You can now text us anonymously to leave feedback, suggest future content or simply hurl abuse at us. We'll read out any texts we receive on the show. Click here to try it out! Welcome back to Bad Dads Film Review! Today, we’...
You can now text us anonymously to leave feedback, suggest future content or simply hurl abuse at us. We'll read out any texts we receive on the show. Click here to try it out! Welcome back to Bad Dads Film Review! This week,...
Welcome back to another episode of Bad Dads Film Review! Today, we're taking a high-flying adventure with The Walk (2015), and then zooming into the animated world of Mighty Mouse for our younger viewers. Directed by Robert Z...
One of the best things about podcasting apart from the fun of the actual recording, the really cool people we’ve been able to meet as a result of doing this, the chance we’ve had to indulge our passions, the unity and commitm...