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Listen in this week as we laud our mediocre achievements, and to celebrate them what better way could there possibly be than chatting about the Top 5 Celebrations. It may have taken four hundred episodes to do so but the Dads...
Reegs selected the 1986 Disney sci-fi classic FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR for our viewing entertainment. Joey Cramer stars as David Freeman, a 12-year old boy who falls into a ravine in 1978 rendering himself briefly unconscious ...
THE THING is John Carpenter's 1982 horror masterpiece, combining a simple but sensational premise with some of the most incredible special effects ever devised from legendary prosthetic makeup designer Rob Bottin. Crash landi...
Generally regarded as the goriest movie ever made... We watched Braindead. From the guy who made the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The same guy. Unbelievable!!