022

Don't Look Up & The Wonder Years

If there's one thing Hollywood loves doing it's killing us all and given the current state of our world I think we should let them. The first disaster movie, 1936's SAN FRANCISCO, was about the earthquake which ripped that ci...

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