Welcome back to Bad Dads Film Review, where today we're taking a flight into the menacing skies of Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 classic, "The Birds." This film is not only a cornerstone of horror cinema but also a masterclass in s...
FINAL DESTINATION (2000) follows student Alex Browning (Devon Sawa) who saves the lives of himself, a teacher and several classmates after experiencing a terrifying premonition that their plane bound for Paris will explode sh...
Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard's 2011 THE CABIN IN THE WOODS is a postmodern comedy which takes the familiar tropes and conventions of horror movies to unexpected places. Witty, fun and so incredibly meta that it works both as ...
75% of the Bad Dads wear glasses which it turns out is a decent representation of the general public according to The Vision Council who I've never heard of. That seems like an awful lot if you compare that to the number of c...
Our Midweek Mention begins our week long delve into the world of Marvel movies. Egged on by Sidey's unrelenting claims that Howard the Duck is the best Marvel movie, Reegs picked this classic tale of girl meets duck. There ar...
Imagine a world without music. No jazz, soul, punk, funk or gospel, no rock, no roll, no hip, no hop. You can't do it can you, and not only because your brain has been reduced to little more than a paperweight by endlessly sc...
If you're not familiar with the rules of Mortal Kombat, allow me to explain it to you. It's a form of kombat (or martial arts kompetition) between fighters from different realms. For some reason our realm - including Earth wh...
When I was 7 years old I had a recurring nightmare for a while in which a Tyrannosaurus-Rex would grow from a single pixel on my old CRT television, slowly at first and then emerging far beyond the edge of the screen until it...
For my wife's birthday I bought her a beautiful fridge freezer. I know it isn't much, but you should have seen her face light up when she opened it.* In the real world, the humble fridge is a purely functional home appliance ...
Well we loved the first Gremlins movie, so we thought why not?! Three quarters of us revisited this one just recently. Dan couldn't be bothered, instead he was moonlighting on another podcast! We took him on a trip down memor...
Across the world, families have traditional rituals to celebrate the relentless and depressing march towards the dead of winter and this year, with the added bonus of a global pandemic thrown into the equation and the near co...
The Bad Dads are not universally sold on the horror genre. That is to say 75% of us won't watch them! This week Reegs makes the case for the highly rated His House. What are the chances of him actually managing to make the ot...
Peter Andre dropped by for a chat this week. Which was nice. We made a list of our favourite time travel movies. We kinda cheated this week too, you'll have to tune in to find out how. Reegs nominated another horror film for ...
Sometimes whilst making a podcast the stars align and everything comes together perfectly. This was so very nearly the case for us this week! We had missed making lists, so first up me discussed the best femme fatales. Have a...
With all the miserable news coverage we have decided to lighten things up a bit. We compile our list of the most memorable movie deaths. There were some difficult choices to make there! The it's off to rural Sweden for a love...